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Heavy ion accelerator built in Dubna


Jun 23, 2013
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Russian Federation
The construction of the collider of heavy ions - the NICA in Dubna, one of the six largest facilities of Russian science related to the class of "mega-Science."

NICA collider is a cyclotron with a circumference of 500 meters. He is able to accelerate and collide beams of protons and heavy ions up to very massive gold ions. The proposed kinetic energy of the ions to reach 4.5 GeV / nucleon protons - 12.6 GeV. The source of the beams for the LHC will be built in 1993 accelerator "Nuclotron" Europe's first superconducting accelerator of heavy ions at high energies, after its modernization. Title NICA - abbreviation: Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAsility. In two collision points colliding beams accommodate specially developed experimental setup MPD and SPD.

The main task of the detector MPD (Multi-Purpose Detector) - the study of hadron matter at high temperatures and densities. In normal conditions, it exists as a strong interaction involving protons and neutrons. With the enormous density and high temperature nucleons "melt", and their constituent quarks and gluons are released, forming a new state - the quark-gluon plasma. She studied at the RHIC collider in the U.S., there is a corresponding program at the LHC at CERN, based in Germany accelerator complex FAIR. NICA collider will accelerate ions to a relatively low energy, but will achieve the ratio of the density and temperature at the collision point that ordinary matter and quark-gluon plasma can exist simultaneously in the so-called mixed phase. Accelerators, where energy ion beams is too high, a condition difficult to investigate.

At high baryon, the proton-neutron, density, matter is scarcely explored. The most important fundamental problems in this area at the present time are:

- Search and explore new, previously unobserved forms of baryonic matter;
- Understanding of the causes of connectedness quarks in the nucleons;
- Find the reasons of symmetry breaking to explain "mechanism" of the formation of a world made up only of a substance in the absence of antimatter in our part of the universe.

The detector SPD (Spin Physics Detector), as the name implies, is focused on research in the field of spin physics and will be able to push the polarized beams of protons and deuterons. The concept of spin - intrinsic angular momentum (momentum) - has long been firmly established in physics, but its nature is still not fully understood. There is no doubt that the proper angular momentum of the proton is formed from the contribution of the spin of its constituent quarks and gluons and their orbital angular momenta. However, are not well understood nor their relationship or connection orientation of the spin of the proton and its constituent particles. Measurements planned for the installation of SPD, will be the continuation of the research in the field of spin physics, which previously held with the participation of Russian physicists only in foreign research centers.

Questions about the project NICA / MPD and work "Nuclotron" were the focus of discussion of the 39th session of the Programme Advisory Committee for Particle Physics, which was held at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR, Dubna), 10-11 June 2013.

Complex projects and the equipment is ready, the site for the construction of which will begin in the autumn, have chosen. According to the results of the international competition, which was attended by 15 companies from Europe and Asia, for the construction of buildings and structures selected five. On domestic and foreign enterprises are already producing equipment. In the Urals, formed an alliance of several companies that make vacuum chambers and components of superconducting magnets. Poland is responsible for the cryostat and the vacuum chamber, Slovakia - for the supply system. Chinese Institute of Plasma Physics is ready to make high-temperature superconducting cables.

The new collider has to earn in 2016.
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