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Heroes we lost!

Laishram Jyotin Singh[/QUOTE]

Major Laishram Jyotin Singh was an army doctor in the Indian Army Medical Corps, who died fighting a suicide bomber during the attack on the Indian Embassy in Kabul.Major Singh was awarded the Ashoka Chakra, the highest peacetime gallantry award in the Indian Armed Forces on January 26, 2011.
Laishram Singh was born in 1972 in Manipur, India. He was commissioned in the Army Medical Corps in 2003, and was posted with the Indian Embassy in Kabul in 2010. Just thirteen days after his commissioning, a suicide bomber attacked the guarded residential compound where he was staying.Major Singh confronted the terrorist unarmed and forced him to detonate his vest, which resulted in his death. He was awarded the Ashok Chakra "For his act of exemplary courage, grit, selflessness and valour in the face of a terrorist attack, resulting in his sacrifice and saving 10 of his colleagues"
Puneet Nath Dutt

2nd Lt. Puneet Nath Datt (29 April 1973 - 20 July 1997), was a soldier who served in the 11 Gorkha Rifles regiment of the Indian Army.
He belonged to the Muhiyal community and was posthumously awarded India's highest peace-time gallantry award, Ashok Chakra for bravery displayed in an operation conducted against foreign terrorists well-entrenched in a three-storey building in the Naushera area of Srinagar in the state of Jammu and Kashmir.
Consistent with the tradition of military service among Muhiyal Brahmins,2nd. Lt. Puneet Nath Datt's family included other soldiers as well. His father Major Pramod Nath Datt also belonged to Gorkha Rifles and was the reason Puneet Nath Datt was inspired to join the same regiment. His grandfather Col. S.N.C Bakshi also served in the Indian Army while his uncle V.K.C Bakhshi was a Commander in the Indian Navy. The posthumous Ashok Chakra was received on his behalf by his mother Mrs. Anita Datt, from the President of India on on 26 January 1998, India's Republic Day.
Vasanth Venugopal

Col Vasanth V, AC (25 March 1967 - 31 July 2007) was the Commanding Officer of 9 Maratha Light Infantry, a unit of the Indian Army. On 31 July 2007, he was killed in action while preventing heavily armed infiltrators from crossing the Indian border at Uri, Jammu and Kashmir.
Col Vasanth was awarded the Ashoka Chakra (posthumous),the peacetime equivalent of the Param Vir Chakra, India's highest military decoration for gallantry. The Ashoka Chakra is awarded for the "most conspicuous bravery or some daring or pre-eminent valour or self-sacrifice" other than in the face of the enemy.Col Vasanth is the first person from the state of Karnataka, India to receive this honour.
Born to Praphulla and NK Venugopal in Bangalore, India, he was the youngest of two brothers. His father's work required the family to travel throughout the state of Karnataka and Vasanth went to schools in Udupi, Shimoga and Bangalore. He graduated from MES College, Bangalore in 1988. While in college, he was a member of the National Cadet Corps, through which he participated in the Indo-Canada World Youth Exchange Programme of 1986-87.
Vasanth joined the Indian Military Academy, Dehradun in 1988. On 10 June 1989, he was commissioned into 9 MARATHA LI. In a military career spanning eighteen years, he served in Pathankot, Sikkim, Gandhinagar, Ranchi, Bangalore and various sectors of Jammu and Kashmir.
I go where my men go,' Colonel Vasanth Venugopal told his mother when she asked him if a colonel should participate in all operations conducted by his men. On 28 October 2006 he took over as Commanding Officer of 9 Maratha Light Infantry. The battalion was at that time posted in Uri Sector of Jammu and Kashmir. Less than a year later, he was killed in a gun battle with militants who were trying to infiltrate the Indian border.Radio Operator Lance Naik Ganpat Shashikant also died in the operation.[6]
Col Vasanth's biography Forever Forty, written by his wife Subhashini Vasanth and Veena Prasad was released by H.E Gen JJ Singh, PVSM, AVSM, VSM (Retd) and Honourable Justice Santosh Hegde on 10 July 2011 at Crossword Bookstore, Bangalore.
On July 31, his troops surrounded terrorists in a forest and blocked all their escape routes in the Uri sector in Kashmir. Despite being wounded, the colonel and his men engaged the terrorists in a fierce encounter. The daring officer led from the front and helped gun down the terrorists. Tragically, he was hit by a bullet and died in hospital.'He ensured that all eight infiltrators were wiped out even as he laid down his life for the nation. He was a true soldier who was dedicated to the country and his force,' then Chief of Army Staff General J J Singh said after Colonel Venugopal's martyrdom.
In honour of his sacrifice, the nation awarded him the Ashok Chakra, the highest gallantry award granted during peace time. Col Vasanth was cremated with full military honours on Aug 01, 2007 in Bangalore.
Havaldar Gajender Singh

Havaldar Gajender Singh Bisht (born 1972) was an NSG commando who died during the 2008 Mumbai attacks. His act of bravery was honoured with the Ashoka Chakra award by the President of India on 26 January 2009, India's Republic Day.
Hailing from Ganeshpur in Uttarakhand, young Gajender Singh studied at the Janata Inter College in Naya Gaon. He was remembered by his teachers as a disciplined student who participated in every event organised in the school, be it sports or cultural activities. He had a particular interest in boxing.
Gajender Singh was a member of the National Security Guard’s 51 Special Action Group. Gajender Singh was part of the team of NSG commandos who were abseiled on the roof of Nariman House in an operation to neutralize the terrorists inside who were holding at least six hostages.
According to Jyoti Krishna Dutt, Director General of the NSG, Singh was leading one of the teams that entered the building. The team came under intense fire from the terrorists and returned fire, while trying to dominate the situation. The terrorists also hurled a few grenades at the commandos. At this point, Singh had the option of retreating with his team. However, he realized that they had to seize this opportunity to dominate and continued moving ahead. He didn't turn his back to the militants and created a way for the other commandos despite a grenade thrown at him. Despite sustaining multiple bullet injuries while doing so, he moved forward and ultimately succumbed to his injuries, making the supreme sacrifice. This selfless and brave gesture of his ensured that his team secured a dominating position in the encounter.
While securing the Nariman House during Operation Black Tornado, Singh, a member of the Parachute Regiment was fatally wounded while storming the Jewish center.
Jadu Nath Singh

Naik Jadu Nath Singh was a soldier of Indian Army who fought the Indo-Pakistani War of 1947 in Jammu & Kashmir. He died in the battle and was later awarded with the Param Vir Chakra for his bravery in the War. He was the fourth recipient of Param Vir Chakra.
Naik Jadu Nath Singh, a Rathore Rajput,was born on 21 November 1916 in Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh. He was enrolled in the 1 Rajput (now 4 Guards (1 Rajput))on 21 November 1941.
During the Jammu & Kashmir operations in the winter of 1947, the capture of Jhangar on December 24, by the Pakistani raiders, placed them in an advantageous position in the Naushahra sector. Being in full command of the communication lines from Mirpur to Poonch, they could now build up their forces for attack on Naushahra. The Army was alive to this threat. In January 1948, they conducted operations to prevent the enemy build up in the area and in the process occupied Kot village to the Northwest of Naushahra. In any case an attack on Naushahra was imminent. Brigadier Usman of the 50 Para Brigade had made adequate preparation to thwart this attack by establishing strong pickets on possible enemy approaches. One of these approaches lay to the north of Naushahra through Tain dhar.
The expected enemy attack came on the foggy morning of February 6, at 0640 hrs. The enemy started the attack by opening fire from their pickets on the Taindhar ridge on an Indian patrol. Simultaneously, the whole of Tain dhar and the surrounding hills became live with bursts of machine gun and crunches of mortar fire. Meanwhile under the cover of darkness the enemy crept up to the Indian pickets. In the first light of dawn the men on the post saw thousands of hostiles creeping up to them. On the crucial day of February 6, Naik Jadunath Singh was in command of a forward post of picket No.2 at Taindhar. 9 men garrisoned the post.
The enemy launched their attack in successive waves to take this post. At this juncture Naik Jadunath Singh displayed great valour & superb leadership and used his small force in such a manner that the enemy retreated in utter confusion. When four of his men were wounded he re-organised the battered force for meeting another onslaught. The post did not give in despite its being outnumbered. When all men including him were wounded, he personally took over the Bren gun from the wounded Bren-gunner. The enemy was now right on the walls of the post. Naik Jadunath Singh, unmindful of personal safety encouraged his men to fight. His fire was so devastating that what looked like a certain defeat was turned into a victory. Thus the post was saved a second time.
By now all men of the post had turned into casualties. The enemy put in his third and final attack determined to capture the post. Naik Jadunath Singh, wounded and alone, rose to give a battle for the third time. He came out of the Sangar and firing his sten gun charged on the advancing enemy. The surprised enemy fled in disorder. He met a gallant death, in this third and last charge, when two enemy bullets pierced him in the head and the chest. At a most critical stage in the battle for the defence of Naushahra, he saved his picket from being overrun by the enemy. Naik Jadunath Singh was honoured with the highest wartime gallantry medal, Param Vir Chakra, posthumously.
For this ultimate act of personal sacrifice for the sake of the nation, Naik Jadu Nath Singh was decorated with the nation's highest award of gallantry.
A sports stadium is named after him in his birth place Shahjahanpur.
The citation for the Param Vir Chakra awarded to him reads:
At No 2 picquet on Taindhar on 6 February 1948, No 27373 Naik Jadunath Singh was in command of a forward section post, which bore the full brunt of the enemy attack. Nine men against overwhelming odds garrisoned the little post. The enemy launched its attack in successive waves and with great ferocity to overcome this post. The first wave swept up to the post in a furious attack. Displaying great valour and superb qualities of leadership Naidk Jadunath Singh so used the small force at his disposal that the enemy retired in utter confusion. Four of his men were wounded but Naik Jadunath Singh again showed his qualities of good leadership by reorganizing the battered force under him, for meeting another onslaught. His coolness and courage were of such an order that the men rallied and were ready for the second attack which came with greater determination and in larger number than the preceding one. Though hopelessly outnumbered, this post under the gallant leadership of Naik Jadunath Singh resisted. All were wounded, and Naik Jadunath Singh, though wounded in the right arm, personally took over the Bren gun from the wounded Bren gunner. The enemy was right on the walls of the post but Naid Jadunath Singh once again showed outstanding ability and valour of the highest order in action. By his complete disregard for his personal safety and example of coolness and courage, he encouraged his men to fight. His fire was so devastating, that what looked like impending defeat was turned into a victory and the enemy retreated in chaos leaving the dead and wounded littered on the ground. With this act of supreme heroism and outstanding example of leadership and determination, Naik Jadunath Singh saved the post from the second assault. By this time, all men in the post were casualties. The enemy put in his third and final attack in undiminished numbers and determination to capture this post. Naik Jadunath Singh, now wounded, prepared literally single-handed to give battle for the third time. With great courage and determination, he came out of the sangar and finally with the Sten gun, made a most magnificent single-handed charge on the advancing enemy, who, completely taken by surprise, fled in disorder. Naik Jadunath Singh, however, met his gallant death in his third and last charge when two bullets hit him in the head and chest. Thus, charging single-handedly at the advancing enemy, this Non-Commissioned Officer, performed the highest act of gallantry and self-sacrifice and by so doing saved his section-nay, his whole picquet from being overrun by the enemy at the most critical stage in the battle for the defence of Nushera.
Gurbachan Singh Salaria

Captain Gurbachan Singh Salaria (born 29 November 1935; Gurdaspur, Punjab – 1961) is a military war hero, who was awarded the Param Vir Chakra, India's highest wartime military award. In the 1988 television serial Param Vir Chakra by Chetan Anand, Captain G.S. Salaria was played by actor Brando Bakshi.
Gurbachan Singh Salaria was from village Jangla near Dinanagar in Pathankot distt, Punjab. His father's name was Chaudhary Munshi Ram Salaria.He belongs to the Saini community.
He started his education at the famous Bangalore Military School, Bangalore (erstwhile King George School, Bangalore (more popularly known as King George Royal Indian Military College [KGRIMC], Bangalore) before moving to King George School, Jalandhar (now known as Chail Military School). He joined the 9th batch of National Defence Academy at Khadakwasla. He was in 'Bravo' squadron. His cadet number was 1317.
Commissioned in the 1st Gorkha Rifles (the Maluan Regiment) on 9 June 1957, he was posted to the third battalion of the Regiment. In 1961, Salaria was posted abroad with his battalion in Katanga.
After the Belgians quit Congo, a civil war situation developed in that country. When the United Nations decided upon military intervention to retrieve the situation, India contributed a brigade of around 3000 men to the U.N. force. In November 1961, the U.N. Security Council decided to put a stop to the hostile activities of the Katangese troops in Congo. This greatly angered Tshombe, Katanga's secessionist leader, and he intensified his 'hate the UN' campaign. The result was more violence against UN personnel.
On 5 December 1961, a 3/1 GR Company supported by 3-inch mortar attacked a road-block, established by the Katangese troops, between HQ Katanga command and the Elisabethville airfield at a strategic roundabout. The enemy roadblock was destroyed and the Gorkhas established a UN roadblock there. When Captain Salaria, with his platoon, tried to link up with the Gorkha Company to reinforce the roadblock, he met strong opposition in the old airfield area. The enemy held the area strongly with two armoured cars and 90 men and brought down heavy automatic and small arms fire on his force from a dug-in position on the right flank. Undeterred by the superior enemy strength and firepower, Salaria decided to take the enemy, head-on, to achieve the objective. The Gorkhas then charged the enemy with bayonets, khukris and hand-grenades. A rocket launcher supported them in the attack. In this sharp encounter, Captain Salaria and his men killed 40 of the enemy and knocked out two enemy cars. His bold action completely demoralised the enemy who fled despite numerical superiority and well-fortified positions. In the engagement, Captain Salaria was wounded in the neck by a burst of enemy automatic fire. Ignoring the injury, he continued to fight till he collapsed due to excessive bleeding, dying subsequently of his wounds.
Captain Salaria's actions prevented the Katangese rebels from encircling the UN Headquarters in Elisabethville. His leadership, courage, unflinching devotion to duty and disregard for personal safety were in the best traditions of the Indian Army and for which Captain Gurbachan Singh Salaria was posthumously awarded the highest wartime medal, Param Vir Chakra.
On 5 December 1961, 3/1 Gorkha Rifles was ordered to clear a roadblock established by the gendarmerie at a strategic roundabout at Elizabethville, Katanga. The plan was that one company with 2 Swedish armoured cars would attack the position frontally and Captain Gurbachan Singh Salaria with two sections of Gorkhas and two Swedish armoured personnel carriers would advance towards this roadblock from the airfield to act as a cutting-off force.
Captain Salaria with his small force arrived at a distance of 1500 yards from the roadblock at approximately 1312 hours on 5 December 1961 and came under heavy automatic and small-arms fire from an undetected enemy position dug in on his right flank. The enemy also had two armoured cars and about 90 men opposing Captain Salaria’s small force.
Captain Salaria appreciating that he had run into a subsidiary roadblock and ambush and that this enemy force might reinforce the strategic roundabout and thus jeopardize the main operation, decided to remove this opposition. He led a charge with bayonets, khukris, and grenades supported by a rocket launcher. In this gallant engagement, Captain Salaria killed 40 of the enemy and knocked out the two armoured cars. This unexpected bold action completely demoralised the enemy who fled despite their numerical superiority and protected positions.
Captain Salaria was wounded in his neck by a burst of automatic fire but continued to fight till he collapsed due to loss of blood. Captain Salaria’s gallant action prevented any enemy movement of the enemy force towards the main battle scene and thus contributed very largely to the success of the main battalion’s action at the roundabout and prevented the encirclement of UN Headquarters in Elizabethville. Captain Salaria subsequently died of his wounds.
Captain Salaira’s personal example, utter disregard for personal safety and dauntless leadership inspired his small but gallant force of sixteen Gorkhas to hold on to their position, dominate the enemy and to inflict heavy casualties despite the enemy’s superiority in numbers and tactical position.
Captain Gurbachan Singh Salaria’s leadership, courage, and unflinching devotion to duty and disregard for personal safety were in the best traditions of our Army
Piru Singh

Company Havildar Major Piru Singh Shekhawat(20 May 1918 – 18 July 1948) was a soldier in the British Indian Army. He died in service during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1947. He was posthumously awarded the Param Vir Chakra, India's highest award for valour in the face of the enemy.
"South of Tithwal, ‘D’ Company, of which No 2831592 Piru Singh, was Havildar Major was detailed to attack and capture an enemy occupied hill feature. The enemy had well dug in positions and had sited his MMGs so as to cover all possible approaches. As the attack advanced, it was met with heavy MMG fire from both flanks. Volleys of grenades were hurled down from enemy bunkers. Company Havildar Major Piru Singh was then with the forward most Section of the company."
"Seeing more than half of the Section killed or wounded, he did not lose courage. With battle cries he encouraged the remaining men and rushed forward with great determination onto the nearest enemy MMG position. Grenade splinters ripping his clothes and wounding him at several places, he continued to advance without the least regard for his safety. He was on top of the MMG position wounding the gun crew with Sten gun fire. With complete disregard to his bleeding wounds he made a mad jump on the MMG crew bayoneting them to death, thus silencing the gun.
"By then he suddenly realized that he was the sole survivor of the section, the rest of them either dead or wounded. Another grenade thrown at him wounded him in the face. With blood dripping from his face wounds in his eyes, he crawled out of the trench, hurling grenades at the next enemy position."
"With a loud battle cry, he jumped on the occupants of the next trench bayoneting two to death. The ‘C’ Company Commander who was directing fire in support of the attacking company witnessed this action."
"As Havilder Major Piru Singh emerged out of the second trench to charge on the 3rd enemy bunker, he was hit in the head by a bullet and was seen dropping on the edge of the enemy trench. There was an explosion in the trench, which showed that his grenade had done its work. By then Company Havildar Major Piru Singh’s wounds had proved fatal."
"He had paid with his life for his singularly brave act, but he had left for the rest of his comrades an unique example of single-handed bravery and determined cold courage."

Lieutenant Sushil Khajuria was born on 28 Aug 1985 at Samba in Jammu and Kashmir. He completed his schooling from Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 1, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu. He joined the Officers Training Academy (OTA) after completing his graduation and was commissioned in the ASC on attachment to the 18th Battalion, The Grenadiers Regiment on 20 March, 2010. A second generation officer, whose elder brother Captain Anil Khajuria is presently serving with 22 Assam Rifles, he also has a younger sister.
Lieutenant Sushil Khajuria joined the unit at Panzgam on 14 April, 2010. He was the Ghatak Platoon Commander from the beginning and was soon in combat, conducting counter terrorist operations in the treacherous mountainous terrain of the frontiers of Kupwara in Jammu and Kashmir. His first real encounter was on 29 July, 2011, where he gave an excellent account of himself and the battalion was successful in neutralising one hardcore terrorist.

On 26 September, 2011, based on specific input by higher formation headquarters and a neighbouring formation about the presence of an infiltration column of approximately 5 to 6 terrorists in the general area of Kopra, teams were launched to search and destroy. Lieutenant Sushil Khajuria was leading his team in a rugged and difficult terrain with steep slopes and thick undergrowth, while simultaneously, coordinating movements with four other teams. While scouting a nala, his team came under heavy fire. With his buddy was pinned down by the terrorist fire and realising that the terrorists were entrenched in an advantageous position behind a big rock, he crawled through thick foliage to a flank and spotted the terrorists under covering fire from his team.

Unmindful of his personal safety, he charged at the terrorists, up slope, killing two of them. The operation resumed on 27 September, 2011 when the leading scout of another team, Havildar Ravi Kumar got shot by the terrorists at around 10.30 hrs and was severely injured. Kumar could not move, under fire from the terrorists. Lieutenant Sushil Khajuria volunteered to retrieve the injured Havildar Ravi Kumar. While crawling towards Havildar, Lieutenant Sushil Khajuria was fired upon by a terrorist and was injured, succumbing to his injuries, later.

For his act of conspicuous gallantry, exceptional leadership and camaraderie in the highest traditions of Army, Lt Sushil Khajuria has been awarded the Kirti Chakra (Posthumous)
This is an excerpt from Brig.J.S Dalvi's illustrious The Himalayan Blunder,in which he states the account of the horrific incidents that took place in the morning of 20th October'1962.The overwhelming number of Chinese troops, covered with pin point accurate artillery support attacked Indian forward bases on Bridge III,IV and Tsangdhar.As he writes,

Major B.K Pant's leadership and indomitable courage is a true epic.When the Chinese shelling commenced,Pant went round the locality bracing the men for the inevitable assault.He told the men that this was the day in which they would write a new chapter in the history of the battalion;and the time had come to show the Chinese the qualities which had made the name Rajput synonymous with courage and tenacity.Pant was wounded in the leg as he insisted in exposing himself during the shelling to reassure his men who had never experienced artillery fire.In spite of this he hobbled around telling the men that when the time came the fight must be to the last man and the last round.
The company held fast against three waves of Chinese attacks and suffered heavy casualties.The enemy called for heavier artillery concentrations before launching the fourth attack.Pant was wounded in the stomach and both legs.Despite his agony he continued to inspire his men,who seeing the indomitable will of this man,rose to super-human heights and broke the fourth attack.Pant losing blood rapidly was nearing his end but would not cry enough.He shouted to the men that Rajputs never give up and never die.His last stirring clarion call was to remind his jawans fulfill their destiny and historical role as members of the martial clan from whom descend all other fighting men in India.
His last words were:"Men of the Rajput Regiment,you were born but to die for your country.God has selected this small river for which you must die.Stand up and fight as true Rajputs."
The Chinese realised that Major Pant was the main impediment in their way and the cause of their heavy casualties and directed all their attention to him.Heavy machine-gun fire was brought to bear on him and he was soon riddled with bullets.He died proudly shouting as so many Rajput warriors have done over the centuries,the famous Rajput battle-cry:"Bajrang Bali ki Jai"
Major Pant's force of 112 had 82 killed and wounded.What more can a country ask of its brave sons?


Salute to those men,pushed to an unnecessary and unequal war after being given an impossible task to defend a more political position and less military,fought with equal bravery and gallant as their counterparts imparted with much better equipment and most importantly a better political and military leadership.

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