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Help Me Guys!


Sep 29, 2008
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Hello People,

I am conducting a research for my Postgraduate studies on the Muslim Population living in United Kingdom. This research is regarding the boycotting of Danish products and specifically Arla foods (which is one of the biggest manufacturer of dairy products and has a huge market in UK) after the publication of Cartoons of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) by a Danish newspaper.

The boycott in Middle East costed this company in Billions of Dollars and lost its market share significantly and never recovered ever since. Now a group of researchers like us are trying to determine the attitude and behaviour of British Muslims vis-a-vis this company.

The major sub-brands of this company are Puck Cheese Spread, Lurpak and Cravendale Milk.

I need people who are muslims and have been living in UK for atleast 5 years. I know some members who live in UK such as Zaki, T-Faz and Skywalker and niaz Saheb. If anybody else could help me with this survey i shall be very thankful. :)

Here is the link to the online survey, trust me it will not take very long.

Survey provided by FreeOnlineSurveys.com

Thank you very much in Advance :)
MAN AS HERE IN MIDDLE EAST lourpak was famus and even danish chease write on product jubana damanrkia in arabic very proudly. but after cartoon its got damage in busniss so i think they change the name and start again because i can see many products new in super markets these days. you know muslims care for few days and then forget every thing.
Done, you can send the promised incentive (paisa) to my account. I will pvt msg you my bank account details.

Btw, its not as long as I thought it would be.
Done, you can send the promised incentive (paisa) to my account. I will pvt msg you my bank account details.

Btw, its not as long as I thought it would be.

Lol sir come to manchester and i will host a lunch for you..

That is only what i can do as of now :lol:

I am student after all :D

participated and for most of the questions i had to disagree :no: (option 1 and 2, 3 and 4 were used for almost all of the answers)

Arla products did not have much impact on my life because when i go for shopping i just buy my products regardless of looking at the manufacturer's background.

All i can tell you is, i hardly buy my products from Arla that is because most of the items they are selling, i can buy from other brands for cheaper price and they are almost same in terms of quality however i would really not mind if a product Arla is selling is competitive with other brands. Last, i have started eating more Puck-cheese than ever before :lol:

I don't mind eating from them because i do not hold them responsible for cartoonist's evil act. It was a job of that individual so why boycott another manufacturer? Its like if a person in my town kills somebody, police will come and arrest/hang me instead :disagree:
Thank you very much all of you who have participated in the survey so far., I appreciate your time and effort that you have put in to help me.

Thank you once again! :)
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C'mon guys, isn't there anybody else who has been living in UK for more than 5 years? :what:
C'mon guys, isn't there anybody else who has been living in UK for more than 5 years? :what:

send a PM/Visitors msg to Ahmed, Khanz and ajpirzada

I think there will be many more pdf members living in UK
i have never had a product of this company. not bec i boycotted it but bec i have mostly stayed with other company products.

can i still be helpful with this survey?
i have never had a product of this company. not bec i boycotted it but bec i have mostly stayed with other company products.

can i still be helpful with this survey?

yes, just express your feelings towards denmark and its products generally.. :)
i have never had a product of this company. not bec i boycotted it but bec i have mostly stayed with other company products.

can i still be helpful with this survey?

true, its not a very popular company in UK. Its like you are asking a regular customer of tesco and sainsbury's that if he buys vegetables from Aldi :lol:

I hardly bought any product from this brand and the puck-cheese i mentioned before is usually imported from Turkey :lol:
I never remember any products from arla in asda, sainsbury's tesco, asda, marks and spencer or anything.. most chances are that they can be in german owned/operated stores but i never went there due to low quality of products.
Could you understand if any non-Muslim or any one from other country answer to your questionnaires? Since you've exposed your questionnaires to all, so any one can put data in there which could be a problem.
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