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Heartbreaking - Pakistan's Hidden Shame.

It feels uncomfortable just replying to this thread. Some harsh truths need to be discussed here. The plight of the street children is unequivocally linked to the drug trade. All forms of prostitution and petty crime in Pakistan seem to have some sort of link to drugs, and it is mostly junkies being forced to find a way to feed their habits.

Backward culture of sexual frustration, denial and nothing to fill the void. The poverty and the child slavery is something all together different and menace even when it doesn't involve exploitation and drug abuse.

Seriously, I see no quick fix to this sort of stuff. Nothing to be done over a few months or years, apart from mass burning of poppy fields in Afghanistan, raids on facilities that allow this stuff to happen.

There is no fix without stopping the flow of these drugs, without getting these kids either into school, back to their homes or into permanent care. IK and PTI can't fix this, these issues are of massive complexity and require societal upheaval and long term process. Even throwing these kids in a jail cell would be a mercy.
This was the most heart breaking documentary I've watched. Anyone know if theirs crime has decreased? because this was filmed a year or two ago.
Sodomy aka bacha baazi is primarily an Afghan disease that has infiltrated Pakistan with Afghans. Shut down madrassas (hugely prevalent there) and throw Afghans out, many social ills will automatically go away.
Sodomy aka bacha baazi is primarily an Afghan disease that has infiltrated Pakistan with Afghans. Shut down madrassas (hugely prevalent there) and throw Afghans out, many social ills will automatically go away.

There's no question these sort of issues are directly related to the Afghan community. But this isn't a fair solution, controlling the kind of people that come in, the amount, and controlling how they settle here and integrating them is far more effective than just throwing them out, destroying what little they have, only for them to return with added hatred for the state.

I can see what's causing you to say this, but this is not the way, management and regulation to integrate these folks is probably more important than occasionally throwing people out. No doubt it is harder and easier said than done, but it is also far more effective.
There's no question these sort of issues are directly related to the Afghan community. But this isn't a fair solution, controlling the kind of people that come in, the amount, and controlling how they settle here and integrating them is far more effective than just throwing them out, destroying what little they have, only for them to return with added hatred for the state.

I can see what's causing you to say this, but this is not the way, management and regulation to integrate these folks is probably more important than occasionally throwing people out. No doubt it is harder and easier said than done, but it is also far more effective.
Jungi, Afghans have not changed a bit in thousands of years and they will never change no matter what. They are calling this unfortunate place their home for over 30 years now (tribal/FATA people are with us for 70+ years), instead of them changing or assimilating for good, they have changed the social fabric of Pakistan, literally transformed a peaceful highly progressive society into a Afghanistan-like shit hole where criminals thrive. Not sure where you belong to but I hail from Quetta and a first hand witness of destruction these savages brought to Quetta. A hill station that was once dubbed as 'little London' is transformed into a kachra kundi littered with Afghans. You may have hope but what I have seen and experienced first hand between 1978-1997 (until I left), I have no hope that these barbarians could possibly be brought into mainstream and cajoled to adopt civilization.

The title should be 'Afghan shame', that they smuggled together with their pathetic selves into Pakistan that is now resulting in a bad name for Pakistan.
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Jungi, Afghans have not changed a bit in thousands of years and they will never change no matter what. They are calling this unfortunate place their home for over 30 years now (tribal/FATA people are with us for 70+ years), instead of them changing or assimilating for good, they have changed the social fabric of Pakistan, literally transformed a peaceful highly progressive society into a Afghanistan-like shit hole where criminals thrive. Not sure where you belong to but I hail from Quetta and a first hand witness of destruction these savages brought to Quetta. A hill station that was once dubbed as 'little London' is transformed into a kachra kundi littered with Afghans. You may have hope but what I have seen and experienced first hand between 1978-1997 (until I left), I have no hope that these barbarians could possibly be brought into mainstream and cajoled to adopt civilization.

I think your being unfair if not bordering on racist ....
We all may say things once in while and maybe this is yours but you need to reflect on what you said.
The same could be said about Karachi of pre 1947 and the once clean Queen of the East is nothing more than a huge mass of heaving humanity with even more humongous slums reminders of Mumbai or Patna with Paan spitting rife .....
I think your being unfair if not bordering on racist ....
We all may say things once in while and maybe this is yours but you need to reflect on what you said.
The same could be said about Karachi of pre 1947 and now. Once the clean Queen of the East now nothing more than a huge mass of heaving humanity with even more humongous slums reminders of Mumbai or Patna with Paan spitting rife .....
You cant differentiate between paan spitting and sodomy? Why you brought this reference? you think I am a paan eater who would get hurt by your statement? I am not at all unfair, I said what I observed now you like it or not is not my issue. You got better reasoning to counter me, please do so without calling me racist.
Paedophilia is a reality and there are peadophiles in every society in country. The recent revelations in UK and the most recent ones under UN, be it the French troops of UN staff has shown how wide spread the child abuse is. But the biggest difference is our reluctance to accept this hideous crime is being committed in our society. A lot of times, people in our society like to assume a higher moral ground just because they are "Muslims" and muslims by default can commit no sin or no such sin could exist in a "Muslim" society. So here is a question every single member from Pakistan knows what happens to children in Madrassahs, do we not? I am not saying all Madrassahs have this problem, but yes a lot of them have this issue.
Street children all over the country are exploited, from Peshawar to Karachi. Having said that we can not overlook the influence Afghans have brought on our society.

Sodomy aka bacha baazi is primarily an Afghan disease that has infiltrated Pakistan with Afghans. Shut down madrassas (hugely prevalent there) and throw Afghans out, many social ills will automatically go away.

Afghans indulge in this hideous act routinely and it is a part of their culture indeed and no matter what they say about it, this is practiced. If my memory serves me correct either Guardian or The Observer did wrote a piece on this some time back.

Jungi, Afghans have not changed a bit in thousands of years and they will never change no matter what. They are calling this unfortunate place their home for over 30 years now (tribal/FATA people are with us for 70+ years), instead of them changing or assimilating for good, they have changed the social fabric of Pakistan, literally transformed a peaceful highly progressive society into a Afghanistan-like shit hole where criminals thrive. Not sure where you belong to but I hail from Quetta and a first hand witness of destruction these savages brought to Quetta. A hill station that was once dubbed as 'little London' is transformed into a kachra kundi littered with Afghans. You may have hope but what I have seen and experienced first hand between 1978-1997 (until I left), I have no hope that these barbarians could possibly be brought into mainstream and cajoled to adopt civilization.

Well said Ali, Quetta started to rot soon after these good for nothing barbarian minded Afghans started to flock there. These people have the worst tribalistic mindset in the world and nothing can change them, neither is our headache to change them. We should just throw them out of the country.

I think your being unfair if not bordering on racist ....
We all may say things once in while and maybe this is yours but you need to reflect on what you said.
The same could be said about Karachi of pre 1947 and the once clean Queen of the East is nothing more than a huge mass of heaving humanity with even more humongous slums reminders of Mumbai or Patna with Paan spitting rife .....

I am sorry but your argument is completely senseless and the example you gave is equivalent to comparing Apple with water melons (not even oranges). Every word Ali have said about Afghans and the practice of baacha bazi, also known as Launda Bazi is true. No one is being racist here.
Paedophilia is a reality and there are peadophiles in every society in country. The recent revelations in UK and the most recent ones under UN, be it the French troops of UN staff has shown how wide spread the child abuse is. But the biggest difference is our reluctance to accept this hideous crime is being committed in our society. A lot of times, people in our society like to assume a higher moral ground just because they are "Muslims" and muslims by default can commit no sin or no such sin could exist in a "Muslim" society. So here is a question every single member from Pakistan knows what happens to children in Madrassahs, do we not? I am not saying all Madrassahs have this problem, but yes a lot of them have this issue.
Street children all over the country are exploited, from Peshawar to Karachi. Having said that we can not overlook the influence Afghans have brought on our society.

Afghans indulge in this hideous act routinely and it is a part of their culture indeed and no matter what they say about it, this is practiced. If my memory serves me correct either Guardian or The Observer did wrote a piece on this some time back.

Well said Ali, Quetta started to rot soon after these good for nothing barbarian minded Afghans started to flock there. These people have the worst tribalistic mindset in the world and nothing can change them, neither is our headache to change them. We should just throw them out of the country.
People cant even imagine the beauty of 70s Quetta. All the major streets were decorated with mulberry (shahtoot) and pine trees and we kids, while going to School and or on our way back would eat mulberries from those trees. There were no crimes, all ethnicities and sects used to live in complete harmony. The first thing those barbarians did was to cut the trees, followed by buying houses and businesses with the plenty of black money they brought with them. Many local Pathan and Baloch went out of business because of the rampant smuggling. I curse Zia for him brining in these thugs and got my beautiful country destroyed in the process. The worst part is, whenever you talk against this menace, it is automatically assumed that a) you are a Urdu speaker, and b) a racist. Whereas non-Urdu speakers have suffered most in the hands of these Afghan butchers. It is sad that even after losing 60K innocent Pakistanis in the hands of this scourge, we are not ready to address this problem. It is possible that one day sun will rise from the west but that the Afghans will change their ways, it is not going to happen. Their culture and their society, it is all about destruction. Look at their history, what is there in Afghanistan? Can they name any prominent poet, or philosopher, or writer, anything? Why? why such a huge scarcity of art and civilization? because this is not their culture. A tribal society that lives on invading the neighbors and loot does not produce poets and writers and philosophers.
You cant differentiate between paan spitting and sodomy? Why you brought this reference? you think I am a paan eater who would get hurt by your statement? I am not at all unfair, I said what I observed now you like it or not is not my issue. You got better reasoning to counter me, please do so without calling me racist.

By making absolute claim of a certain trait to a ethnic group gentleman amounts to racism. There are lot of Asian sex grooming gangs in UK and claims that Asian's are rapist are made based on those gangs. Trust me everybody jumps up and calls them racist.
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