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Hindu children in India being programmed to Hate and Eliminate Muslims .


judging all hindus in india based on these guys is like judging all muslims of pakistan based on the secular ones
Indian children being programmed to Hate and Eliminate Muslims

This is the real face fascist Hunduvta brigade that are becoming militants they will get out of control. In near future Indian army will be fighting them as Pakistani army now battles Talibans.
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So Indians are following the path of Pakistan. LOL
Only Crisis will bring indian muslim together and its coming big time when they will be prosecuted and killed like animal and no one will come to their aid.
British Bit$$es like ashraf ali thanwi and kadiani tried their best to corrupt the muslim society from inside .
Indian muslim are not converted by jamaties but by Awlia Allah's Friend .
Who wants that? Not me.

If Indian Muslims unite as a people all our problems will be solved. But again they are more interested in Bollywood and chadar business at dargahs. Most of us have strayed away from Islam and I think Allah(swt) is punishing us for that.

Like Talibit$$ they are also in minority most of the hindu are nice people.the problem is in villages most of the city all the population are mixed so they know each other and live peacefully

This is the real face fascist Hunduvta brigade that are becoming militants they will get out of control. In near future Indian army will be fighting them as Pakistani army now battles Talibans.
teaching children at such a young age to hate others is so sad no matter who does it! The people brainwashing these innocent boys are as bad as the Taliban who do a similar job in their madrassahs although if this is being run by the BJP/RSS/VHP/Shiv Sena then its more frightening because these people are actually in government. If I was Indian I'd be worried what will happen to India when these children become adults...

it is definitely worrying but not everybody remains the same once they are adult. also very few get this kind of teaching... more learn from news and whatever is current that time.
Stupid Indians growing up with much hate in their hearts, they need Buddha.
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