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High-paid Indian banker fired for stealing food from office canteen

Just few months back another Indian guy working in Investment firm in Singapore in a senior position was recorded being rude to his building security because he didn't want to pay parking fees for his guest.
Glad to know such news give pleasure to people here. Truly deserving to be on a defense forum posted by a senior member. Keep up.
Gangu bhayyas doing their third class pathetic greedy shenanigans :lol:
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Some years back an even younger successful Indian banker, who was very popular in the high flyers was found to be involved in some malpractices. After getting exposed, the young guy put on his Boss suit went to his favourite rooftop bar in London, bought a £10.00 glass of Champagne and jumped off the roof.
Embarrassed and humiliated, who knows what the subject may end up doing.
Similar incidents happened in past as well however British state media used to shove them under the carpet..Since Britain is in a rift with India these days over several thigns including taking back illegals. So Britain wants India's attention and therefore you will see many such news in future.
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Today was with a client renewing his policy for a Liquor Store. Renewal premium came to about 2,300 called and requested to shop around which I did and the premium came to be the same. Solution was we lower Business Personal Property Coverage from 300,000 to 200,000 premium came to 1,731. He has happy and then calls me back the next day to make sure the change was put through then tells me can you discount it 31 more so its 1,700 even -- I stayed quite (he probably thought I'm swearing at him by now mentally) closes the phone saying if you can't thats ok, good bye.

Moral of the story never doubt how low these rats go down to.
Clearly from the Gujarati Bania Caste with small town mentality. Both in Pakistan and India people at high positions and salaries steal. Reminds of a Pakistani Officer who stole the wallet of Kuwaiti investor.

Ah yes most rich South Asian men are momma's boys and can't even fry an egg. He should learn how to cook.
Well you can take the baboon out of the jungle. But you can't take the jungle out of the baboon.
No offence to baboons btw

You have ask UK and other western country as to why they have open their doors for these baboons to almost like there are no checks and balances. This simply doesn't add up.

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