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Hillary Clinton: "We discovered Japan for Heaven sakes"

Uhm define "discovered Japan", because I am pretty sure Japan had existed even before Commodore Matthew C. Perry forced them to open up.
American dream didnt last long.

American public are left to chose from the two idiots.

Is it by default or by design? I think its a the later. As Imran Hosain mentioned, Pax Britannica gave way to the Pax Americana, Pax American will give way to Pax Judaica. Welcome to the age of Dajjal.
Like how Columbus discovered America?
Seem like the Japanese got off easy.
Or did they?
Columbus "discovered" America. It is in the past, it's history.

However, Japan is still being "discovered" by Hillary of America and is still paying the price.

Time will tell if the Japanese will "get off easy."

Just my 2-cents, which may not be much.
Wow!! You guys are all reading this so wrongly. She means the US beat the Europeans to trading with Japan. That's what she means by discovering them first. The Europeans have always been secondary to Japan ever since.
No...she means Japan is a vassal state and United States can do whatever it wants with it.
No...she means Japan is a vassal state and United States can do whatever it wants with it.

LOL ... we know that and 2 Nukes on them are still not forgotten ... US is the only country in the world who used Nukes on civilian public

You Americans have not forgotten 3k people death on 9/11 and think Japs forgotten 2 cities loss of civilians
Don't underestimate the gullibility and blindness of the masses. Or the numbers that just want free money stolen from those with means and dont care about who's handing it over to them or what that means long term for their society.

There's a reason why revolutions that matter are generally bloody....humans are generally quite fickle and stupid.

I'd like to see what the split is like in the US. We will see on Nov 8th I guess.
I don't, but then there's also the sleeping giant theory. They have a rich tradition of peaceful transfer of power, I expect another brexit like slight jolt and then we'll all be back to business as usual for the most part should he win.

if he loses, he never loses, he's never lost in his life, only losers lose.. :lol:

some say he'll leave a fractured party and start his own news channel, who knows, he might even surprise us all and make a really graceful exit, one last political coup, break a million hearts..

and then start his own news channel :big_boss:
Really, I don't think so. I have not misread.

You don't claim a place just because you trade with them.

Ah! I forgot, the Europeans have "foreign concessions" in China because they trade there.

These concessions were "given" to them, LOL.

Here is the full paragraph

Hillary Clinton said:
SECRETARY CLINTON: I think that -- you know, one of the greatest arguments that I had on a continuing basis was with my Chinese counterparts about their claim. And I made the point at one point in the argument that, you know, you can call it whatever you want to call it. You don't have a claim to all of it. I said, by that argument, you know, the United States should claim all of the Pacific. We liberated it, we defended it. We have as much claim to all of the Pacific. And we could call it the American Sea, and it could go from the West Coast of California all the way to the Philippines. And, you know, my counterpart sat up very straight and goes, well, you can't do that. And I said, well, we have as much right to claim that as you do. I mean, you claim it based on pottery shards from, you know, some fishing vessel that ran aground in an atoll somewhere. You know, we had conveys of military strength. We discovered Japan for Heaven sakes. I mean, we did all of these things.

MR. BLANKFEIN: These are more technical conversations than I thought they would be.
SECRETARY CLINTON: Yes, yes. And then he says to me, well, you know, we'll claim Hawaii. And I said, yeah, but we have proof we bought it. Do you have proof you brought any of these places you're claiming? So we got into the nitty-gritty of --

Sounds like a Eurocentric view of things, but its a minor detail in what was the topic, and I think was meant to illustrate how ludicrous Chinese claims are.
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Discovered japan, lol.

Get a load of this @Desert Fox @T-72 @boomslang @C130

I think she meant we opened Japan up to trade. Japan became isolationist , and we sent Matthew Perry to open Japan to trade and Westernization.

people gotta release Clinton has two faces!! one she shows to the public another that is the real person.....that is vile and evil.
Wow!! You guys are all reading this so wrongly. She means the US beat the Europeans to trading with Japan. That's what she means by discovering them first. The Europeans have always been secondary to Japan ever since.

Thats wrong too then. There were portuguese and I believe dutch trading missions that predated the forcible opening of Japan by Commodore Perry.

A pity the USN no longer uses the Commodore rank btw.

I think she meant we opened Japan up to trade. Japan became isolationist , and we sent Matthew Perry to open Japan to trade and Westernization.

people gotta release Clinton has two faces!! one she shows to the public another that is the real person.....that is vile and evil.

Just having a little fun at Hillary's expense bro :P
Thats wrong too then. There were portuguese and I believe dutch trading missions that predated the forcible opening of Japan by Commodore Perry.

A pity the USN no longer uses the Commodore rank btw.

Just having a little fun at Hillary's expense bro :P

Well the Portugeuse did slave trading in China (took over Macau mid 1500's), Korea, and Japan in the late 1500's so you probably are correct.
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Its an honorary title (for senior captains), not an official one as far as I understand.

Making it official would be replacing on a 1:1 basis the current rank of lower rear admiral (one star) with the name Commodore and bringing the system back to what it was I believe before 1899 (and also in temporary windows like found in latter half of WW2).

The whole issue stems from the US feeling this along with the rank of Brigadier in the army, AF and marines (which it calls as Brigadier General) were part of the flag officer realm, but other countries (like say the UK and much of Europe at the time) did not. So I believe in 1899 all commodores were made into rear admirals (lowers) to address this.

A somewhat confusing terminology in the US, I wish it was just kept simple and unified with the distinct name commodore and assigning of one star to it under the US rank system:

Well the Portugeuse did slave trading in China (took over Macau mid 1500's), Korea, and Japan in the late 1500's so you probably are correct.

There was actually a story that I vaguely remember of Portuguese mercernaries used by various shoguns, mostly for artillery teams and heavy rifled cavalry (dragoons essentially).

The Emperor found out about this later at some point and though he was more of a nominal figurehead, was the one that set up the policy of banning all foreigners given some of these mercenaries were covert missionaries according to the Japanese (esp rival shoguns who did not employ them but had the ear of the emperor). That is the policy that Commodore Perry would later break through.

You are correct about the slave trade side of it that would have also influenced the decision by the Japanese (given the raids the portuguese did on several smaller japanese islands for slave bounty for their markets).

Will have to dig this all up, its been many years.
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