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Hindu mob have burned down the mosque and killed the Naib Imam!

People here want to highlight only one side of all events that happen in India. If a Muslim dies then it is always fault of Hindus. Investigation and decision is given at faster pace then light and Hindus blamed for everything.

Look at inflammatory headlines created for such tragedies. If these people have their way, then there would be riots happening in India based in such flame mongers.

No one gave such a headline for bomb blast in Paksiatn. The headline should have been - “Bomb blast by a Muslim kills more than 50 Muslims”. OR “Hatred filled Muslim kills 50 Muslims”.

These people seem to be elated at prospect of being able to key in their inflammatory views here rather than feeling actual sorrow for loss of life.
Good to see Hindus responding to these mewati rioters, a few more blows and these jihadis will be back to their ghettoes.

Some days before, one temple got blast by rocket in Pakistan, no one here were crying now who are crying,
This mindset is our only hope against India. Pakistan army is corrupt, but hey Indians, make us proud.
Apu dothead will be out in force telling their narrative lopsided storyline. Apu dothead desperately seeks our approval and acceptance hence he floods to our social media in hopes that we will claim we’re all the same or accept them as Pakistanis. It’s like a cheap whor* catcalling some guy and when the guy doesn’t response, the whor* will resort to using all types of profanity against him.

Apu dothead, smells and looks like sh*t.
This mindset is our only hope against India. Pakistan army is corrupt, but hey Indians, make us proud.
People here draw opinions based on sporadic incidents in India and then apply an increment of few 100% to what they believe is the situation.

The assessment that India is about to implode is something they hope. With the number of ethnic and religious diversity in India, there is always some issue going on. Anyone with even little inclination can find out the history of religious strife in India. These events keep happening while India moves on. This violence has been perpetrated by Muslims as well as Hindus. Both have been equally responsible for it.

If 100 Crore Hindus really had the kind hatred as claimed on pdf, then a civil war would have already started.
Some days before, one temple got blast by rocket in Pakistan, no one here were crying now who are crying, we're crying during the time against the muslim community and those people..

Well, very sad incidents

That's because we hate Hindus and couldn't care less what happens to them or their temples

But obviously we are going to care about Muslims, even Indian Muslims

India is divided, hate filled and communal, it's is dividing and partitioning

Every month I tell you this, every month you Hindu clowns try to deny it and laugh It off and EVERY day it's gets proven right

But by bit, day by day the communal hell hole inside India will force partition
FIRST a soft Internal partition and economic boycott and then a full partition
Why are the Muslims of India so cowardly .
It’s there own fault if they aren’t fighting back
Do they not have weapons to fight back .
Why are the Muslims of India so cowardly .
It’s there own fault if they aren’t fighting back
Do they not have weapons to fight back .
I think they saw how Muslims of Pakistan failed so badly, even getting their country which wasn't supposed to be "undone" split into two in 71'.... and decided that they would rather be cowards.

Prolly Muslims of Pakistan should wage a war against Hindoos to instill some confidence into the cowards?
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