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Hey British people, are you bored ? here comes Punish a Muslim Day

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Only if you have the correct shoe lace with them. Avoid Bright Red, Blue and White laces with your DM's. :-)
I have yellow and brown with patterns.

Talk about stereotypes.

If we are going to play that game, Hindustanis are a bunch of failures who end working in tech support, Black Americans are bunch of stupid criminalised hooligans, and white Americans are a bunch of redneck school shooting depressed emos.

See, I can do stereotypes too.
Indians are scammers and fraudsters..IRS, Microsoft, Medical Care and what not are their ways to exploit their gora victims.
That's not a no go zone you numpty.

A no go zone is this allegation that certain areas of the UK are ruled by Islamists who don't let non Muslims roam about.

Anyway, you get exactly what you just said everywhere across the world, not just the UK.
I thought they were prolly those dodgy neighbourhoods where violent crimes are common.

But is that what it is now, muslim ghettos, so that's what it is then.

Talk about stereotypes.

If we are going to play that game, Hindustanis are a bunch of failures who end working in tech support, Black Americans are bunch of stupid criminalised hooligans, and white Americans are a bunch of redneck school shooting depressed emos.

See, I can do stereotypes too.
Just what I heard there and what I saw if it fits into some stereotype that's not on me.
Do you know that the punish a Muslim poster was sent by one or two people as per Scotland Yard and yet you think the entire British society are intolerant?

Come on use some logic, that is no better than me judging all pakistani Muslims because of what Qadri did to Salman Tasser.

Use some common sense.
I didn't generalize anyone , all I am say that British were showing concern over Pakistans treatment of the minorities , so in Pakistan we have our nutjobs and in your country you have yours .. we are same :)
I have yellow and brown with patterns.

Indians are scammers and fraudsters..IRS, Microsoft, Medical Care and what not are their ways to exploit their gora victims.

Pakistanis are pedophiles and human traffickers who dabble in grooming young children and sexually exploiting them all across the U.K (from Rotherham to Rochdale - can be seen sexually exploiting their gora victims. See? I can do it too, pakiboi.
Pakistanis are pedophiles and human traffickers who dabble in grooming young children and sexually exploiting them all across the U.K (from Rotherham to Rochdale - can be seen sexually exploiting their gora victims. See? I can do it too, pakiboi.
These are all stereotypes for indians ..bhakti.
I'll refer you back to my earlier post, do tell me if you know of anyone who can launch a 100 megaton missiles from their backyard, garden, bedroom etc.
It's not about launching a nuke on mecca but it's about the violent tendency of British people towards Muslims , imagine if a similar paper was released by a Islamic terrorist organization , the world would have gone crazy and USA and uk would have invaded rest of the muslim countries in search of WMD's ..

I understand you are grown up in UK but you gotta admit that British people are racist and intolerant against muslims and Arabs .. not all but the people are increasing .. just look at british first right wing party .. and that red head women who's videos were retweeted by Donald trump .
Pakistanis are pedophiles and human traffickers who dabble in grooming young children and sexually exploiting them all across the U.K (from Rotherham to Rochdale - can be seen sexually exploiting their gora victims. See? I can do it too, pakiboi.
Nice but no need to use racial slurs
These are all stereotypes for indians ..bhakti.
What are you on about? You are aware that the overwhelming amount of people convicted of running child sex rings in the UK are Pakistani right?
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