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Herd immunity: will the UK's coronavirus strategy work?


Nov 4, 2011
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Herd immunity: will the UK's coronavirus strategy work?
Ministers look to have given up on containment in favour of a novel approach some experts are wary of


The government’s chief scientific adviser, Sir Patrick Vallance, right, joins Boris Johnson and Prof Chris Whitty, the chief medical officer, to announce further coronavirus measures. Photograph: Simon Dawson/Reuters

Herd immunity is a phrase normally used when large numbers of children have been vaccinated against a disease like measles, reducing the chances that others will get it. As a tactic in fighting a pandemic for which there is no vaccine, it is novel – and some say alarming.

It relies on people getting the disease – in this case Covid-19 – and becoming immune as a result. Generally it is thought that those who recover will be immune, at least for now, so they won’t get it twice.

But allowing the population to build up immunity in this way – rather than through widespread testing, tracking down the contacts of every case and isolating them, as many other countries in Asia and Europe have chosen to do – could increase the risk to the most vulnerable: older people with underlying health problems.

To reach herd immunity, about 60% of the population would need to get ill and become immune, according to Sir Patrick Vallance, the government’s chief scientific adviser. Though it could need as much as 70% or more. Even scientists who understand the strategy are anxious. “I do worry that making plans that assume such a large proportion of the population will become infected (and hopefully recovered and immune) may not be the very best that we can do,” said Martin Hibberd, professor of emerging infectious disease at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.

“Another strategy might be to try to contain [it] longer and perhaps long enough for a therapy to emerge that might allow some kind of treatment. This seems to be the strategy of countries such as Singapore. While this containment approach is clearly difficult (and may be impossible for many countries), it does seem a worthy goal; and those countries that can should aim to do.”

The government’s “nudge unit” seems to favour this strategy. Dr David Halpern, a psychologist who heads the Behavioural Insights Team, said on BBC News: “There’s going to be a point, assuming the epidemic flows and grows, as we think it probably will do, where you’ll want to cocoon, you’ll want to protect those at-risk groups so that they basically don’t catch the disease and by the time they come out of their cocooning, herd immunity’s been achieved in the rest of the population.”

But Anthony Costello, a paediatrician and former World Health Organization director, said that the UK government was out of kilter with other countries in looking to herd immunity as the answer. It could conflict with WHO policy, he said in a series of Twitter posts, which is to contain the virus by tracking and tracing all cases. He quoted Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the WHO director general, who said: “The idea that countries should shift from containment to mitigation is wrong and dangerous.”

Herd immunity might not even last, Costello said. “Does coronavirus cause strong herd immunity or is it like flu where new strains emerge each year needing repeat vaccines? We have much to learn about Co-V immune responses.” Vaccines, he said, were a much safer way of bringing it about.

Feels like the UK goverment wants to kill off all the old age pensioners so that it does not have to pay them pensions anymore. It does feel like the goverment has washed its hands of the old people in our society.

Every other country in the world is looking to starve crono to death, but the UK wants to feed it with lab rats like me... not happy, as are most people i speak to. They are not happy with the goverments approach and its "science experiment" which is what the current strategy is ...
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Lets turn Britain in a leper colony. Whole world should exile anyone with Covid 19 to Britain.
UK's 'herd immunity' approach to tackling coronavirus questioned by World Health Organisation

The Evening Standard

The Government's 'herd immunity' approach has been questioned by a health expert ( Getty Images )
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The World Health Organisation has cast doubt on the UK’s approach to developing "herd immunity" against Covid-19, saying the current situation around the outbreak in Britain requires "action".

Spokeswoman Margaret Harris said scientists do not know enough about the virus to say whether "theories" around people becoming immune to it are correct.

On Friday, the UK’s chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance hit back at criticism over the Government's handling of the virus and said the approach would hopefully create a “herd immunity” to the disease .

Former Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt was among those to ask why the Government had not cancelled large gatherings as part of the measures, but Sir Patrick said some of the social distancing measures put in place - including self-isolating for seven days if symptoms develop - were "actually quite extreme".

Empty London during Coronavirus

Questioning the approach, Dr Harris told BBC Radio 4’s Today: “We don’t know enough about the science of this virus, it hasn’t been in our population for long enough for us to know what it does in immunological terms.

“Every virus functions differently in your body and stimulates a different immunological profile.

“We can talk theories, but at the moment we are really facing a situation where we have got to look at action.”

In Pictures | Every major sporting event affected by coronavirus

Her comments come as plans get under way to ban mass gatherings from next weekBoris Johnson had faced criticism for not taking such actions, despite similar steps being taken by other European countries as the pandemic worsens. Emergency legislation bringing in beefed-up powers will be published next week and there could also be a move towards more people working from home, a Whitehall source said.

The Times reported the laws could also give police and immigration officers to detain people if they are suspected of being infected and the ability to direct schools to stay open. The newspaper said the laws could remain in place for two years.

Scores of major sporting and cultural events have already been suspendedWorld Health Organisation | covid-19 | coronvairus | Boris Johnson | Government


UK is ran by a bunch of imbeciles, I can't believe i'm saying this but our mullahs should put a ban on people coming from UK.
It's very fitting for Britain. People voted for this idiot following herd mentality. Now they can all contract Corona virus doing the same. I don't know why he is so intent on killing his own votebank. Old white people nearly always vote conservative.
Johnson warns public to prepare to lose loved ones to coronavirus

I am not happy about this approach.

Would prefer to isolate and kill it as much as possible and then hopefully come up with a vaccine before the next “season”.

In the meantime the society functions as much as possible within reason to reduce the chance of the virus making a comeback.

@waz Any thoughts bro?
I am NOT happy with this approach. The UK goverment is wrong on this one.
60,000+ dead, still incompetence rules the waves...
60,000+ dead, still incompetence rules the waves...

Stop looking at numbers, deaths, case etc and look at context

How many of these 'covid' deaths had severe, end of life comorbidities? How many would've died anyway? Summer months had less deaths than average, which shows that covid simply pushed deaths forward.

Autumn months had lower than average deaths from other causes, people don't stop dying from other things because there's a new kid on the block. Clearly much of the covid deaths during these weeks and months would've died of their comorbidities anyway. They're just being listed as covid deaths erroneously.

How many excess deaths due to suicide, missed treatments & diagnoses?

What of long term economic damage, depression, societal distrust of government?

The cure has been worse than the disease

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