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Hindu Goddess lives on in Pakistan......

LOL the Modi regime should commit suicide after this. A Hindu goddess in the unsacred land of Pakistan. How is this even possible?
Witness the sea of color that floods western Pakistan every spring to honor the Goddess Sati.


I think this temple is a Shakti peeh out of 64 shakti peeths of India. Shakti peephs have special significance among temples. Like there are special shiva temples called jyotir Linga, goddess temples are called Shakti peeths. If a devotee worships and do Pooja in spcificspmanner , it will make you full of energy and positive thinking and will power.
So Pakistani hindus are responsible for this?

I never suggested they were. You said that India has a large number of Muslims, and I merely pointed out how poorly they are treated. No need to jump the gun.
I think this temple is a Shakti peeh out of 64 shakti peeths of India. Shakti peephs have special significance among temples. Like there are special shiva temples called jyotir Linga, goddess temples are called Shakti peeths. If a devotee worships and do Pooja in spcificspmanner , it will make you full of energy and positive thinking and will power.
I thought there were 18 Major Shakti paths or asthans, where 24/7 puja goes on 108 pujaris ... could be wrong..

People like you are gross and don't even know what the white in the flag stands for and are really are the worst embodiment of Pakistani stereotypes ! Hindus have been there for thousands of years and still there today and will be in Pakistan forever I hope so don't come here with your cheap point scoring.
Wtf has this got to do with India anyway why are you is your @ss on fire to see Pakistani Hindus celebrating their own religion in their own country ? Go to Afghanistan where they blow up their ancient cultural sites you'd probably love it there .
FYI Hinduism in Pakistan has actually grown due to high birth rate Pakistani Hindus population has become larger than Indonesia and Holi and Diwali were declared official holidays and by 2050 there will be near 6 million Pakistani Hindus so suck it.
I don’t think Hinduism was native to Pakistan there was many local religions

Hinduism/Buddhism was the native religion of the land that is now Pakistan before Muslim conquest- The world Hindu itself comes from Indus and also Hindus in Pakistan have been there since ancient times they are not immigrants so Pakistani Hindus are very much native.
Partition of the sub-continent was the biggest forced migration in history the exchange of populations was more or less equal had it not been violent it's possible there may have been a further 15 million odd Hindus in Pakistan and a similar number more of Muslims in India.
will be in Pakistan forever I hope

Why would you not want everyone to convert to the Haq?

why are you is your @ss on fire to see Pakistani Hindus celebrating their own religion in their own country ?

Because I don't support public displays of shirk in a Muslim country.
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