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Hindu Idols vandalised at five temples in Dinajpur Bangladesh

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you sure about the projection? Kerala will be muslim majority by 2030s?
The generation that will come of age in 2030s will have more Muslims than Hindus. As the older generation dies off the newer generations that will replace them will progressively have more Muslims percentage wise.
:yahoo: That is exactly what your "friends" want. They will drive out the minorities and come after them into your land.
You are also ignorant about the CAA laws.

For a person to qualify for CAA.

- The person should be a minority from Bangladesh, Pakistan or
Afghanistan, and have been living in India since 2014 or earlier
waiting to be granted citizenship.

-The CAA does not mean a person can jump over the fence and claim
citizenship. Full documents are needed to show that the person is indeed a Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Christian or Parsi (Jews and Muslims not allowed) , and was a resident of a verified address in Pakistan, Bangladesh, or Afghanistan. A police record showing persecution on account of religion is also necessary such as injury or loss of property during a communal riot.
Hindus from Pakistan, Bangladesh, or Afghanistan visiting India for pilgrimage are not covered by CAA because they are traveling on valid visas as citizens of their respective countries for pilgrimage only and not fleeing persecution. If they stay back and claim asylum they have a 5 year wait ( under CAA) during which they can't legally work, start a business, or buy property.

That is the law !

The CAA doesn't even apply to many of those Hindus arrested in the Assam NRC because they came after 2014, and those who were there before had been living illegally for so long in Assam, that they had no records from when and where they came from Bangladesh.

The Indian Muslims were needlessly getting worked up. Unless there is rank corruption and fascist style persecution no NRC process will ever be able to tell a Hindi or Urdu speaking Muslim resident of Jama Masjid or Lucknow that he or she is an illegal Bangladeshi.

Indian Muslims are far more careful than the ordinary Indian citizens and keep their citizenship documents very carefully. Trying to strip them of their citizenship is impossible. The only Muslims at risk in India are Bengali speaking Muslims of West Bengal and Assam living on the border of Bangladesh who have neglected to keep their land, schools, and other records and are day laborers. There are very few such persons. In 2019, both the West Bengal and Assam governments working officially, and through NGOs launched a massive drive to ensure Assamese Muslims and West Bengali Muslims got their personal records updated.

There are Bengali Muslim Bangladeshi illegal migrants, who by the way are intensely disliked by their West Bengali and Assamese Muslim counterparts because of the trouble they are causing. How India will detect them and how they will send them back is unclear.

CAA ? :undecided:Try telling a Bhojpuri speaking Bihari Muslim he is a Bangladeshi, and see what you get ? Or try telling a Malayalam speaking Muslim from Cochin he is a Bangladeshi. :mad::mad:There are 200 million Indian Muslims to deal with. You will have to build a lot more detention centers.

india is a hindu rashtra , our first priority is to save hindus from muslim jihadis who don't give equal rights to non muslims in their countries.
as for as population is concerned we are working on vaxines with help of yahud o nasara which will help in reducing population of jihadis . i mean nano chip in polio and covid vaxine .
normal indian Muslims with hindu DNA will be convinced with suitable methods to return to their old home , ghar wapsi program.
india is a hindu rashtra , our first priority is to save hindus from muslim jihadis who don't give equal rights to non muslims in their countries.
as for as population is concerned we are working on vaxines with help of yahud o nasara which will help in reducing population of jihadis . i mean nano chip in polio and covid vaxine .
normal indian Muslims with hindu DNA will be convinced with suitable methods to return to their old home , ghar wapsi program.
:yahoo:Which is why your Pradhan Sevak went to Aligarh Muslim University to speak with folded hands and your Yogiji is waiting to do the Udughatan on the Dhannipur Mosque:omghaha:

Hindu Rashtra ? Forget it !

An overpopulated sh1¥ hole of a "Hindu Rashtra" can't protect Hindu Pundits in Kashmir, Hindu Temples in Bangladesh, Hindu Community in Afghanistan and the can't persuade those Hindus from Pakistan to not return to Pakistan.

Nor can the Hindu Rashtra implement the NCR or deport illegal Bangladeshi Muslims back into Bangladesh.
The same Bangladeshi Muslims who now march in your Republic Day parade while firing at your BSF jawans to cover the illegal infiltration.
Inside job by Hindus to get some sympathy.
:yahoo:Which is why your Pradhan Sevak went to Aligarh Muslim University to speak with folded hands and your Yogiji is waiting to do the Udughatan on the Dhannipur Mosque:omghaha:

Hindu Rashtra ? Forget it !

An overpopulated sh1¥ hole of a "Hindu Rashtra" can't protect Hindu Pundits in Kashmir, Hindu Temples in Bangladesh, Hindu Community in Afghanistan and the can't persuade those Hindus from Pakistan to not return to Pakistan.

Nor can the Hindu Rashtra implement the NCR or deport illegal Bangladeshi Muslims back into Bangladesh.
The same Bangladeshi Muslims who now march in your Republic Day parade while firing at your BSF jawans to cover the illegal infiltration.
Ayodhyapati is a typical RSSbot. Talks about ghar wapsi, calls Muslims jihadis, talks of Hindu rashtra.

It took them 40 years to implement the NRC which they had been talking of since the early 80s (Assam agitation, Nellie massacre) and that turned out to be a massive fail. And 30 years to lay the first brick of Ram temple after Babri masjid.

They can't do shit to 200-250 million people. It's like sand in an hourglass. You can't stop a mass of 250 million people spread all over India from reproducing.
Inside job by Hindus to get some sympathy.

Doubt it. These are minorities in Bangladesh and don't get much slack. They don't get much sympathy unless it is a "Don't like it., .. then go to India" advice.

If you visit Bangladesh you will see how low key they are. For a community that is still approximately 10% of the population ( down from 20 % ) they are surprisingly "invisible " .

In Dhaka I visited Sakharipatti where most of the Hindu community live. Even the Durga Puja festivities are low key.

India's dilemma is that if they speak up for Bangladeshi Hindus then Bangladeshis will be speaking up for Bengali Muslims ( "infiltrators, illegal immigrants" whatever) in Assam. Bangladeshi Hindus will be driven out of that country.,

A further exodus of Hindus
from Bangladesh will put demographic pressures on Assam .
Bangladeshi Hindu refugees are welcome only in Bengal and Tripura. As the non-Muslim component in Bangladesh is diluted there will be a tendency for Bangladesh to abandon a secular system of government.

The only thing India can do is ironically support the left and secular forces inside Bangladesh, which itself is a paradox to India's internal domestic stance of supporting communal anti-Muslim forces.
It doesn't look good for the Bangladeshi Hindus.,The more India persecutes Bengali Muslims inside India the more the minority Hindus in Bangladesh will suffer retaliation.
The god of speed will not be happy about this
Breaking the idols once Allah reveal the truth is Sunnah of Prophet, yeah times are now different and we have to abide by International law, and keep a Goodie Goodie PR so foreign investors can put capital/investments in but, I never read that it was allowed to keep Pagan idols in Muslim lands, Jews and Christians are given special permission as they are people of Book, so they were called Dhimmi's and they got all the rights as Muslim subjects have under the State, if not more. Maybe I am wrong and there were examples where Idols were allowed to keep in temples in the State at the times of Prophet and Rashidun Caliphs, if not then it's not allowed Period, Either we like this or not, we just can not amend Rules of Allah as per our likes or choices.
Ayodhyapati is a typical RSSbot. Talks about ghar wapsi, calls Muslims jihadis, talks of Hindu rashtra.
You have to be a little generous and look at it from their point of view.
After their perceived "1000 year humiliation " what the Hindutvadis got was a trisected India with two Muslim majority breakaway territories in the East and West.
Then they had a large Muslim minority within their country and one key Muslim majority border state racked with insurgency. An insurgency that is threatening to drag the nation ( one of the only two Hindu nations in the world) into a nuclear war.

It took them 40 years to implement the NRC which they had been talking of since the early 80s (Assam agitation, Nellie massacre) and that turned out to be a massive fail. And 30 years to lay the first brick of Ram temple after Babri masjid.
Correct. The Hindutva backed NRC program in Assam produced some very unwelcome results.
Out of the nearly 1.96 million illegal immigrants identified about 1.2 million were Hindus .

For the Ram Temple there now a donation drive (Chanda ) since they have run out of money.

They can't do shit to 200-250 million people. It's like sand in an hourglass. You can't stop a mass of 250 million people spread all over India from reproducing.

There isn't much the Hindutvavadis can do other than a few more lynchings and a few more communal riots.
Let's look at their options.
1. If the Ram Mandir donation drive is an indication then the big business donations to the temple movement have either reduced or stopped. If it is taking them that long to build the temple ( one temple) then the prospect of converting 30,000 mosques is a distant one.
To protect Hindus inside Bangladesh India would need to
either have a Hindu government there or incorporate Bangladesh into India. Both prospects seem unlikely.,
To protect Hindus inside Bangladesh India would need to
either have a Hindu government there or incorporate Bangladesh into India. Both prospects seem unlikely.
They don't give two shits about the Hindus of Bangladesh. They don't even give two shits about the lower caste Hindus- Shudra and below- inside India.

Just wait. These bhaktoids will turn on the Murugan worshipping Dravidians and tribal "Hindus" of Chhatisgarh and Jharkand pretty soon.

I'm surprised how the Muslims of India have been so remarkably slow in taking advantage of the inherent caste rivalries of Hindus. From what I know, Jat-Yadav rivalry is pretty big in UP.
They don't give two shits about the Hindus of Bangladesh. They don't even give two shits about the lower caste Hindus- Shudra and below- inside India.

Just wait. These bhaktoids will turn on the Murugan worshipping Dravidians and tribal "Hindus" of Chhatisgarh and Jharkand pretty soon.

I'm surprised how the Muslims of India have been so remarkably slow in taking advantage of the inherent caste rivalries of Hindus. From what I know, Jat-Yadav rivalry is pretty big in UP.

The biggest threat to Hindutva is a unity muslim political class. Think about it, Brahmins control the hindutva narrative and they are maybe 5-8% of all hindus in India (50-80m). Yet they are able to manipulate backward classes and dalits for their own advantage.

Hindus are inherently divided along religion/caste lines, whereby sunni islam is the largest single religious block in the subcontinent numbering around 500+ M. That in itself as a political group is powerful that would be able to take advantage of caste divides amongst hindus... This is the exact strategy the mughal empire employed.

Brahmin know this that is why the RSS is willing to make amends with buddhist, sikhs, jains, christians and even Shias but never with Sunnis. They fear Sunni unity because once our people are united then Shias fall in line pretty easily followed by dalits and then sikhs which united are 1+B. In all of 5000 years in the Indian subcontinents only the Muslims were able to outsmart the brahmins.
The biggest threat to Hindutva is a unity muslim political class. Hindus are inherently divided along religion/caste lines, whereby sunni islam is the largest single religious block in the subcontinent numbering around 500+ M. That in itself as a political group is powerful that would be able to take advantage of caste divides amongst hindus... This is the exact strategy the mughal empire employed.
They only use the anti Muslim rhetoric to frame some sembleance of unity among themselves.

Otherwise Gujjars will kill Yadavs who will kill Jats.
The biggest threat to Hindutva is a unity muslim political class. Hindus are inherently divided along religion/caste lines, whereby sunni islam is the largest single religious block in the subcontinent numbering around 500+ M. That in itself as a political group is powerful that would be able to take advantage of caste divides amongst hindus... This is the exact strategy the mughal empire employed.
They only use the anti Muslim rhetoric to frame some sembleance of unity among themselves.

Otherwise Gujjars will kill Yadavs who will kill Jats.
They don't give two shits about the Hindus of Bangladesh. They don't even give two shits about the lower caste Hindus- Shudra and below- inside India.

Of course the Hindutva forces in India don't care for Hindu minorities elsewhere. Oppression of Hindus elsewhere is a stick for domestic vengeance on Indian Muslims.
Kashmiri Pundits are not Shudras but no genuine attempt has been made to reconcile their traditional links with the rest of the Kashmiri population precisely because their plight is a justification and weapon for vengeance against Indian Muslims in the rest of India.

Likewise for Bangladeshi Hindus. Those who have visited Bangladesh can see pretty clearly the marginalization of the Hindus there.
Example: The lack of Hindu officers in the Bangladesh Armed Forces.
For a community that was once 20% of the population that is saying a lot. Even India during its brief flirtation with feeble secularism ( era gone by ) ended up with with a few Indian Muslim Generals up to the rank of Vice-COAS.
Ironically the only Hindu officer to make it to the rank of a "General " ( note the quotes) was Major A. Dutta who was a former Pakistani Army officer defecting in the 1971 Civil War. Post-1971 he faded away to found the Bangladesh Hindu League to defend Bangladeshi Minority Hindus.

Anti-Hindu pogroms (though never adequately reported ) are frequent.
You will never see a demonstration by the global Indian Hindu diaspora against these events in front of the Bangladesh High Commission.
They only use the anti Muslim rhetoric to frame some sembleance of unity among themselves.

Otherwise Gujjars will kill Yadavs who will kill Jats.

They only use the anti Muslim rhetoric to frame some sembleance of unity among themselves.

Otherwise Gujjars will kill Yadavs who will kill Jats.

Exactly thats why the Brahmin is cunning... Modi is just a tool, one has to follow the money and it lea
Of course the Hindutva forces in India don't care for Hindu minorities elsewhere. Oppression of Hindus elsewhere is a stick for domestic vengeance on Indian Muslims.
Kashmiri Pundits are not Shudras but no genuine attempt has been made to reconcile their traditional links with the rest of the Kashmiri population precisely because their plight is a justification and weapon for vengeance against Indian Muslims in the rest of India.

Likewise for Bangladeshi Hindus. Those who have visited Bangladesh can see pretty clearly the marginalization of the Hindus there.
Example: The lack of Hindu officers in the Bangladesh Armed Forces.
For a community that was once 20% of the population that is saying a lot. Even India during its brief flirtation with feeble secularism ( era gone by ) ended up with with a few Indian Muslim Generals up to the rank of Vice-COAS.
Ironically the only Hindu officer to make it to the rank of a "General " ( note the quotes) was Major A. Dutta who was a former Pakistani Army officer defecting in the 1971 Civil War. Post-1971 he faded away to found the Bangladesh Hindu League to defend Bangladeshi Minority Hindus.

Anti-Hindu pogroms (though never adequately reported ) are frequent.
You will never see a demonstration by the global Indian Hindu diaspora against these events in front of the Bangladesh High Commission.

Nepal is more hindu than gangedesh yet has great relations with Pakistan and does not discriminate/murder muslims at nearly the rate Gangedesh does. It is the north indian brahmin hindooo who is militant minded usually from Punjab, Gujrat, UP, Bihar and MP who are most dangerous.
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