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Here’s Everything A Capricorn Doesn’t Want You To Know

Har insan kay liye mukhtalif "Hitler Type ka Star Hota Hai" Jo Married hein un kay liye jo bhi star un ki begum ka ho wohi "Hitler Type ka Star Hota Hai" aur jo Unmarried hein un kay liye jo bhi star un kay Abba Jee ya Boss ka ho wohi un kay liye "Hitler Type ka Star Hota Hai"... :)

:lol: :lol: yeh to mardoon k liye howa na . Mujhe to apna star hitler type needed not of others :P
I don't trust in Stars or Astrology, however, please tell me the difference about Eastern and Western Astrology just for the sake of knowledge...
From my limited knowledge, both had interactions in the past and are influenced by each other, specially Indian astrology from Greek. Indians continued this study, so have more diverse and in depth information.
I do not believe in astrology as such but it is common for almost all Hindus to get a janampatri, life prediction. Astrologer I approached, did predict most of things accurately. So, still have interest in this field.
Thanx for enlightening me brother, it appears that Eastern Astrology is more complex, detailed and should be more accurate...did i perceive it correct?

:lol: :lol: yeh to mardoon k liye howa na . Mujhe to apna star hitler type needed not of others :P
Ab is maslay per to Kashmiri Pandit jaisa expert hi koi rai day sakta hai...mainay to apni judgement batai thi...
sab say hitler type ka star kon sa hay

Hitler had Mars in Aries in 7th and hence had issues related to love life but this placement made him a public Figure with strong leadership skills . Other planetary also contributed . Otherwise A Hitler will pop up every day :D

Thanx for enlightening me brother, it appears that Eastern Astrology is more complex, detailed and should be more accurate...did i perceive it correct?

Ab is maslay per to Kashmiri Pandit jaisa expert hi koi rai day sakta hai...mainay to apni judgement batai thi...

Yup ! I did self study for 4 years and only scratched the surface . Deeper and Hidden concepts still elude me .
Hitler had Mars in Aries in 7th and hence had issues related to love life but this placement made him a public Figure with strong leadership skills . Other planetary also contributed . Otherwise A Hitler will pop up every day :D

Yup ! I did self study for 4 years and only scratched the surface . Deeper and Hidden concepts still elude me .

I wanted to know about strong stars. Though usually I do not believe in those weekly predictions or monthly, however, I feel that the movement of the moon or full moon do effect the oceans or seas and for that matter human must be having some kinds of effects since our body has a great percentage of water itself.

Though that is my personal opinion may be am wrong.
tell me more on aries love life... :cray:

Its incomplete .

Aries means nothing .

Is one Aries Moon , Aries Sun or Aries Ascendant .

Aries Sun in Eastern Astrology falls April 14 - May 15
Moon changes sign every 2 and a Half days .
That is why every month we will have Sun fixed in 1 sign travelling through houses while Moon changing signs 12 times a month .

Aries Ascendant will give different results .

I wanted to know about strong stars. Though usually I do not believe in those weekly predictions or monthly, however, I feel that the movement of the moon or full moon do effect the oceans or seas and for that matter human must be having some kinds of effects since our body has a great percentage of water itself.

Though that is my personal opinion may be am wrong.

Yup You are right Phases of Moon effects Human emotions .
Waxing Moon is stronger compared to wanning Moon .
April ? But doesn't that come under Bull
he was born in the cusp of Aries and Taurus so...
I wonder if Hitler was an Aries rising. That would explain his temper. Taurus has a temper enough, but boy, when Aries starts seeing red, you better get as far away from him as you can! Flee to another country if possible. Just pack up your belongings, load your children into the car, and go, go, go! Last thing you want to do is stick around when you're on the outs with Taurus, Aries rising.

Earth signs tend to be ambitious and really concentrate on a single purpose. Taurus, in particular, is known for cracking the whip. Is that so Hitler, or what?

I mean, how did Hitler's friends even deal with him? When I'm even in the same room with a Taurus, I start to freak. Of course, I'm a Gemini, and air signs don't get along so well with earth signs. I bet most of Hitler's top brass were Pisces. Pisces and Tauruses make good matches. Eva Braun's sign was Aquarius. I imagine that was a rocky relationship! Aquarius rocks the boat, and Taurus doesn't like that one bit! Which I guess explains why her marriage to Hitler was so short.

Taurus can be arrogant, which can really get him into trouble. I saw on that show that Hitler invaded Russia in June. June is rarely a good time for Taurus to undertake any new projects. True, Mercury was ascendant, but Stalin, the leader of Russia at the time, was a Sagittarius, a fire sign. In that combination, earth's the one that's going down. As an air sign, I would have gotten along much better with Stalin.

It may have been obvious to me all along, but not everyone is so perceptive. For instance, my friend Sarah, on a couple of occasions, has mentioned that she will never understand why Hitler did the things he did. I wonder if she knows he was a Taurus.
he was born in the cusp of Aries and Taurus so...

he was born in the cusp of Aries and Taurus so...

:D so paaa punja phir
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