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Hezbollah-Backed Lebanese Shiites Fight in Syria


Nov 8, 2011
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Hezbollah-Backed Lebanese Shiites Fight in Syria

Masked men in camouflage toting Kalashnikov rifles fan out through a dusty olive grove, part of a group of Hezbollah-backed fighters from Lebanon who are patrolling both sides of a porous border stretch with Syria.

Hezbollah chief Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, leader of many of Lebanon's Shiites and a staunch ally of Syrian President Bashar Assad, has said his group is supporting the cadres of fighters who call themselves Popular Committees.

It is confirmation that the powerful Lebanese militant group is playing a growing role in the civil war just across the border.

Syria's regime is dominated by minority Alawites — an offshoot of Shiite Islam — while the rebels fighting to overthrow Assad are mostly from the Sunni majority. Assad's major allies, Hezbollah and Iran, are both Shiite.

The sectarian tensions in the civil war have spilled over to neighboring Lebanon, which has a similar ethnic divide and a long, bitter history of civil war and domination by Syria. Deadly gunbattles have broken out in Lebanon in recent months between supporters of both sides of the Syrian war.

But more broadly, Hezbollah's deepening involvement shows how the Syrian civil war is exacerbating tensions between Shiites and Sunnis around the Middle East.

Syrian rebels accuse Hezbollah of fighting alongside Assad's troops and attacking rebels from inside Lebanese territory.

In recent months, fighting has raged in and around several towns and villages inhabited by a community of some 15,000 Lebanese Shiites who have lived for decades on the Syrian side of a frontier that is not clearly demarcated in places and not fully controlled by border authorities. They are mostly Lebanese citizens, though some have dual citizenship or are Syrian.

Before Syria's uprising erupted two years ago, tens of thousands of Lebanese lived in Syria.

The Lebanese Shiite enclave on the Syrian side of the border is near the central city of Homs and across from Hermel, a predominantly Shiite region of northeastern Lebanon.

One commander of the Popular Committees said Shiite villages have been repeatedly attacked and some residents have been kidnapped and killed by rebels. He said that prompted local Shiites to take up arms to defend themselves.

"We are in a state of defense. We don't take sides (between rebels and regime forces). We are here to defend our people in the villages," said the commander, Mahmoud, who gave only his first name out of fear for his own security.

"We don't attack any area. We only defend our villages."

The border region near Homs on the Syria side is strategic because it links Damascus with the coastal enclave that is the heartland of Syria's Alawites and is also home to the country's two main seaports, Latakia and Tartus.

One of the biggest battles in the area was on Thursday when the Syrian army captured Tal al-Nabi Mindo, a village near the Lebanese border, after a day of heavy fighting.

Mahmoud said there were casualties on both sides, adding that the hilltop village overlooks several towns and villages as well as a strategically important road that links Tartus to Homs and the capital of Damascus beyond.

Mahmoud said some rebel commanders were killed in the fighting on Thursday and rebels threatened to bombard Lebanese territory in retaliation.
Hezbollah-Backed Lebanese Shiites Fight in Syria - ABC News

NOTE : That Excuse of defending their villages is also valid for Syrian Rebel those are defending their villages and cities from Assadian Army. As Troops are bombing Civilians only
'Children killed' in Syria air raids - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

On Sunday, government jets bombed rebel-held areas in the predominantly Kurdish village of Hadad in the northeastern province of Hassaka, according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

It said at least 16 people were killed, including two women and three children.
Nothing new, Syria has become a Mecca for fighters from all over the world thanks to those who push for an armed solution. Foreign support through Media, arms, logistic, and manpower support is evident to both sides.
Nothing new, Syria has become a Mecca for fighters from all over the world thanks to those who push for an armed solution. Foreign support through Media, arms, logistic, and manpower support is evident to both sides.

The atrocity of Assad escalated the situation, turning people against him.
You speak as if I stand for Assad, well I could give a sh*it about him, but what's the alternative if he gets takens out by the likes of Jubhat al nusrah?

No future for the minorities, alqaeda safe haven to increase terrorist attacks in Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon.

So why is the killing and destruction still continuing., Assad has already agreed to transition through internationally monitored elections in which the MODERATE opposition join, and not an election with alqaeda leaders.

Syria is already in total chaos, each group is worried about protecting itself. Christians, who are native to the land and have lived for over 1800 years in Syria are extremely vurnable. Shia towns have already been threaten to be wiped out and every Shia will be "slaughtered", same thing for Allawites and other minorities.

The Kurds want autonomy and are creating large militias to hold the ground of Kurdish populated areas? Some of which contain oil. So will the FSA simply let the controll these areas after Assad? Or are we going to see a Kurdish-Arab wa in Syria?

However a person looks at it, the end is total destruction of Syria and division along secterian and ethnic land.

We have to learn through history. Lebanon and Iraq have both gone through this stage, and after years of fighting, in both cases they realized there was no solution other than dialogue. So why does Syria have to bedestroyed before this dialog comes?

Trust me, no side is running out of men. As long as there is support, the fighting will continue.
^^ your beloved Assad wanted this way so be it. :guns:

time to clean all of those traitors and backstabbers from the arab world



one of the most funniest thing i see about people attitude about Syria is that what happen in Afghanistan 20 years ago is happening in Syria. its like the media plays it off as any regular revolution but in real life its a soldiers worst nightmare to pit up against the world mercenaries.
^^ your beloved Assad wanted this way so be it. :guns:

time to clean all of those traitors and backstabbers from the arab world

Arabian legend,

Since you along with your compatriots bring up this "traitors and backstabbers of arab world" cliche in when discussing Syrian civil war, may i be bold enough as to when has Assad actually backstabbed any other Arab country. If i am not wrong he has so far not done anything against interest of "Arab countries".

Or do you want to say that only Sunni Arabs are Arabs?
You speak as if I stand for Assad, well I could give a sh*it about him, but what's the alternative if he gets takens out by the likes of Jubhat al nusrah?

It is not you who decide, Alnusrah front is recognized by the SCSR which now holds a position in the Arab League as a legitimate representative of Syria. I could care less what you think.

No future for the minorities, alqaeda safe haven to increase terrorist attacks in Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon.

there has been no presence for the majority let the minority aside for now and please stop looking for justification e.g Al-Qaeda..

So why is the killing and destruction still continuing., Assad has already agreed to transition through internationally monitored elections in which the MODERATE opposition join, and not an election with alqaeda leaders.

you don't fool anyone with those slogans do you? How could an election take place in this mess? P.S what about those people who got slaughtered (men,women,children)by Assad and his thugs during the first 8 months? Assad is a war criminal and must be handed to justice. There is no talk we left the table for your! there is a revenge and must heavily be paid.

Syria is already in total chaos, each group is worried about protecting itself. Christians, who are native to the land and have lived for over 1800 years in Syria are extremely vurnable. Shia towns have already been threaten to be wiped out and every Shia will be "slaughtered", same thing for Allawites and other minorities.

The Kurds want autonomy and are creating large militias to hold the ground of Kurdish populated areas? Some of which contain oil. So will the FSA simply let the controll these areas after Assad? Or are we going to see a Kurdish-Arab wa in Syria?

Ansar Allah, St George battalions are Christian membered groups? what r you talking about.? The Kurd also fighting Assad alongside the FSA.Christen, Druze have their own representatives inside the SCSR. As for the Alwitties As you sow, so shall you reap.

However a person looks at it, the end is total destruction of Syria and division along secterian and ethnic land.

We have to learn through history. Lebanon and Iraq have both gone through this stage, and after years of fighting, in both cases they realized there was no solution other than dialogue. So why does Syria have to bedestroyed before this dialog comes?

I didn't see any dialogue when Assad, Hizboallat killed Hariri or when they bombed Beirut in 2008. they took Lebanon by force! Do you want me to write down hizboallat and Assad criminal recored or Maliki, Iran and their crimes against people of Iraq and Lebanon?

Trust me, no side is running out of men. As long as there is support, the fighting will continue.

No I don't trust you, The FSA will win and Assad will be killed < very simple words.
@Arabian Legend

Kurds are fighting for Kurdish nationalism and seperatism.
Kurds took this chance for their own benefit, there have been clashes between FSA/Jahbat vs Kurds and SAA vs Kurds.
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It is not you who decide, Alnusrah front is recognized by the SCSR which now holds a position in the Arab League as a legitimate representative of Syria. I could care less what you think.
Arab League is not Syria .
here it is not a dictatorship: people say what they think . you are happy or not about it is another problem.

there has been no presence for the majority let the minority aside for now and please stop looking for justification e.g Al-Qaeda..
Al Nusra and Al Qaida are linked. Many famous newspapers confirm it.
And you like Al Nusra it is clear you support the salafis in the world, the creation of your country. But just think local people didn't like these guys.

A black flag in Syria
People don't like these guys. But you don't care ... for you Arab sunnis are affiliated and should obey your country.

you don't fool anyone with those slogans do you? How could an election take place in this mess? P.S what about those people who got slaughtered (men,women,children)by Assad and his thugs during the first 8 months? Assad is a war criminal and must be handed to justice. There is no talk we left the table for your! there is a revenge and must heavily be paid.
hmmm there is a difference between elections and someone to be judged.

Elections can be controlled by UNO. It is possible .

There is an internation court to judge the criminals.By the way.

Ansar Allah, St George battalions are Christian membered groups? what r you talking about.? The Kurd also fighting Assad alongside the FSA.Christen, Druze have their own representatives inside the SCSR. As for the Alwitties As you sow, so shall you reap.
Druze are mostly pro Assad, so Christians. Because they are scared of their future.
Of course people are not stupid they know that with salafis , as you can see in any country in the world, christians and other religions people will pay the high price.

I didn't see any dialogue when Assad, Hizboallat killed Hariri or when they bombed Beirut in 2008. they took Lebanon by force! Do you want me to write down hizboallat and Assad criminal recored or Maliki, Iran and their crimes against people of Iraq and Lebanon?
1/ Hezbollah didn't kill Hariri. If you found something new in the story write to the Lebanon president to say him you discovered something . lol.
2/ Hezbollah didn't take Hezbollah by force . Just get some education. There are elections in Lebanon , not like in KSA.
Hezbollah is popular there. Myself i didn't like this group for many reasons but this is the Lebanese business to deal with.
3/ As he showd you many times already, the nationality which happears the most for bombings: saudis.
You know who is bombing. Your friends. be honnest with this.
Iran is using a clear another methods. Some Iraqis came even in Iran during elections to kill our people. Al Sadr is a criminal but as you can see the Iraqi government is not in love with him.

about it, it seems your culture about shia is very low , so i would sugest to learn about Al Sadr family and how this guy is considered especially in this family ;)

No I don't trust you, The FSA will win and Assad will be killed < very simple words.
hopefully for trustable people to lead the country.
But since KSA Qatar and co are sponsoring the bad guys , people worry here , from Europe to USA and in Israël too.

Just check this article about Israelian opinion.
The next war - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

@Arabian Legend

Kurds are fighting for Kurdish nationalism and seperatism.
Kurds took this chance for their own benefit, there have been clashes between FSA/Jahbat vs Kurds and SAA vs Kurds.

they made a deal with Turkey . So Syria will give lands to them and Turkey will benefit for it :D
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Thanks god, now Hamas is helping the Free Syrian Army, they are going to end their relationship with Hezbulshaytan.
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