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Heavy stock market crash in the Gulf

You probably know more about Islam than me, but I don't think you digested it. Salamalikum, may Allah rid you of your arrogance.

Stating well-known and well-established historical facts and current day realities is not a sign of arrogance but merely knowledge.

Nor is the adoption of a language, that those partially Arabized yet Arab-obsessed trolls employ themselves, anything more than a reaction to the current sad state of PDF, a sad state that has resulted in the exodus of 99% of all Arab users, once a thriving and trouble-free community here.

For the reasons that I have mentioned in this thread and the silent approval of senseless, inferiority-ridden "Arab bashing" which seemingly does not bother those in charge of this forum.

When the only Arab (me) that bothers to fight fire with fire and tell a few truths (occasionally too that is, luckily for me), hell breaks loose for well-known reasons (lack of arguments from the other side and frustration as seen in this thread).

As I wrote the fact that the Israeli users on PDF, do not engage in even 1% of the trolling/lies/bashing/inferiority ridden nonsense against Arabs that our Muslim brothers do on PDF, is quite telling.

However you can burry your head in the sand and pretend that I am lying by stating the ground realities, the Arab users who had the "honor" of participating on PDF, all agree with me regardless of sect, nationality, religion, ideology etc. Luckily this forum has the reputation it has and is nowhere near a reflection of Pakistan, Pakistanis or the Muslim community as a whole which a quick visit on the internet confirms or actual people to people interaction. Which is the good thing and most important thing.
Stating well-known and well-established historical facts and current day realities is not a sign of arrogance but merely knowledge.

Nor is the adoption of a language, that those partially Arabized yet Arab-obsessed trolls employ themselves, anything more than a reaction to the current sad state of PDF, a sad state that has resulted in the exodus of 99% of all Arab users, once a thriving and trouble-free community here.

For the reasons that I have mentioned in this thread and the silent approval of senseless, inferiority-ridden "Arab bashing" which seemingly does not bother those in charge of this forum.

When the only Arab (me) that bothers to fight fire with fire and tell a few truths (occasionally too that is, luckily for me), hell breaks loose for well-known reasons (lack of arguments from the other side and frustration as seen in this thread).

As I wrote the fact that the Israeli users on PDF, do not engage in even 1% of the trolling/lies/bashing/inferiority ridden nonsense against Arabs that our Muslim brothers do on PDF, is quite telling.

However you can burry your head in the sand and pretend that I am lying by stating the ground realities.
Do you have any news about Commander @Khafee ?
Do you have any news about Commander @Khafee ?

I have no news but if you think about it, why should any sane Arab be active on a forum that has silently and openly accepted systematic Arab bashing/propaganda/lies/bias (contrary to the supposed forum rules)? Would any sane Pakistani user be active on an Arab forum (or any forum for that matter) which accepted such a thing in a Pakistani context?

Or just the shocking inability to distinguish between Arabs as a people (500 + million people), Arab countries (20 + countries), Arab diaspora (one of the largest in the world) and Arab rulers (many unelected and not very reflective of the Arab street) etc. Simple things like that that supposed Muslim brothers should (in theory) have a very easy time understanding.

And yes, this might sound like crying, but that is not the case. I am not much active on PDF, mostly my interactions occur with long-time virtual friends on PDF and on topics of my interest. Rest I don't engage in at all. My "favorite" moderator (who has given me all my warnings) is probably very eager to ban me for speaking the truth. So be it, lol.

And once the last few Arab users are gone from PDF, the same trolls (that mostly have no clues about Arabs and the Arab world despite their partial undeniable Arabization on many fronts), can speak in our name, create the same false narratives and freely insult us 24/7 to make their miserable lives feel better because a person cannot be healthy if he spends so much energy on a internet forum to spread hatred/obsess about a people that he knows little about or in most cases have never met.

Amounts to me spreading hatred against Pakistanis, Chechens, Martians, Papuans etc. on some Arabic forum, lol, and blaming every ill that has befallen me on those same people. I don't think there is a better word than pathetic indeed.

So of course, some Arabs will reply to such trolls in a trolling matter. What the **** are people expecting? The few Arabs on PDF were/must be a special kind of breed/Arabs for them to be ignoring what I have described.
But hey, camels, oil and some other nonsense will somehow delete all of those facts, lol. Forgetting that the Arab world is the cradle of civilization

There is no single cradle of civilization. There have been several, so saying things like arab world is the cradle of civilization sounds sounds not just arrogant, but laughable actually.

These are the commonly accepted cradles of civilization, again in no order of importance. All these were equally important

1) Mesopotamian civilization
2) Andean Civilisation(Ancient Peru)
3) Indus Valley Civilization and the Indo Gangetic Plain
4) Ancient China
5) Ancient Greece
6) Mesoamerica
7) Ancient Egypt
Turkish tank on GCC soil, is that a boner or a barrel?:
Brother, I hate to get in between you two, since I respect and love you both as brothers. but please see this pic. The guy 4th from left is Qatari. Pic taken in Riyadh, Oct 2019, GCC Supreme Military Committee meeting


At the end of the day Qatar is Arab, and part of GCC, Sooner or later, their differences will be sorted out. The current situation for Qatar is unsustainable. IF NOT, they would not have been negotiating.

Qatar foreign minister says early talks with Saudi Arabia have broken stalemate
There is no single cradle of civilization. There have been several, so saying things like arab world is the cradle of civilization sounds sounds not just arrogant, but laughable actually.

These are the commonly accepted cradles of civilization, again in no order of importance. All these were equally important

1) Mesopotamian civilization
2) Andean Civilisation(Ancient Peru)
3) Indus Valley Civilization and the Indo Gangetic Plain
4) Ancient China
5) Ancient Greece
6) Mesoamerica
7) Ancient Egypt

It is not laughable. The oldest civilizations are recorded in the Arab world. That is a fact. This is where farming, science, math, architecture, the first recorded rulers, first recorded religions, most impressive ancient heritage sites, first cities, first large-scale settlements, the Neolithic age, writing, the wheel, script, alphabet etc. (list is very long) originated from and most of what shaped the subsequent civilizations in the world.

All those civilizations that you listed, those not located in the Arab world, are all younger than the ones found in the Arab world and all had a smaller impact initially.

Same story with human migrations. Your India was first inhabited by people who lived in Arabia.

Not anymore "arrogant" than RIGHTLY claiming that humanities origin lies in Eastern Africa as per our known knowledge so far although I recently read that the oldest humanoid like skeletons were found in Morocco......
..................View attachment 616275
.........Welcome to Greater Israel folks

There has never been a "Greater Israel" in history.

In fact the most expansionist Israelite-ruling entity in ancient times were funded by Semitic populations from Arabia next door (Herod the Great for instance was the son of an Arab Nabatean princess from modern-day Hijaz/KSA and his father was not even an Israelite but an Edmorite, another Semitic people that originated in Hijaz and who lived in modern-day Jordan and Southern Israeli/Palestine/Northern Hijaz at his time - over 2000 + years ago).


One of the greatest Jewish kings in history, hence the epitome, "The Great".

And for your information 20% of Israel's population is Palestinian Arab and 2/3 of all Israeli Jews are Jews from the Arab world (Arab Jews) with the largest sepeate communities being Yemeni (Jews from modern-day Southern KSA are grouped alongside Yemeni ones, many modern-day Israeli Jews of Yemenite origins are from Southern KSA), Moroccan, Iraqi etc. Jews.

Israel has a problem keeping its Jewish majority (would become a minority if annexing tiny Gaza and the small West Bank), yet you believe fairytale maps showing 100% Arab territories being part of this imaginary "Greater Israel" being a realistic outcome. Ok.


For your information the entire world economy is in shambles yet GCC is one of the best prepared regions in the world to withstand such crisis nor are we going anywhere, lol.
I know all that.
And they are treated like shit. The white Kazarites Caucasian jew thinks of himself as superior.
And for your information 20% of Israel's population is Palestinian Arab and 2/3 of all Israeli Jews are Jews from the Arab world (Arab Jews) with the largest sepeate communities being Yemeni (Jews from modern-day Southern KSA are grouped alongside Yemeni ones, many modern-day Israeli Jews of Yemenite origins are from Southern KSA), Moroccan, Iraqi etc. Jews
Brother, I hate to get in between you two, since I respect and love you both as brothers. but please see this pic. The guy 4th from left is Qatari. Pic taken in Riyadh, Oct 2019, GCC Supreme Military Committee meeting

View attachment 616274 https://wam.ae/en/details/1395302791970

At the end of the day Qatar is Arab, and part of GCC, Sooner or later, their differences will be sorted out. The current situation for Qatar is unsustainable. IF NOT, they would not have been negotiating.

Qatar foreign minister says early talks with Saudi Arabia have broken stalemate

The Turkish individual that you are quoting, has no problem with Arabs, unlike the Arab-obsessed thread starter, he just dislikes Arab regimes that are not toying the Erdogan/Qatar/MB line, hence the current "fake" hostility between KSA, UAE, Egypt and much of the Arab world and Erdogan (Turkey). Due to the Syrian influx in Turkey, there is also a growing anti-Arab bias (Syrians in their eyes equal all 500 million Arabs mind you - no problem with wealthy Arab tourists, lol, that keep buying up Turkish land, property and investing) but this is a normal reaction and it would not be any different had Turks flooded Syria in case of a civil war. Immigrants are easy scapegoats for pseudo-nationalists to use as a scapegoat. There is a similar dynamic within KSA and the GCC and in Pakistan in regards to Afghan refugees as seen on discussions on PDF past and present.

As for that "join Qatari-Turkish base", it really has no strategic importance for KSA/GCC as that base is a sitting dock and Turkey does not have the capability to wage a large scale war in the GCC neighborhood nor vice versa, nor is such a war ever going to occur. When 40 years of hostility between KSA/GCC/parts of the Arab world have not resulted in a war, other than the Iraq-Iran war that began in 1980 and ended in 1988, disagreements relating to Erdogan's failed MB fetish in the Arab world is not going to do it either. In the mean time mouthpieces in all involved countries will continue their propaganda as this thread is an example of.

As for Qatar, I have always been of the impression that this conflict is total nonsense in every way, although I disagree with some Qatari policies but KSA is no saint either, no nation state is, so I have no doubt that this will soon be over. Geopoltiically a tiny small nation like Qatar with the only land border to giant KSA next door (in comparison to small Qatar) have no other choices.

By 2050, I would even be surprised if KSA and Qatar existed as we know it. I am convinced of the GCC turning into a single federal state with Yemen, Jordan and likely Iraq and other Arab countries joining. The only future for the Arab world is regional Arab integration as this is the only thing that will solve critical challenges in the region that require common and real cooperation. Similarly I expect an Arab Maghreb union to emerge. For instance it makes no sense why Tunisia cannot enjoy the gas and oil wealth of Algeria and Yemen not enjoy the oil and gas wealth of KSA. Yes, there are regional differences, the modern nation states have created separated identities but at the end of the day most Arabs share almost everything in common in particular neighboring states.

For instance there is no difference between Northern KSA and Southern Iraq next door yet the political climate of the 40 years has picked us more apart than say the interaction of the average Saudi Arabian with London, lol.

A crazy world but this is no different to the experience in border regions in and around Pakistan, I imagine.

I know all that.
And they are treated like shit. The white Kazarites Caucasian jew thinks of himself as superior.

Why are you repeating (like a parrot, you must be wiser than that) this nonsense Khazar conspiracy? Even the Ashkenazi Jews show a clear genetic connection to the Arab World/Levant/Near East/West Asia despite living in Eastern Europe for 1000 + years. They mostly kept intermarrying each other as this is what Jews do/did and local Christians would never think about intermarrying with Jews who have always been demonized in Europe.

No, they are not. 2/3 of all Israeli Jews are Arab Jews/Mizrahi. They are now dominating all sectors of Israel. Only initially that was not the case because the Ashkenazi Jews came from the more developed Europe and had survived the Holocaust and were much more firm in their beliefs as well as them being directly or indirectly influenced by European political thoughts and ideologies such as fascism etc. which influenced Zionism.

Most Arab Jews, would never have left, if not for being thrown out/the climate changing due to the Israel/Palestine question emerging having lived alongside us/among us for millennia. Even Prophet Muhammad (saws) had positive dealings with Jews. Not all of the dealings were negative which was emphasized by Muslim scholars in the past but due to politics the closeness between Muslims and Jews (average people which is closer than to any other religion, Christians included) were damaged due to politics. Not much different to the split between GCC/Iran despite the close people to people connections throughout the millennia that even continue to this day between Southern and Western Iran and parts of the GCC......

Look at what Muslims and Jews accomplished by working together in Al-Andalus.....

The sooner this conflict is solved and the sooner Arabs and Jews can work together the better for BOTH of us. This conflict has only lead to radicalization among us and today is only used as a scapegoat aimed at Arabs by non-Arab Muslims, most of which don't care and only use this to taunt Arabs, seen it often among Pakistans, all while they forget the reality of Kashmir. Or the Turks forgetting the reality of Uyghur's, Crimean Tatars etc. while taunting. Or the Iranians forgetting the Kurdish/Afghan reality while doing the taunting.
Arab world needs to radicalize, Usamah was a treasure for Afghanistan and Pakistan. They disrespected him with their failures.

In the end, a kaffir like Tayyip should be dealt with.
Another one with a fine Arabic username.

Tell your compatriot to watch his tongue and not insult himself by insulting Arabs and being a lapdog to foreigners (Turks) by insulting Arabs despite the same Arabs bringing Islam to Afghanistan, conquering it with Islam, Arab civilization having a huge impact on every layer of Afghan culture, Afghanistan being scattered and full of graves and shrines of Arab saints and until not long ago the graves of 1000's of Arabs from the entire Arab world who travelled to Afghanistan to help the locals fight against the USSR. Their graves are scattered all across Afghanistan and respected as well.

I know very well the respect that Afghans have for Arabs. A quick visit to the internet will confirm it let alone people to people interaction.

I also know that UAE soldiers in Afghanistan were one of the few who never were even once attacked by locals.

And let us not talk about the Arab Afghans or that millions of Afghans most likely have partial Arab ancestry since the Arabs in Afghanistan (vast majority) were associated long ago hence why many Afghan tribes and clans, claim Arab ancestry and the common use of Arabic clan surnames......

You see, your diaspora lot sitting in the West and blaming all your native ills on Arabs, are not representative for even 0,1% of your people. Whether it is the secular wannabe Afghan ("secularism" was funded by the famous Arab philosopher Ibn Arabi in the Muslim context) who blames all his ills on Arabs, the Shia Hazara who is brainwashed by the Iranian Mullah regime, despite his entire sect (Shia Islam) being a product of Arab civilization and Arabs, including all the holy sites, and the Sunni/Salafi lot who ignorantly blame Arabs for the collapse of the "holy" Ottoman Empire (which on many fronts was an Arabized entity using/stealing an Arabic concept/Caliphate and modeling it on past Arab Caliphates - most of the people and lands were Arabs too) etc.

I know your likes psyche, mentality, agenda and hypocrisy extremely well.

In the same manner as European civilization is mostly the work of Greeks and Romans. It is an civilizational element and all the elements that I wrote. Has nothing to do with ruling.

To begin with the areas that the Ottomans controlled in the Arab world (less than half of the Arab world), those areas were ruled by local Arab rulers.

By the same token that the Young Turks, Albanians, Bosnians and everyone else wanted to define their own future for the better. The same token that your lot are no longer a British colony. The same token that makes Turks/Anatolians no longer a Roman, Byzantine, Arab, Persian etc. colony.

If you want to play those "imperialism games", nobody is better than the Arabs in the Muslim world, since we conquered the by far largest amount of people and landmass stretching from France to China and from East Africa in the South to Tours next to Paris in the north. Maybe all those territories should accept Arab rule in 2020? I would not mind having Portugal and Spain back for instance or Sicily. Or Malta, Or Southern Italy, or Crete or Cyprus. The most beautiful areas of Europe if you ask me. Whatever, double standard when Arabs are involved is a well-known thing on PDF. Nothing that i say will change it for the usual suspects.

Or what about a large chunk of Pakistan? As I wrote, it is less than 70 years ago that a chunk of Pakistani land (today), Gwadar, was a part of Arabs (Oman).

A very strange logic indeed but everything goes in order to badmouth Arabs, I guess.

I like your username and the script though, very familiar.;)
You delve in tangents as no one ... or at least none I can think off... either way ... I know the larger picture ... you cherish your victories albeit small and out of context... so twisting or bending narrative in your favor is your game... but it is a game! Anyways, I had and perhaps many like minded had started considering everyone who spoke Arabic as an Arab, different they maybe in every other way. But now that understanding, though there for me but for some maybe a bit problematic... who is an Arab? Because as we know Quraish or Banu Kinanah were not ethnic Arabs... neither speakers of Arabic language until they moved and settled in Hejaz. But I don't want this to be academic as yours is mostly rhetorical... a bruised ego even. But Arabs haven't seen their worst yet... Allah SWT knows best.

By sticking to your Arab nationalism you negate the very chief principle of Islam... "kibr" Pride

“And surely, We created you (your father Adam) and then gave you shape (the noble shape of a human being); then We told the angels, ‘Prostrate yourselves to Adam’, and they prostrated themselves, except Iblees (Satan), he refused to be of those who prostrated themselves.
(Allaah) said: ‘What prevented you (O Iblees) that you did not prostrate yourself, when I commanded you?’ Iblees said: ‘I am better than him (Adam), You created me from fire, and him You created from clay’”
[al-A’raaf 7:11-12]


“Verily, the most honourable of you with Allaah is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa [i.e. he is one of the Muttaqoon (the pious)”
[al-Hujuraat 49:13]

I hope it registers.

Enough from me!
Arab world needs to radicalize, Usamah was a treasure for Afghanistan and Pakistan. They disrespected him with their failures.

Trolling aside, I disagree. Osama, might have had legitimate and good reasons for his anti-US/West rhetoric (colonialism/meddling at the turn of the 20th century which lasted 2 decades or so in the Arab Middle East, some places a bit longer, in the Maghreb, where it was the case the longest, Algeria was under French rule for almost 140 years starting in 1830), the inhuman sanctions on Iraq after 1991, American imperialism in the region (aided by the local rulers and disunity), growing influence of Western culture that threatened the traditional religious lifestyle for the very religious lot, a sense of injustice, the USSR invasion and subsequent war crimes in USSR, the Palestine situation and injustice, anti-House of Saud and anti-pro West Arab regimes, anti-Arab secularism ideologies (due to religious reasons - preferring the pan-islamic approach hence his decision to go to Afghanistan, had he been inspired by Arab nationalism that would never have occurred) etc.

However as we have seen this approach is creating nothing but misery as the US could not back then nor today be defeated military.

It would be 1000 times more preferably if Arabs and Muslims as a whole tried to retake our previous position as the dominating scientific society in the world (or one of the mat least without a doubt) and doing a scientific inner jihad for the greater benefit of our nations and peoples.

I want to see a Jihad among us engineers, among biologists, doctors, lawyers etc. A jihad to prevent wastefulness, injustice, inclusiveness, to work for Arab cooperation without Arab group, people x or y trying to dominate and subjugate his brother or sister depending on ideology, sect, clan, social status etc., a jihad to save our environment, heritage, nature, to fight corruption etc.

But the world is a jungle this is nothing new.

Sanctions which killed 100.000's of innocent Iraqi civilians are not much talked about in the West if at all (or the world for that matter) because the current world has been/is dominated and shaped by the West while 9/11, a reaction to all this negative meddling (of course a bad action does not excuse another bad counter reaction) that killed 3000 people, is talked about like some WW3.

Iraq before the illegal 2003 invasion (yes, Saddam was incompetent on many fronts and a dictator):

Sad to think that at least 25% of those people on those videos are dead.

BTW OBL was a bit of an idiot and wasted talent. He could have used his engineering degree, family wealth and relative clever head, to help his father's Yemen or mother's Syria or help within KSA even though he agreed with the policies of the regime back then.

From a purely Arab nationalistic notion, Arab involvement in Afghanistan was deeply unnecessary but from a religious perspective it was understandable and indeed praiseworthy. Back then there was no ISIS or such methods and the targets were pure combatants/enemy forces.

Now we have the coronavirus that has paralyzed the entire world.

You delve in tangents as no one ... or at least none I can think off... either way ... I know the larger picture ... you cherish your victories albeit small and out of context... so twisting or bending narrative in your favor is your game... but it is a game! Anyways, I had and perhaps many like minded had started considering everyone who spoke Arabic as an Arab, different they maybe in every other way. But now that understanding, though there for me but for some maybe a bit problematic... who is an Arab? Because as we know Quraish or Banu Kinanah were not ethnic Arabs... neither speakers of Arabic language until they moved and settled in Hejaz. But I don't want this to be academic as yours is mostly rhetorical... a bruised ego even. But Arabs haven't seen their worst yet... Allah SWT knows best.

By sticking to your Arab nationalism you negate the very chief principle of Islam... "kibr" Pride

“And surely, We created you (your father Adam) and then gave you shape (the noble shape of a human being); then We told the angels, ‘Prostrate yourselves to Adam’, and they prostrated themselves, except Iblees (Satan), he refused to be of those who prostrated themselves.
(Allaah) said: ‘What prevented you (O Iblees) that you did not prostrate yourself, when I commanded you?’ Iblees said: ‘I am better than him (Adam), You created me from fire, and him You created from clay’”
[al-A’raaf 7:11-12]


“Verily, the most honourable of you with Allaah is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa [i.e. he is one of the Muttaqoon (the pious)”
[al-Hujuraat 49:13]

I hope it registers.

Enough from me!

I don't consider stating well-known historical facts and ground realities as some imaginary "online victories". Just common sense.

Arabs is anyone that speaks and considers himself an Arab today. He can be of a pure Arabian stock and not. As for who is an Arab and who is not, 99.99% of all people from Morocco in the West to Oman in the East, who go by the name and identity "Arab", are of a Semitic/Afro-Asiatic stock belonging to the same larger Caucasian family and being genetically connected. Similarly almost all being closely related Semitic people hence the easy and quick Arabization process.

As for who is a "pure Arab" (whatever that is knowing human genetics - everyone being mixed and ultimately originally from Africa) that is bound in mysteries, ancient sayings, well-known documents, but what we know for certain is that Arabs have had a presence in most of the Arab world, outside of East of Libya, for at least 2800 years. That and that there was very little distinction between those closely related and neighboring (mostly Semitic peoples but not only) that inhabited the Arab world which modern-day genetics confirm and that every Arab today has Arab ancestry to larger or smaller degree and almost all of us have Semitic origins and origins to our native lands since recorded history while being of a Caucasian stock.

I am not an Arab nationalist. I am an Arab patriot. I don't believe in blind nationalism. For instance I am not an Saudi Arabian nationalist as I find most of the modern-day nations as fake/recent constructs who have had their borders changed 100 times from Europe to Africa to Asia to everywhere else.

What I believe in is a civilizational kinship which transcends modern day borders and such a thing is very much alive in the Arab world due to everything (almost everything that we can think about) which binds us Arabs together. As for Islam, I don't see any contradiction between being a Muslim and an Arab patriot seeing that almost all of the greatest Muslim figures (in particular the early ones) being Arab patriots and wanting the best for their people. Clearly demonstrated in history but Arabs like any other people back then and today, had their faults so those same figures were also critical similar to how I am critical of certain Arab regime policies, behaviors etc. So no, I am anything but a blind retarded nationalist or keyboard warrior like many people on PDF who have never even fought for their nation in a war let alone done anything to better their country. I consider myself a patriot but that is also a word that you need to deserve. I do my small part to foster Arab unity on PDF, elsewhere on the internet and in my personal life by whatever means that I can. In Arab countries and the West/among the diaspora.

If one day Arab politics that transcend borders (I believe this is a question of time) becomes a thing, and I am alive by then (had the luck to be so), I will try to participate and argue my case and why I think that my views are right.

So this imaginary "Arab supremacy" nonsense is not going to work for me.
Stating well-known and well-established historical facts and current day realities is not a sign of arrogance but merely knowledge.

Nor is the adoption of a language, that those partially Arabized yet Arab-obsessed trolls employ themselves, anything more than a reaction to the current sad state of PDF, a sad state that has resulted in the exodus of 99% of all Arab users, once a thriving and trouble-free community here.

For the reasons that I have mentioned in this thread and the silent approval of senseless, inferiority-ridden "Arab bashing" which seemingly does not bother those in charge of this forum.

When the only Arab (me) that bothers to fight fire with fire and tell a few truths (occasionally too that is, luckily for me), hell breaks loose for well-known reasons (lack of arguments from the other side and frustration as seen in this thread).

As I wrote the fact that the Israeli users on PDF, do not engage in even 1% of the trolling/lies/bashing/inferiority ridden nonsense against Arabs that our Muslim brothers do on PDF, is quite telling.

However you can burry your head in the sand and pretend that I am lying by stating the ground realities, the Arab users who had the "honor" of participating on PDF, all agree with me regardless of sect, nationality, religion, ideology etc. Luckily this forum has the reputation it has and is nowhere near a reflection of Pakistan, Pakistanis or the Muslim community as a whole which a quick visit on the internet confirms or actual people to people interaction. Which is the good thing and most important thing.

How are Turks or Pakistanis considered Arabised???

Because they are Muslims it makes them Arab?? Even if the Turks and Pakistanis took in Arab customs or culture thats normal as every culture did cultural exchanges.

The Turks were more influenced by the Persians than Arabs. The reason why Arab culture spread among the Turks was mainly due to Muslim Persians who themselves became Muslim thanks to the Muslim Arabs.

Turks neither do Pakistanis speak arabic neither are they part of the Arab league so how the hell are they considered Arabises or partially arabised??

If saudis are driving mercedes or ferraris by your logic wouldnt that be considered westernised??
How are Turks or Pakistanis considered Arabised???

Because they are Muslims it makes them Arab?? Even if the Turks and Pakistanis took in Arab customs or culture thats normal as every culture did cultural exchanges.

The Turks were more influenced by the Persians than Arabs. The reason why Arab culture spread among the Turks was mainly due to Muslim Persians who themselves became Muslim thanks to the Muslim Arabs.

Turks neither do Pakistanis speak arabic neither are they part of the Arab league so how the hell are they considered Arabises or partially arabised??

If saudis are driving mercedes or ferraris by your logic wouldnt that be considered westernised??

No, you were not. Ottoman Arabic was basically an Arabic dialect. The Ottomans (even the name is Arabic deriving from Othman which the Turks pronounce as Osman due to having difficulties pronouncing the Arabic Othman) entire foundation was build on all the previous Arab caliphates. The script was Arabic. Most of the customs were heavily influenced by Islam and thus Arab customs and norms. Influences of cuisine, art, architecture, clerical aspect as well.

The "Persian" influences are mostly Arab in origin as well given the Islamic history. Similar to how Urdu is WRONGLY attributed to being mainly of Persian origin while in reality 90% of those Persian words in Urdu are of Arabic origin originally, lol. Most of the foreign vocabulary in Urdu is thus of Arabic origin similar to the alphabet despite extra letters that can be counted on 1 single hand.

Same case with Central Asia. As for pre-Islamic times, indeed back then Arabs had no interaction (that I know of) with Turks living on the steppes north of Mongolia in Siberia far away from any civilization of note. Back then the Chinese had most interaction with actual Turks of that time.

Look at your names, architecture, religion, cuisine, the Islamic civilization that you are a part of, Islamic sects, all have been greatly shaped by Arabs before anything else. Even the name of your country (Türkiye) uses the Arabic suffix iye. You might not even be aware of this. Even despite all the reforms that Ataturk did, your biggest degree of foreign words derive from Arabic too......

All of your most ancient cities in Turkey (Southern Turkey bordering Iraq and Syria, not really surprising) are ancient Semitic cities who Arabs ruled as well before the Seljuks arrived. To this day Arabs are the largest minority in Turkey after the Kurds who themselves have been influenced by Arabs greatly.

Of course all this can be ignored but facts remain facts. Similar to how most of the Muslim world is Westernized today.

You can't compare what I mentioned with driving a car (lol). In that sense most of the world is either German or Japanese.

But yes, Saudi Arabians and Turks (even more) are Westernized today along with the entire Muslim world to smaller and bigger degrees. Are you doing to deny that as well?
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