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Hindu-Muslim antagonism

@mark the Truth
Well its time to update your history. The first muslim in India was a King from the Kerala about a 100 years before muslims entering in Sindh. There could be many more corrections as well.

Origin of Muslims in India | TwoCircles.net

Thanks Ejaz, the article really calls for comments from Muslims only as there's really no room left for us lowly hindus to comment :)

I wonder if this kind of demogogy passes off as history in Pakistan. That would help me understand many of my friends here :)
Pakistan and Pakistanis suffer from Identity Crisis.
hmmmm....... @markthetruth, this is probably the history that you were taught while growing up in Pakistan. It is not even one bit similar to the history that I was taught on this side of the border. But I understand the necessity of your version of history for Pakistan, given the compulsions of the justification of your existence........

I like the our version of the history and the life better, at least I am not "marked like the truth" for customs frisking and being asked "please step aside sir" when I am crossing ports internationally. Strangely the moment they see an Indian passport, they seem to relax a bit. I am still searching for the answer for this physical stimuli phenomenon, if you are able to find it in our 60 and a few years history as communities in two separate nations, do let me know bro....

I will accept that there is discrimination with the Muslim community in India which has led to a skewed social development scenario, but like one of my friends said one very late evening in the college hostel, "at least it is a positive situation that we have to just fight poverty and for creating an inclusive growth sentiment in India, think about the ones in Pakistan, they still do not what they have to strive for and..... where to start..."
here are some videos for reference, and how minorities are treated in Pakistan.

yivN8RW2pV8[/media] - Sikhs of Pakistan

JTKHnx7n6Kk[/media] - Treatment of Non Muslim Sikhs in Pakistan. Are Sikh IDPs treated equally? English Subtitles

In India sikh religion has no recognition and are given certificates under the Hindu religion where as Pakistan recognizes a minority's religion which is far lesser than in number compared to India and gives them recognition based on their religion, now who is secular.

cPBiF_EMSiE[/media] - Sikhs welcomes Pakistan decision to bring Anand Karaj Act

SIKH OF PAKISTAN is loved by pakistani people.This video is shows proof of it.[/url]

Funny you guys put two or three evidence to show that Pakistan is tolerent to minorities but when Indians shows 100's of evidence and people of minority religions also says that there is no such thing like minorities are oppressed every where in India you guys find it hard to believe and once in a meek a new thread about minority oppressions in India is pop up here in this forum :pop:
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@mark the Truth
Well its time to update your history. The first muslim in India was a King from the Kerala about a 100 years before muslims entering in Sindh. There could be many more corrections as well.
Arabs invaded Sind in 638 A.D(I repeat they 'invaded' (everyone including our Pakistani friends in this forum knows this))

Muhammad (PBUH) was born on 570 A.D. According to your calculation there should be a Muslim king in Kerala in 538 A.D

Obviously you got every thing wrong.
Our defense ministers for the last 15 years have been Christians, Our PM for the last 6 years have been Sikh. Our last army general who was a Sikh is now a governor. A parsi had also been our army general. 3 of our states are ruled by christian 1 by Muslim 1 by Buddhist 1 by Sikh. Our last president was Muslim, Our vice president now is Muslim(Hamid Ansari),Our speaker is Rahman khan.................................the list goes now endlessly.
Amar Akbar Anthony of Indian Armed Forces:

At one time the 3 heads of the armed forces were Hindu, Muslim and Christian.
Admiral Ronald Lynsdale Pereira was the Navy chief, General Krishna Rao was the Army Chief and Air Marshal Idris Latif was the head of the IAF. This was sometime in 1980 or 81.

Is there any country in the world that can say something like this?
Ultra nonsense is spread throughout in this thread intro.
Bin Qasim killed thousands in Sindh after Dahir was defeated. For the first time, Villagers & common people were butchered in a way this nation has even never heard before. Fear for life forced people to embrace Islam & nothing else ever in India.
The generosity of Muslim rulers-
Mehmood of Ghajani(Afghanistan), not even Afghan, a Turk- a race itself forced convert to Islam, attacked multiple times, killed lakhs, looted, desytroyed numerous Mandirs & still according to you was GENEROUS.
Ghori was GENEROUS in the same way & Aibak's general Bhaktiyaar Khalaji who burnt Nalanda & Vikramsila universities along with thousands of teachers & students in the year 1199 was More GENEROUS than these.
All these is proudly recorded by their very own court Historians, i can go on & on about the generosity of the ButShikans & the Ghazis till the August 1946 Calcutta killings of Jinnah, the space here would become small.
I simply don't want to waste my time here.
Think once if you can!- A period of almost a thousand years under Jaziya, Terror of Arabs to Turks to Afghans to Mughals could'nt reduce the aborigin Hindus to such current low limits in Pakistani & Bangladesi region as the convert Pakistanis did in mere 24 years from 1947 to 1971. The 1398 massacres carried by Timur in Delhi are nowhere near what Pakistani army did to Hindus of the west Pakistan.
Fear Allah!!!
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