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Hindu conversion issue, incidents, rebuttals, court cases, rights activists

OKeven if Itake your stance that Hindus migrated to India after partition and that is why their population has decreased can you explain how the population of Muslims has risen in India instead of declining?

Atrocities against muslims in India is a every day scenario but we muslims don't fell anything against a particular country. IF you
say that muslim population in INDIA is on the rise, may be it has to do with birth rate and a rapid rate of conversion into ISLAM
and islam is the fastest growing religion. INDIA during partion inherited 20% Subcontinent muslim population but now there are Approx 170 million muslims out of 1.2 billion population. That's less than 15%. SO even though muslim Population increased there
% in indian reamined the same or may even decreased.
Atrocities against muslims in India is a every day scenario but we muslims don't fell anything against a particular country. IF you
say that muslim population in INDIA is on the rise, may be it has to do with birth rate and a rapid rate of conversion into ISLAM
and islam is the fastest growing religion. INDIA during partion inherited 20% Subcontinent muslim population but now there are Approx 170 million muslims out of 1.2 billion population. That's less than 15%. SO even though muslim Population increased there
% in indian reamined the same or may even decreased.

i dont know what to reply and how to reply??:hitwall:
zero is the smallest figure and you dont know even zero and you are writing crap and writing propaganda:hitwall:
Bro you can't be converted forcefully into ISLAM. Its just impossible and a muslim can't go to heavenby forcefully converting someone as claimed by the article. Its all BS propaganda. A convert must
believe in Allah(swt) and his last messenger Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) by the heart.
What in
it for muslims to forcefully convert someone knowing that it won't work and no muslim with an
iota of basic islamic understanding do such retarded act.

How exactly do you think you have become a muslim. You dont embrace a religion from the tummy. By converting a person, even if their "Niyaat" is not in it, They have managed to produce more kids that will probably grow up thinking they are muslim. Thats how religions live everywhere in the world.
Thread number 340 about "forced conversion" in the last week.
Don't you people have jobs or family life or something?
The only people who believe these fairy tales are Bigoted and hateful Hindus who still cannot accept the fact that Pakistan exists.

Even UK, the worlds supper power of the time accepted USA existed shortly after they become independent. Why can't India, a country that cant even compare to UK of today, accept it?

Don't you believe that Angel Gabriel revealed Quran to Mohammed (being a Muslim)? What do you call it?
NO offence to hindus here, but this article is written by a hindu and reeks of propaganda. It is alleged by the girls hindu parents
that she was forcefully converted but the other side of the story is that she embraced islam willingly which is very common these days. Normally the hindu family members spread such propaganda about "forceful" conversion and often resort to harassment of
the converted family member, be it their son or daughter. PAK authorities should make sure that this girl is not harassed by her
parents. And on top of that Express tribune is a western boot licking news paper affiliated with the zionist herald tribune, and so
this propaganda should not be taken seriously.


The Girl is wrong, her parents are wrong and the paper who reports it is also wrong..

What should not be taken seriously ?
Bro you can't be converted forcefully into ISLAM. Its just impossible and a muslim can't go to heavenby forcefully converting someone as claimed by the article. Its all BS propaganda. A convert must
believe in Allah(swt) and his last messenger Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) by the heart.
What in
it for muslims to forcefully convert someone knowing that it won't work and no muslim with an
iota of basic islamic understanding do such retarded act.

Does it matter for that muslim family if the girl does not believes in Islam but only accepts so on account of being fearful for her life and her family
it is pride for that family for converting a girl of a kafir community..and the children she will bore will be muslims on account of the environment he/she will be ..so in a way u r decreasing the hindu population and increasing muslim population..is nt that aim for jihadists and islamists and great islamic experiment?
^^^ whatever ...... don't forget they are your people and in the end of the day it actually doesn't matter to us. It would be better if they kill their girl child on birth rather than such humiliation.

Like they do in In-Dia ?
How do you migrate from Pakistan to India? There's like huge military bases there and minefields. And I know they don't have money to fly there. And even if they do, I know Indians look upon Pakistani passports with suspiscion. I suspect something.
For many years, I was convinced that Sindh is the most liberal and secular province. I thought that minorities were more secure here because of the history deeply rooted mysticism. But that was until I became familar with teenager Rinkle Kumari’s tragic tale. One, amongt many, whose story needed to be told.

While most of us know Maya Khan and Veena Malik how many of us know Rinkle Kumari of District Ghotki, Sindh? She was picked up from her home and then forced to convert to Islam just a few days ago? How many of us are even aware of these incidents taking place?

Nand Lal, the father of the teenager, who is a teacher at the Government Primary School Yarlund, Ghotki, along with his family members has taken shelter at Gurdwara, Lahore as he received threats from the local influential people.

While according to some reports Rinkle coverted to Islam of her own free will (now Faryal) Rinkle’s family says, that a local leader is supporting the kidnappers and had pressurized the local magistrate to conclude with a decision in their favour, ignoring the plea in the written testimony of the kidnapped girl.

For many, it may be good news as a Hindu girl has ‘embraced’ Islam and has become an addition to the Ummah. Some may also believe that by getting her convert to Islam, one of them might get a berth booked in the Heaven as well, as it is generally perceived or believed.:angry:

Rinkle is not the only girl who has been a victim of such inhumane and unlawful treatment. There are 20 to 25 cases every month and around 300 cases per year. These young Hindu girls are abducted by influential people and converted to Islam against their will. Most of them take shelter in madrassas to avoid the backlash from society. In fact this is one of the main reasons that Hindus, particularly from upper Sindh, are migrating to India in bulk every year is because they are unable to bear the brunt and subsequent embarrassment in the society when their abducted daughters return as converts to Islam.

Except a certain section of media, these issues are hardly highlighted in mainstream media, the reason being the right-wing news policy of most of the media houses and growing commercialization.

Supreme Court Chief Justice, Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry (who took suo moto notice on the confiscation of two bottles of alcohol from actress Atiqa Odho) seems to have no time to have take suo moto notice or even notice of the forcible conversion of young Hindu girls. The honorable chief justice often quotes in hearings, that corruption cases have brought a bad name to the country, but did the CJ even notice that forcible conversion and persecution of minorities also contribute to the country declining image.

Moreover, over two dozen legislators belonging to religious minority have not been able to make their voices heard regarding a remedy for the grievances of their community. The reason for their voices have reached deaf ears and continue to be ineffective can be found in a quote by a Hindu parliamentarian who stated, “We are selected members, not elected.”

Though, I am an ardent supporter of democracy and democratic values, minorities in Pakistan were more secure during dictator, Pervez Mushrraf’s term, than in this government in which Punjab Governor, Salman Taseer and Federal Minister for minorities, Shahbaz Bhatti, were killed.

In recent incidents like Rinkle Kumari and the case of three Hindus being murdered in broad daylight in Chak, Shikarpur, a few months back, the Sindhi nationalists have supported the Hindu community. In comparison, the members of the ruling PPP and other parties, only make hollow speeches. Those who have read the Constitution refer to Article 20, 25 and 39 in an effort to purport to their fellow parliamentarians that the minorities were enjoying equal rights, as stated in the constitution. But an issue that concerns the minority community most is that of forcible conversion of their youth and abduction for which there is no law.

So if there is no law addressing this issue is it okay for the issue to be overlooked?

Is there anybody drafting a law that will guarantee protection and freedom of religious belief?

The answer, unfortunately, is simply a ‘no’.

I am a Hindu writer and cannot help but wonder if my words have any weight at all and if so then, would they be effective enough to initiate any substantial change? I hope so, but I believe not. There is a dire need to speak up by the so-called liberal and secular elite. Forget about Maya, Meera and Veena. Wake up and hear the unheard calls for help. Someone please speak up about Rinkle Kumari.

She is the one in need of attention.

Rinkle Kumari was Hindu last month
Forced conversions are against Islam but the events which are taking place in Sindh are very few but Propaganda is done by India and some of its puppets in Pakistan to embarrass Pakistan these kind of actions also take place in India but not their media tells it and in Pakistan many cases have nothing to do with Islam many are results of personal disputes and feuds
Forced conversions are against Islam but the events which are taking place in Sindh are very few but Propaganda is done by India and some of its puppets in Pakistan to embarrass Pakistan these kind of actions also take place in India but not their media tells it and in Pakistan many cases have nothing to do with Islam many are results of personal disputes and feuds

show me one incident where a muslim girl or boy was forcefully converted to hinduism..

If u cant shut up and discuss how to stop so in Pakistan....
well done inhabitant of holy land and followers of religion of peace. We savage can learn a lot 4m u folks. Amen .
No body seems to be looking at the rape/sex angle to this. The incident reeks of a rape and then using a religious conversion to obscure the issue..Dont hear of too many boys being forcefully converted to Islam
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