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Help us sort out Kashmir issue, Pak tells China

1: Why pak placed at 10th place in "Failed state index".
List of countries by Failed States Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2: Why every year thousand of pakistan people are killing in terrorist attack.
List of terrorist incidents in Pakistan since 2001 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3:Why pakistan is at 143 place in Corruption_Perceptions_Index. it's mean one of most corrupted country.
Corruption Perceptions Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4: Why everyone blame pakistan for spreading terrorism.

1) We have been there for a while now, every year people think... they are gonna break any-time now, but we don't.

things should calm down when the US leaves A'stan, and when Zordari is out of power.

2)Answer to that question is pretty simple, the Taliban are cowards who would much rather blow up civilians and are too scared to fight the army in the open.

3)NRO democrazy! we have a gadha in power and hopefuly by 2013 things will change.

4) maybe because they decided to fund these terrorists in the 80's along with Pakistan and then it came and bit them in the @ss and ofcourse they used Pak as a scape goat for their problems.
Some Indians still do not know the facts, what do can India to China in Tibet, except for some noise?

ये आवाज तुम्हारी नींद हरम कर देगी

do you know who is this person


60 years ago this man was removed the word "GREAT" from "Great Britain"
1) We have been there for a while now, every year people think... they are gonna break any-time now, but we don't.

things should calm down when the US leaves A'stan, and when Zordari is out of power.

2)Answer to that question is pretty simple, the Taliban are cowards who would much rather blow up civilians and are too scared to fight the army in the open.

3)NRO democrazy! we have a gadha in power and hopefuly by 2013 things will change.

4) maybe because they decided to fund these terrorists in the 80's along with Pakistan and then it came and bit them in the @ss and ofcourse they used Pak as a scape goat for their problems.

you want to say Zardari is your problem. Don't forget he was elected by you.
ये आवाज तुम्हारी नींद हरम कर देगी

do you know who is this person


60 years ago this man was removed the word "GREAT" from "Great Britain"

In this case, those parasites who certainly like India, they can remain.
I thought england was a country not a nationality? and ur origin is indian?? yes!

Why not display indian flag?
Wanna be brit? or just ashamed? or for trolling?

U keep ur nose out of our internal issues........ im a balouch from quetta,balouchistan ! And i know better.

U worry abt nagaland,mesoram,IOK,jharkhand,assam etc totalling 24 insurgency hit states~!

Well u have always be bigger then us! did tht stop IOK freedom struggle?

Huh! for the last 60 years u werent smaller then us either! nor Pakistans growth would remain constant.... remember till 2004-05 we were 2nd fastest growing economy after china! tht will again happen after we finish bastards tht u support!

Biggest bomb is tht despite all tht crappy propoganda,massacres,rapes and kidnapings u have failed in IOK!!!!

Even Failed to eliminate KASHMIRIAT!They still call themselves Kashmiris not indians! And hold PAKISTANI FLAGS!:pakistan:

Heck now even ur own ministers r calling for freedom of kashmir.

FREE KASHMIR aint tht far now!:pakistan:

the states you are talking about are not asking for freedom like baloch people are nor we are having an economic turmoil and my relatives live in kashmire and for your kind information no one holds pakistani flags there there jst some idiots who are sponsored by you people who do all this rubbish inside there
Analysis: Wen's Chinese take away, and what India got

Wen Jiabao is a good businessman and walked away from India with deals worth 16 billion dollars and a promise to boost the two-way trade to 100 billion dollars. But on the vital issue of terrorism there was a huge disappointment. Clearly, China is being indifferent to India's concerns on terrorism emanating from Pakistan.

The fact that the joint statement didn't even mention a condemnation of the 26/11 terror attacks was shocking when the entire world has been united in its response on the horrific incident.

But the takeaways from the visit were a mixed bag. As External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna told Headlines Today in an exclusive interview, "China has given us an assurance to resolve the stapled visa issue." This has been a contentious issue hanging fire and the fact that the assurance has come from the highest quarter may lead to some forward movement.

But amid the smile and bonhomie, there was some hard bargaining on the joint statement when China insisted that India should reiterate a one-China policy that meant that Tibet is an integral part of China, something they have done since 1988. New Delhi argued that they should agree to a mention of Jammu and Kashmir as an integral part of India in the joint statement, a concession Jiabao couldn't give as he is slated to visit Pakistan, China's all weather friend.

While South Block mandarins are doling out the spin, the fact remains that while India may have got some of its concerns in, the real difference will only be made if Beijing delivers on its promises on the ground. Which in case of China has been suspect given its earlier stance.

There was no forward movement on support for India as a permanent member in the UN Security Council. It is clear that Beijing wants to keep India guessing on the key issue.

New Delhi managed to get mutual respect and sensitivity for each other's concerns included in the joint statement, an assurance that Beijing was not willing to give earlier. But beyond semantics, India will have to understand that despite China's assertions that India is a friend, and that it should consider China as a friend, the fact remains that it can't let its guard down.

Given the fact that the frosty ties between the two countries had raised the temperature, it was important to lower the temperature and engage the dragon. While the visit helps in that direction, India should realise that in the long run it will have to look for a long term remedy to take on an assertive China.


A clear indication that India is linking Kashmir to Tibet
Q) Can China help us (Pakistan) sort out Kashmir issue?
Ans. No

Reason: India is not interested in any third party meddling in Kashmir, which it believes is a bi-lateral issue

Q) Can China get involved in Kashmir by pressuring/threatening India?
Ans. No

Reason: India is too big for that and China has lot to lose too
People just wait and watch , like USA China will also change its side in future , Chinese ppl are smart enough to understand long term benefits.

Both India and China cant afford a war with each other at-least at this point of time (they have other priorities ie economy).

@Pakistanis: U are ranting same stuff for past 60 yrs believe me nothing is going to happen
To all delusional indian members , China already involved in kashmire, that s why we issue stappled visa in kashmire you dont think we do that just for fun do u?

Have you read the post number #66, if not please read
Analysis: Wen's Chinese take away, and what India got

Wen Jiabao is a good businessman and walked away from India with deals worth 16 billion dollars and a promise to boost the two-way trade to 100 billion dollars. But on the vital issue of terrorism there was a huge disappointment. Clearly, China is being indifferent to India's concerns on terrorism emanating from Pakistan.

The fact that the joint statement didn't even mention a condemnation of the 26/11 terror attacks was shocking when the entire world has been united in its response on the horrific incident.

But the takeaways from the visit were a mixed bag. As External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna told Headlines Today in an exclusive interview, "China has given us an assurance to resolve the stapled visa issue." This has been a contentious issue hanging fire and the fact that the assurance has come from the highest quarter may lead to some forward movement.

But amid the smile and bonhomie, there was some hard bargaining on the joint statement when China insisted that India should reiterate a one-China policy that meant that Tibet is an integral part of China, something they have done since 1988. New Delhi argued that they should agree to a mention of Jammu and Kashmir as an integral part of India in the joint statement, a concession Jiabao couldn't give as he is slated to visit Pakistan, China's all weather friend.

While South Block mandarins are doling out the spin, the fact remains that while India may have got some of its concerns in, the real difference will only be made if Beijing delivers on its promises on the ground. Which in case of China has been suspect given its earlier stance.

There was no forward movement on support for India as a permanent member in the UN Security Council. It is clear that Beijing wants to keep India guessing on the key issue.

New Delhi managed to get mutual respect and sensitivity for each other's concerns included in the joint statement, an assurance that Beijing was not willing to give earlier. But beyond semantics, India will have to understand that despite China's assertions that India is a friend, and that it should consider China as a friend, the fact remains that it can't let its guard down.

Given the fact that the frosty ties between the two countries had raised the temperature, it was important to lower the temperature and engage the dragon. While the visit helps in that direction, India should realise that in the long run it will have to look for a long term remedy to take on an assertive China.


A clear indication that India is linking Kashmir to Tibet

heard Nirupama rao speaking on the matter on TV after the meet..its becoming clear that India is not going to be hesitant to raise Tibet and taiwan issues...which was conveyed to the chinese premier.
Q) Can China help us (Pakistan) sort out Kashmir issue?
Ans. No

Reason: India is not interested in any third party meddling in Kashmir, which it believes is a bi-lateral issue

Nor do China likes to get invovve. But matter is that China would behind Pakistan on Kashmir issue. Point been Pakistan is only link with Islamic word and the balace of India power in region.

Q) Can China get involved in Kashmir by pressuring/threatening India?
Ans. No
Reason: India is too big for that and China has lot to lose too

And Chinese won't pressure or threat India about the issue,because it's not of Chinese business. Chinese policy on these type of things are quite clear. India won't/can't let things to go "big". Both US and China has best interest to support Pakistan to the point that things won't got of hand,well let's face it. India is biger,in any direct conflict,India can't really loose.
In nowdays politics,It's quite doubtful that China would invove in any other conflict that does not invove chinese land. And unlike US,chinese do not interfere business(not directly).
you want to say Zardari is your problem. Don't forget he was elected by you.

true but his supporters voted for him, while the rest boycotted the election, just when we thought that the election would be stopped, it continued... and it led to the gadha in power.

Uncle Sam is the president of Pakistan... and gadha is the tax collector
It's for India, Pakistan to resolve terrorism, Kashmir: China

The Chinese government on Thursday indicated it would play no role in pressuring Pakistan to crack down on terrorist groups operating on its soil, reiterating its position that cross-border terrorism and Kashmir were issues for India and Pakistan to resolve.

Indian officials had called on China in talks this week, during Premier Wen Jiabao's ongoing visit, to express support in strong terms on combating terrorism. Mr. Wen will leave New Delhi for Islamabad on Friday on a three-day visit.

Asked if China would be willing to work with India to combat terrorism as well as to pressure Pakistan to crack down on terrorist groups, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Jiang Yu said: “Both India and Pakistan are important neighbours to China, and China's friends. We hope India and Pakistan can strengthen cooperation and exchanges so as to improve relations, which is of great importance to peace and stability in South Asia.”

Asked if this meant China believed it had no role to play, Ms. Jiang said China's position was that “the two sides should engage in friendly consultations and resolve the issues,” including Kashmir.

“We hope the two countries can co-exist in a friendly manner and jointly contribute to regional peace and development,” she said.

Speaking ahead of Mr. Wen's Islamabad visit, Pakistan's Ambassador in Beijing Masood Khan said Pakistan “expects China to play a bigger role in peace and stability, especially in facilitating dialogues” between Pakistan and India.

“We hope China will, over time, be able to persuade India to have sustainable dialogues with Pakistan for the resolution of all outstanding issues, including Kashmir,” he told the official Global Times in an interview.

But Chinese analysts say China remains far from likely to involve itself in the issue. Rong Ying, the vice-president of the China Institute of International Studies, told The Hindu in a recent interview he believed there would be no change in China's position on Kashmir.

China's official policy is that Kashmir is an issue for India and Pakistan to resolve and it would maintain a position of neutrality over the dispute. Indian officials have, however, expressed concern that China was recently recalibrating its position, citing its issuing of stapled visas to Indian citizens from Jammu and Kashmir and its increasing investments in infrastructure projects in ***************** Kashmir (***).

Chinese officials had reportedly told their Indian counterparts in recent talks that issuing stapled visas was an “administrative” problem and not a political statement. But Indian officials say by doing so, China has questioned Indian sovereignty, and effectively moved away from its stated position of neutrality on Kashmir.

The Hindu : News / National : It's for India, Pakistan to resolve terrorism, Kashmir: China
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