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Hell on Earth: Varanasi, India

RundyB stop making excuses.

Mochi jee won Varansi seat twice. Made tall promises. Did not do shit.

Why don't you hold Mochi jee accountable instead of debating with Chinis and Pakistanis
When was the last time you even went to Varanasi lemur?

Varanasi isn't some big city that it is supposed to look like some futuristic cyberpunk, its an old and historic city which is the 6th largest in UP and nowhere in the biggest cities of India list, and even then is much much better than it was under the congress bhikaris.

That Mochi has built more Metro lines in the cities of UP than in entire Lemurian utopia of South India now of course if I mention this you'll make more funny excuses.
Hindus were part of court system, law, militsry leaders, advisors of all muslims leaders of subcontinent, independently practicing their religion. people converted due to justice, non caste base system, based on merit, Islam was preached by muslim scholars, based on these principles and hence conversions.
lets clear your concept of jizya, protection money as it is called, is given in case armies need to called upon inface of existential threats..
Jizya was payable annually by non- Muslims during the rule of Aurangzeb , irrespective of whether there was a military threat or not and it was not payable by Muslims under any circumstances, so there clearly was a financial incentive to convert.

The Hindus that converted were mostly living under Muslim rulers and where Muslims enjoyed legal privileges that non Muslims did not. I am not even talking about those who were given the option of embracing Islam or being put to the sword on the battlefield or the offspring of women who became maal e ghanimat. It is true that some Muslim rulers like Akbar were more liberal and tolerant of other religions and there were less conversions under their rule, but even then Hindu scholars and preachers were not free to preach to Muslim subjects to convert them to Hinduism.
When was the last time you even went to Varanasi lemur?

Varanasi isn't some big city that it is supposed to look like some futuristic cyberpunk, its an old and historic city which is the 6th largest in UP and nowhere in the biggest cities of India list, and even then is much much better than it was under the congress bhikaris.

That Mochi has built more Metro lines in the cities of UP than in entire Lemurian utopia of South India now of course if I mention this you'll make more funny excuses.
Bhaiyya ji, my cousin's wife is a Bhaiyyani Dubey Brahman from Varanasi. Even she does not like visiting her dirty hometown.

If Mochi ji had really developed Bhaiyyaland then you wouldn't be selling paanipooris in Maharashtra & South India. Take all your Bhaiyyas back then we will believe all your lies.
Most Muslims in the subcontinent today are the descendants of those who were converted because of submission to conquest

There is no caste system among Muslims which means it was only the conversion to Hinduism that was done by violence and oppression and slavery (untouchables, shudra) whereas conversion to Islam was peaceful otherwise I'd be polishing shoes of Muslim Brahman Aryan Conquerer Class.
Bhaiyya ji, my cousin's wife is a Bhaiyyani Dubey Brahman from Varanasi. Even she does not like visiting her dirty hometown.
Varanasi indeed isn't very great but one can'r deny the vast improvement made over the years. It doesn't have any sort of urban planning and gets very crowded so maintaining it is another issue.
If Mochi ji had really developed Bhaiyyaland then you wouldn't be selling paanipooris in Maharashtra & South India. Take all your Bhaiyyas back then we will believe all your lies.
I'm not a Bhaiyya but to mock them as saying Panipuri walah doesn't seem a great argument. Ya'll love to go to gulf to do anything to earn some money, atleast a bhaiya works within his own.
Varanasi indeed isn't very great but one can'r deny the vast improvement made over the years. It doesn't have any sort of urban planning and gets very crowded so maintaining it is another issue.
What improvement?

To be fair, Modi shouldn't be blamed. Cuz no one can civilize Bhaiyyas. They should be kept in zoos.

I'm not a Bhaiyya but to mock them as saying Panipuri walah doesn't seem a great argument. Ya'll love to go to gulf to do anything to earn some money, atleast a bhaiya works within his own.
Every North Indian is a bhaiyya.

Even Bhaiyyas to the gulf. South Indians work in corporate sector and do business. Bhaiyyas clean the toilets of Arabs and do other menial jobs.

To work abroad you need a visa and a work permit.

In India, illiterate Bhaiyya murderers and rapists move to Maharashtra and South India without any restrictions.

Sanjay Gandhi knew that North Indians and Muslims had to be forcibly sterilized. There was no other way out of this mess v
Hinduism has been the major religion in the subcontinent for thousands of years. From time to time, many Hindus converted to other religions other like Christianity, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism but the conversios were mostly voluntary and peaceful. Except for a few people in Kerala who converted to Islam after contact with Arab traders, conversion to Islam in the subcontinent has mostly been through conquest - either directly or through pressure or economic incentives like not having to pay the jizya tax under Muslim rulers. Most Muslims in the subcontinent today are the descendants of those who were converted because of submission to conquest or because of economic incentives.
like breast tax in Hinduism.

What improvement?

To be fair, Modi shouldn't be blamed. Cuz no one can civilize Bhaiyyas. They should be kept in zoos.

Every North Indian is a bhaiyya.

Even Bhaiyyas to the gulf. South Indians work in corporate sector and do business. Bhaiyyas clean the toilets of Arabs and do other menial jobs.

To work abroad you need a visa and a work permit.

In India, illiterate Bhaiyya murderers and rapists move to Maharashtra and South India without any restrictions.

Sanjay Gandhi knew that North Indians and Muslims had to be forcibly sterilized. There was no other way out of this mess v
indians overall need to be sterilized to stop the chaos of rss types.
Breast tax, temple prostitution, Sati.. the list is endless. Muslims & British did a lot to civilize these ingrates.
yet they take out their frustration out on minorities because this lot stupid beliefs and customs.
Jizya was payable annually by non- Muslims during the rule of Aurangzeb , irrespective of whether there was a military threat or not and it was not payable by Muslims under any circumstances, so there clearly was a financial incentive to convert.

The Hindus that converted were mostly living under Muslim rulers and where Muslims enjoyed legal privileges that non Muslims did not. I am not even talking about those who were given the option of embracing Islam or being put to the sword on the battlefield or the offspring of women who became maal e ghanimat. It is true that some Muslim rulers like Akbar were more liberal and tolerant of other religions and there were less conversions under their rule, but even then Hindu scholars and preachers were not free to preach to Muslim subjects to convert them to Hinduism.
Absolutely wrong. Islam has clear instructions that women, children, animals, old people, economic system, nature should not be harmed when conquering land. you are blaming others way of conquering on muslims. pls bring historic facts and links here to have further debate to prove your allegation
This is probably the sight which had a deep and profound impact on Babur and Ghaznavi which basically drove them to be ballistic.
Indians: Ganges River is our holy water.

Also Indians: Let's dump dead human bodies, trash, dead animals, and poop in it.
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