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Heil Hitler!

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Mar 9, 2009
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This thread is dedicated to herr Hitler. I'll place speeches and other material so that we can study and get familiar with the message of the fuhrer.

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he was one of the most gifted orators!
Germany rose from the ashes of the treaty of Versailles under him to become the most powerful country of it's time...
why do you think he lost mate?i mean what according to you was his biggest blunder?
He was overwhelmed by unstoppable massive forces of the western allies pushing from West and Soviet forces pushing from East, with devastating massive air bombardment, both tactical and strategic. Invading former Soviet was the cause of demise for Hitler.
yweah...he hated the soviets more than he hated the west...the soviets to him were dirty and ******....he made the same mistake that bonaparte made...engaged too many enemies at once...
the west was traditionally anti-red...a long lasting alliance with the soviets(which he pre-maturely broke after poland) could have helped him defeat the western powrs...and he faied to capitalize on the might of the captured french navy...he should have used it against the brits.
the italinas as allies were weak.they couldn't defeat the numerically inferior brits in north africa....he almost proved the aryan supremacy theory...and almost realised his dream of germania...!
i mean...he had the V2....the Leopold...the tiger...the biggest battle ship(i dont remember it's name)
he had the Messerschmidt jet...german technology was unbeatable!
yet the simple yet effective russian engg. was more than a match for the complicated german aromor..
He came very close to sweet victory. You're right, at a certain point he just lost the plot. After invading the Soviet Union the Germans caused some serious havoc. That in itself was a miracle. However, the endless resources at disposal, numerical and geographical superiority were always in Soviet favor. The harsh winters in Soviet land was something that the Germans weren't equipped to deal with. There were so many factors that lead to the demise of the German reich. The Germans were ingenious though and had the best of equipment as you rightly point out. The Soviets and others simply outnumbered the Germans.
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He came very close to sweet victory. You're right, at a certain point he just lost the plot. After invading the Soviet Union the Germans caused some serious havoc. That was in itself was a miracle. However, the endless resources at disposal, numerical and geographical superiority were in Soviet favor. The harsh winters in Soviet land was something that the Germans weren't equipped to deal with. There were so many factors that lead to the demise of the German reich. The Germans were ingenious though and had the best of equipment. The Soviets simply outnumbered the Germans.

Another thing is that Japanese dragged US into WWII. I heard Hitler was furious after he learned about the attack on Pearl Harbour. He shouldn't fight Russia and America. He should get Russia and America to fight each other... and destroy each other.

This guy killed about 60 Jews and your honouring him?
nobody is honoring the fact that he killed people...his victories were glorious...blitzkreig was something no simple man could plan and execute...
wars are bad...but what happened with germany after the treaty of Versailles wasn't just either...he made sure that germany's glory be restored.
^^ I think fhassan is just being sarcastic.
He came very close to sweet victory. You're right, at a certain point he just lost the plot. After invading the Soviet Union the Germans caused some serious havoc. That in itself was a miracle. However, the endless resources at disposal, numerical and geographical superiority were always in Soviet favor. The harsh winters in Soviet land was something that the Germans weren't equipped to deal with. There were so many factors that lead to the demise of the German reich. The Germans were ingenious though and had the best of equipment as you rightly point out. The Soviets and others simply outnumbered the Germans.
you know in military schools all over the world the battle of Stalingrad is deeply studied..
it was a remarkable battle...where the russkies finally took their stand against the almost invincible german army...the soviet trident attack was phenomenal...!
they flanked the germans and attacked from three directions....if only he had waited before attacking the soviets
What do you think about the far right parties that are expected to do well in the Euro elections all across Europe as a result of the Recession
What do you think about the far right parties that are expected to do well in the Euro elections all across Europe as a result of the Recession

The far right wing parties of this day and age cannot be compared to the ideals of Hitler. It's like comparing apples with oranges. Also, the far right parties are just greedy opportunists waiting to fill their pockets with taxpayers money.

Of course, the masses will choose for alternatives when they feel disappointed and let down by the current regimes.
"I've annihalted most of the Jews and left some alive so let you know why i was killing them" - Hitler.

Hitler should've killed all of them we dont even want to know why he was killing them now we suffering in Palestine all muslims have close thier eyes towards Palestine and Masjid AL-Aqsa no one seems to care anymore the era of Islam is long forgotten
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