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HINDU MUSLIM bhai bhai!!!!

Oh yes, same language, race, culture, cuisine, music, sports, religion, political system, food! Yes, about as natural as the two nation theory :P

It doesnt matter. We Pakistanis dont share anything with the Central/Southern Indians (who make majority of india). Some Pakistanis especially in our North-East share many similarities with the Chinese Muslims especially in Xinjiang province.

China is a trusted friend while India is an enemy. China is building Pakistan in every sector while India dreams of destroying Pakistan. China and Pakistan share the same interests in the region, while India and Pakistan have conflicting interests in every country in the South/Central Asian region.

China and Pakistan = best friends.

India and Pakistan - enemies forever with 4 wars and on-going disputes.

We rather unite with China than with India, but we like being only PAKISTANI and we are happy we are an independent nation and not part of India or any other nation.
*groans* Oh no, not again. :hitwall:

we (indians and pakistanis) are made of same blood..
we share same culture
we have a lot of similarity among us
still we fight with each other
have inferiority complex
are jealous of each others success
are always ready to indulge in a war with each other

if england and france(once the most evil rivalry ) can befriend and stand united
why cant we........

Sorry for offending, but you idiot, the thread title should have been India-Pakistan unity. Not Hindu-Muslim unity. You are doing exactly what the Pakistanis want you to do. Characterising India as Hindu only...a sort of counterpart of Pakistan...an equivalent...No we are not. We are not the same....not now , not ever. We have a different set of high ideals...
China and Pakistan have too much friendship to share and go back a long way. Sadly India pretend its no issue yet Indians come on here tarnishing and critical of it. Somethings burning
It's ok - I can totally understand hatred towards Muslims by Hindus which is only natural. Muslims Ruled Hindus (despite Muslims being minority and hindus majority) for hundred of years so it was bound to create some sort of animosity.


We (both Hindus and Muslims native to the land) got ruled by Turks, Afghans and Turko-Mongols.

That is the reality.

We (both Hindus and Muslims native to the land) got ruled by Turks, Afghans and Turko-Mongols.

That is the reality.

LOL, after being ruled by foreigners for millenia and being bombed (or ''built'') by foreigners daily, it sure has generated some serious delusions in these people.
we (indians and pakistanis) are made of same blood..
we share same culture
we have a lot of similarity among us
still we fight with each other
have inferiority complex
are jealous of each others success
are always ready to indulge in a war with each other

if england and france(once the most evil rivalry ) can befriend and stand united
why cant we........

You have good intention but i am sure you have now realized that its not possible after reading replies of peoples here. This seed of hatred in hearts of indians/pakistani is very strong..
You have good intention but i am sure you have now realized that its not possible after reading replies of peoples here. This seed of hatred in hearts of indians/pakistani is very strong..

That is because the path towards friendship between India & Pakistan is filled not only with obstacles, but even with dangers of getting killed, so almost everyone (especially the leaders) takes the easy way out...hate & animosity towards each other. If someone who is strong willed & powerful (maybe like Imran Khan) can make this happen, then that would be a miracle of this century. Last century we became enemies, maybe this century we can be friends...:smitten:
Without's India's help, there would be no survival of LTTE in the whole scenario as only India would have benefits if LTTE becomes successful in its goals. There is no country other than India that can benefit from funding organization of LTTE.

Great!! and we had sent the IPKF in Sri Lanka to play cricket there.
That is because the path towards friendship between India & Pakistan is filled not only with obstacles, but even with dangers of getting killed, so almost everyone (especially the leaders) takes the easy way out...hate & animosity towards each other. If someone who is strong willed & powerful (maybe like Imran Khan) can make this happen, then that would be a miracle of this century. Last century we became enemies, maybe this century we can be friends...:smitten:

I don't think friendship between Pakistani or Indian is impossible which is visible in western countries with few exception :D

may be not bhai-bahi but boht countries could have friendly relations but trust is the key..we cannot have good relationship with each others if we lack trust. I don't think i hate Indians. Hate is very strong word. I dont agree with their negative perception of islam and pakistan but other than that there is no hard feelings here. I don't think we need leaders for having friendly relations with each others. Its our fault if we get in trap of those leaders/mullah/blind nationlist who spread hate /animosity
I don't think friendship between Pakistani or Indian is impossible which is visible in western countries with few exception :D

may be not bhai-bahi but boht countries could have friendly relations but trust is the key..we cannot have good relationship with each others if we lack trust. I don't think i hate Indians. Hate is very strong world. I dont agree with their negative perception of islam and pakistan but other than that there is no hard feelings here. I don't think we need leaders for having friendly relations with each others. Its out fault if we get in trap of those leaders who spread hate /animosity

You are right, the main reason is we live in different enclosures & so we tend to believe our leaders who say any lies to gain votes. At the same time this gives an oportunity to the people with vested interest to create bloodshed & chaos through terrorism in each others countries & this would thus lead to more hatred and animosity among the common people towards the other country. If we had more people to people interaction or other source of communication, then people would stop this blind hatred & slowly maybe even transform into friendship. I never cared about Pakistanis before I came to Australia & here I have a few very close Pakistani friends which happened because of my interaction with them.
I don't know why Indians and Pakistanis become bhai bhai when they come to the countries of "goras" ? WE stand by eachother against retarded goras here but what happens when we go back to our countries? India and Pakistan and China and Russia and Japan and Indonesia and Iran and Saudia etc etc SHOULD have good,friendly relations. We let ourselves to be exploited by the West just because of our fake ego . . . .

For prosperity of the people..India and Pakistan should have friendly relations.
I don't know why Indians and Pakistanis become bhai bhai when they come to the countries of "goras" ? WE stand by eachother against retarded goras here but what happens when we go back to our countries? India and Pakistan and China and Russia and Japan and Indonesia and Iran and Saudia etc etc SHOULD have good,friendly relations. We let ourselves to be exploited by the West just because of our fake ego . . . .

For prosperity of the people..India and Pakistan should have friendly relations.

I absolutely agree with you. But the land of goras gave me an opportunity to meet & understand Pakistanis and eventually lead to our friendship. If I were in India I would have hardly met any Pakistani & would naturally form my opinion of Pakistanis based on the media reports or what some neta may scream on the stage or some loose mouthed rumours & news passed on by the common people. But here I got the opportunity to actually meet them & form a first hand opinion. I'm sure it's the same in Pakistan & that is why I believe there is so much hatred among us.
I am all for friendly relations, tree hugging etc. But i am strongly opposed to forging something of that sort with today's Pakistan. For starters, they need improve the security situation, tame their armed forces and their intelligence agencies which almost always ends up making headlines for all the wrong reasons.

Every one step forward India takes to ensure peace, Pakistani establishment negates with two steps backward.

Come out of your hole and get you head out of your derrierre. Also get rid of this mass jihadi mentality. Then maybe....MAYBE, we can start thinking about "peace".
I am all for friendly relations, tree hugging etc. But i am strongly opposed to forging something of that sort with today's Pakistan. For starters, they need improve the security situation, tame their armed forces and their intelligence agencies which almost always ends up making headlines for all the wrong reasons.

Every one step forward India takes to ensure peace, Pakistani establishment negates with two steps backward.

Come out of your hole and get you head out of your derrierre. Also get rid of this mass jihadi mentality. Then maybe....MAYBE, we can start thinking about "peace".

Hah ! You are talking like as if your opinion even "matters" :lol: Who has "mass" jihadi mentality? No one ! So you should stop your hate of Islam/Muslims and also stop going to anti-Islamic websites too. No one in Pakistan is a "jihadi" :disagree: Every nation has its chunk of idiot extremists. Also, Jihad has already achieved what none other can even think of achieving..so no need to continue Jihad ;) Also Pakistan NEVER did "jihad" against India..yup,we and USA 'used' the name of jihad in brainwashing taliban that fought against USSR ..Our security is bad cuz we are fighting a war,duhh..what kind of logic is are you presenting? 'If you want good relations with us,improve your security conditions in the midst of a war'. . .:disagree: Also it goes both ways...don't try to give the impression that India is an angel and Pakistan is devil..No one is saint here,if THAT what you think....after all,we all know how badly brain washed Indians are..thanks to their media who portrays Pakistan as "Afghanistan" ...
Hey AUz, you talk as if your opinion matters. On topic: Is it not true that religion takes precedence when deciding on the state policy of Pakistan? Is it not true that terrorists like OBL find refuge in Pakistan? Is it not true that Pakistan , until recently, has been under dictatorship and fake democracy ? I have a lot more......but lets leave that bit for now.

While Pakistan has the title of the "world's largest hypocrisy", India has maintained the title of " world's largest democracy". The difference between us are huge; if not astronomical.

Its like i said, mend your ways, naked amends and then push for peace. Until then any "treaty" or "policy" would be just namesakes.

As for pakistan being similiar to Afghanistan or even worse than Afghanistan is another matter. Instead of watching Indian news outlets watch the series " Secret Pakistan" by BBC. Its very "revealing".
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