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Hindu activists in India drink cow urine to ‘protect’ themselves from coronavirus

One religious community is trying to cure and contain the virus.

While the other is responsible for SPREADING IT.

Notice the difference ?


Coronavirus surging in Southeast Asia, with new cases traced to religious gathering

SINGAPORE — At the end of last month, thousands of Muslim missionaries from two dozen countries congregated at a sprawling mosque complex outside the Malaysian capital for a weekend of prayer.

Now authorities in multiple countries are searching for people who attended the event, a key driver of a surge in coronavirus cases across Southeast Asia that has prompted sweeping new travel restrictions and social distancing measures.

Malaysian health officials said Tuesday that they had traced more than 400 infections — and one death — to the four-day gathering at the Seri Petaling mosque outside Kuala Lumpur from Feb. 27 to March 1. The gathering is the source of more than half of the country’s nearly 700 recorded cases of COVID-19, the most in Southeast Asia.
One religious community is trying to cure and contain the virus.

Containing and curing it how ?? By drinking cow urine ??

Will you drink it ?? Will you recommend it as the cure for the world ??

Sadhvi Pragya has such a cure even for cancer.
From the video:


wowww just woww.. A new god is added in the list of hindu gods..

@Mangus Ortus Novem @SIPRA
Dear Indian Friend,

We respect Indians and Indianness!

Dicrimation against Indianness is racism. And this needs to stop!!!

Religious/cultural beliefs/traditions of Indians needs to be respected by the world!


Thank you, dear sir.

Though Regressive or harmful cultural / traditional / religious practices must be questioned, whether they be among Hindus or Muslims or anyone else.
Containing and curing it how ?? By drinking cow urine ??

Will you drink it ?? Will you recommend it as the cure for the world ??

Sadhvi Pragya has such a cure even for cancer.

For one, that was a publicity gimmick by a chartalan who is pretending to be the president of Hindu Mahasabha. He is a nobody , a "secular socialist" Hindu close to Aklish Yadav of SP and has earlied attempted to win MLA seat on CONgress ticket. He is a "socialist" like YOU.

SECOND, What moral authority do Muslims have to comment on Hindus ? Especially regarding CoVid 19 ?


How the century-old Islamic evangelical event which originated in India spread coronavirus in South East Asia
For one, that was a publicity gimmick by a chartalan who is pretending to be the president of Hindu Mahasabha. He is a nobody , a "secular socialist" Hindu close to Aklish Yadav of SP and has earlied attempted to win MLA seat on CONgress ticket. He is a "socialist" like YOU.

If he is a Socialist, as you say, can you show me proof where he supports, say Kanhaiya Kumar ??

SECOND, What moral authority do Muslims have to comment on Hindus ? Especially regarding CoVid 19 ?


On this forum you will find me to be the primary critic of the Tableeghi Jamaatis. I have called the TJ movement to be many times a precursor to joining terrorist groups.
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If he is a Socialist, as you say, can you show me proof where he supports, say Kanhaiya Kumar ??

On this forum you will find me to be the primary critic of the Tableeghi Jamaatis. I have called the TJ movement to be many times a precursor to joining terrorist groups.

'Chakrapani' is NOT the legit president of Hindu Mahasabha. In March 2018, the Akhil Bharatiya Akhara Parishad declared Chakrapani to be a "Fake Baba". He is part of B-team of Lutyen's which is placed to divide H'indu's.

Fake news peddlers ThePrintIndia Claimed that this Chakrapani guy is the head of Hindu Mahasabha? There’s no mention of his name on their website. The president of Hindu Mahasabha is a different person.





Media props up thugs like Chakrapani and Pramod Krishnan as Hindu sants because it suits their agenda of defaming Hinduism. You are one of their agents, knowingly or unknowingly.


Twitted by your OWN "Secular" leader of the "secular" Samajwadi Party.

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