Hey fella,
So I've taken the liberty to read through your post. Given that I work in the medical field (come across this almost on a daily basis), I have to say, it's very normal to experience a down patch, irrespective of age, sometimes our lifestyles can adversely affect our body, mind and soul. Pay attention, stress releases a very unwanted little devil known as cortisol (Branded as the stress hormone), which in turn contributes to an array of health issues and exacerbates them to a point of no return, sometimes- not always. Cortisol is what contributes to sudden weight gain, irregular blood pressure, cholesterol, depression, compromising your immune system and general wellbeing as a whole, yes you figured it- in many cases can trigger a heart attack!
But fear not, all is not lost the glass is always half- full, if it's not convince yourself it is. So without further ado; i will attempt to disseminate some sound advice, in a random order to help alleviate some of your concerns, reservations and reassure you, that everything will be okay. Because it will. At the end of the day, confidence is a mindset. It's contagious in a positive way- unlike it's very dark, sinister cousin, depression.
So here goes:
1) Right off the bat go see your doctor, GP whoever it is that you regularly visit. Get a health checkup just to be on the safe side, the thing is anxiety can contribute to high or unusual blood pressure, can exacerbate other underlying health issues and thus leading to wider implications. After you've determined you're not suffering from any underlying illnesses or diseases- you can then begin your journey in overcoming the common state of depression/anxiety. Remember it's all in the mind, what an exquisite thing the mind is, infinitely powerful, sometimes however it can turn against you, temporarily.
2) Secondly, exercise, there is no better way to release some
of that pent up negative energy and free the misery-laden soul of pessimism, than some regular good old exercise. It will not only improve your health, boost your immune system, but will go a long way in restoring your confidence and promoting a healthier state of mind. Exercise is key in most cases, just remember after a good hard graft in the gym, you'll be exhausted, which in turn means, less time to focus on negative stuff, you'll hit the hay and sleep like a newborn.
3) Diet, improve your diet. Here is another key point, drink water! Lots of it- not only will it rid the body of those nasty unwanted toxins but dehydration can also be a leading cause of depression. Water is what your body needs! Make it a habit to drink water frequently, throughout the day! But don't overdo it. Eat at fixed times and ON TIME! Don't attempt to eat meals late at night either. Which in turn may cause 'wind issues', IBS to say the least and that too can feel something like a heart attack. Coupled with anxiety you got yourself a large bowl of trouble. A big no no.
4) Your sleeping pattern- an irregular sleeping pattern can induce stress- further complicating your state of mind. Wake up on time, sleep on time, eat on time. You got the theme, some structure, order and discipline in your life.
It is then needless to say, lack of a quality sleep, is utterly undesirable as sleep regulates your body.
5) If your workload is excessive try to manage your time better, break it up. Don't do everything at once and put unnecessary pressure on thyself. Sometimes the cliche 'little and often' works a treat.. In addition, having a pal or two lend a much needed hand time to time never hurt anybody, unless of-course they have a rich history of offences and crimes against humanity, yes do laugh. It's a joke. I'm sure you hang with angelicesque folks. Make use of them.
6) Invest your time in a new hobby- no better way to distract yourself than discovering stuff that you may excel at and feed that hobby, tweak your skills; who knows where it could lead you. Honestly, the things you'll learn about yourself, when going out there and making the world your oyster. Because you have skills you don't even know about, you are unique, as everyone is (there are an abundance of motivational speeches on YouTube, which cover an array of issues/topics). All of this to say, uncover your vast potential and exploit it for the best. Psychology states be like the person you wish to be, the greater the disparity, the more confidence issues you'll likely have. Apparently 'self-actualisation' is a thing; being the best version of yourself is indispensable for self-esteem and inadvertently allowing one to be more content, if absolute happiness is indeed a folk-tale.
7) Quran. recite it, do what others have suggested and make a habit of reading those prayers (some members have even given exact phrases) used to heal oneself. Honestly there is no bigger blessing than the Holy Quran itself.
8) Take a break from the screen, it can cause all sorts of health issues. Frequently take breaks, if you must, take some time off from this forum too; given there's a ton of pugnacious, feisty little demons on here. Which may add to your own. Technology can work against you, everything in moderation amigo, everything in moderation.
9) Okay, yes a female. Nothing like a cuddle, which releases the feel good hormone OXYTOCIN produced by the Hypothalamus, but secreted by what's known as the Pituitary Gland, if indeed you're interested in scientific jargon. This hormone (oxytocin) is your best friend, it lowers cholesterol, blood pressure, promotes a healthier immune system and yes you guessed a healthy dose of oxytocin is a great way to ward off cortisol and in turn turning the ride against anxiety/depression. Would you have guessed it, a simple warm hug, priceless in it's right- can change your life around for the good. So my friend get out there and give those ladies something to think about, haha!
10) Don't feel sorry for yourself, it can become a vicisious cycle and can drive folks away from you, only creating more unwanted problems for you, as it may weaken your immediate support network. Instead, focus your efforts on a dose of positivity, constantly reminding yourself of all the things you've achieved over the years, and set new goals/aims to work towards. An empty mind (owing to excessive free time usually), is the devil's workshop!
P.S. Just some friendly advice, DO TURN to professionals and let them reinforce your to-do list.
I, along with our PDF friends wish you the very best of luck. Feel free to update us as you successfully negotiate these challenging times. Champions get up off the canvas!