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Here’s Everything A Capricorn Doesn’t Want You To Know


Feb 21, 2012
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Here’s Everything A Capricorn Doesn’t Want You To Know

Malaika Tahir
December 23, 2016
The symbol of this ambitious sign falling between December 22 and January 19 is based on intelligence, creation, crafts, water, seawater and lakewater. The mountain goat part of the symbol depicts ambition, resolute, intelligence, curiosity, but also steadiness, and ability to thrive in inhospitable environments while the fish represents passion, spirituality, intuition, and connection with the soul.

Here is everything you need to know about Capricorns:

1. They are extremely responsible
You can always count on them


Source: tumblr.com

2. They have more patience than any other zodiac sign

Source: tumblr.com
3. They are pretty ambitious

Source: tumblr.com
4. They are less likely to cheat on you, in a relationship
In a world full of lies, most Capricorns are loyal.


Source: tumblr.com
5. But at the same time, they don’t trust people easily
Khud loyal hotay hain but they are distrusting when it comes to others.


Source: tumblr.com
6. They rarely rely on others
Capricorns are very independent because they know their capabilities and therefore they rarely trust others to finish details, they like to do it all themselves.


Source: tumblr.com
7. Capricorns are amazing friends
They will always be there to help, they are very sympathetic, caring and helpful to a friend in need. They do things for their friends and expect nothing in return.


Source: tumblr.com
The Capricorn friend is deep and mysterious and full of intrigue, there always seems to be something going on in their mind.

8. They are good with business dealings
The Capricorn personality is geared towards that of leadership and achievement, they always want to climb the corporate ladder and be the best they can be. Capricorns have excellent sense of time and manage it very well, they are excellent organizers.


Source: cloudfront.net
Capricorns make good, wise investments because they look at the long term and what will be the most beneficial down the road.

9. They might sometimes come off as ziddi
According to a Capricorn, there is only a right way and a wrong way to do things and this idea makes some Capricorns closed minded, stubborn and reluctant to agree with others. This is an ongoing lesson for Capricorns, knowing that there is more then one way of doing things and even though their way is usually right, it does not mean that they have to impose their ways on others.


Source: tumblr.com
10. They are very concerned with their public image and their reputation
Their image is important for them.


Source: tumblr.com
11. Capricorns are loners but they also need to feel appreciated
But they are excellent at hiding this truth.


Source: tumblr.com

12. Forming an emotional bond with them is hard but once you do, its unbreakable

Capricorns make it difficult to get close emotionally because once they let someone in, they do not want to let them go and emotional connection makes them feel vulnerable yet satisfied at the same time.


Source: tumblr.com
13. They share their sign with a bunch of amazing people
Muhammad Ali


Source: history.com
Marina Khan


Source: dawn.com
Stephen Hawking


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My sister is capricorn but this stuff only applies 50/50 at a cursory glance. She is certainly one of the most impatient people I know :P But the public image thing is spot on for her.

Astrology is hocus pocus :P
My sister is capricorn but this stuff only applies 50/50 at a cursory glance. She is certainly one of the most impatient people I know :P But the public image thing is spot on for her.

Astrology is hocus pocus :P
One thing is for sure i dont trust easily :D
But i am not a loner astrology is just a fun thing like those weird fb matchmaker sites

It should not be taken seriously
4. They are less likely to cheat on you, in a relationship
In a world full of lies, most Capricorns are loyal.
Cheating not agree:p: loyal yes:tup: all other are 90% correct.
@Zibago bhi Capricorn?
4. They are less likely to cheat on you, in a relationship
In a world full of lies, most Capricorns are loyal.
Cheating not agree:p: loyal yes:tup: all other are 90% correct.
@Zibago bhi Capricorn?
Yep parson 23 ka huya hoan :D
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