*AHEM* Gentlemen, special alloys prepared by unnamed organizations, that can withstand any projectile. Are we talking DU armor?
The AK-1 seems to have a lower profile turret. Correct me if I am wrong here. Thus means a lower COG thus improving paramets such as Max angle of climb.
The gun is locally produced.. Truly a big achievement.
But the most heart warming aspect is they are definitely performing indigenous R&D. May Allah the Almighty Help them in this endeavor. Aameen.
There was a news recently about MoU with Ukraine on indigenous manufacture of engines. Insha Allah, we will achieve 100% indigenization.
They are moving forward at a rate of 60 tanks per year. Insha Allah we will see a large increase in number of state of the art tanks.
At some point they showed a targeting pod/camera system. Meaning they are developing electro-mechanical systems?
They hinted about working on some other projects. If I am to guess, these unexplained projects would involve the machining of sensitive equipment. I would hazard a guess on reactor containers, missile bodies etc. Comments?