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'Headley says Ishrat was Lashkar suicide bomber'

Sir Don't you think this is confused thinking. Do you really think she will get caught with a suicide vest? Do you know how many suicide bombers get caught with vests instead of blowing themselves up. It is very easy to give lectures on human rights sitting on a keyboard or in a TV studio.

Unless you are become a cop who is putting his own life at risk to catch a suicide bomber I really don't think opinion like these matter. Its is for the state to decide weather it wants to condemn its own citizens to suicide bombing or take proactive action.

Anyways this particular case is absolutely politically motivated by the Congis to get to Narendra Modi. The CBI was exposed and r@ped by Supreme Court. Now if anyone still believes that they are not a political tool of the Congis then they are living in fools paradise.

I dont think policing should be done only the way police wants, if given a chance they will close all shops at 7 because thats convinient for them.
The point is, there is a law that is made keeping in mind the challenges that police faces, hence new laws.

Now they need to prove whether she presented danger or not, whether she could have been arrested. I know Indian police enough to say they will kill a wrong guy without even blinking.
The fact that this time they got it right does not change the normal rule, they should give info as to why they killed her.
unfortunately for india, we let millions of muslims remain in india and they are anti national. only a handful are patritic like some in this forum.
others will sit quiet and wish for hindus to be defeated.
unfortunately for india, we let millions of muslims remain in india and they are anti national. only a handful are patritic like some in this forum.
others will sit quiet and wish for hindus to be defeated.
we dont let them, they are born in modern India. Its their own country. Not many muslims are anti national, you are talking rubbish.
we dont let them, they are born in modern India. Its their own country. Not many muslims are anti national, you are talking rubbish.
then why was pakistan created as a home for all the muslims. why did a small portion of rich muslims go away. why did we let the muslim population double but paksitan shrink its hindu popolation by 80%.
many muslims are anti national, many are quiet but support muslim pakistan against their own hindu countrymen and a small handful (mostly non-sunnis) are good.
then why was pakistan created as a home for all the muslims. why did a small portion of rich muslims go away. why did we let the muslim population double but paksitan shrink its hindu popolation by 80%.
many muslims are anti national, many are quiet but support muslim pakistan against their own hindu countrymen and a small handful (mostly non-sunnis) are good.
thats not true. You need some sunni friends.
I dont think policing should be done only the way police wants, if given a chance they will close all shops at 7 because thats convinient for them.
The point is, there is a law that is made keeping in mind the challenges that police faces, hence new laws.

Now they need to prove whether she presented danger or not, whether she could have been arrested. I know Indian police enough to say they will kill a wrong guy without even blinking.
The fact that this time they got it right does not change the normal rule, they should give info as to why they killed her.

Again very theoratic. This is all perfect and I don't have anything against your comment. This is absolutely valid for criminals and even murderers but our laws are just not made for terrorists.

Thats why the US has Prism and thats why Obama has gone all out defending it. A man who was a champion of all things progressive 4 years ago can't suddenly become evil unless he has realized how serious the situation is. Good for Americans they have patriotic leaders (even if corrupt) who think of their country and its people first. And it shows in the last 12 years since 9/11 only one attack has happened. This is when every terrorist in the world wants to attack US.

We are condemned to eternal bombings thanks to the people ruling us for whom power is more important than the lives of their own citizens.
Again very theoratic. This is all perfect and I don't have anything against your comment. This is absolutely valid for criminals and even murderers but our laws are just not made for terrorists.

Thats why the US has Prism and thats why Obama has gone all out defending it. A man who was a champion of all things progressive 4 years ago can't suddenly become evil unless he has realized how serious the situation is. Good for Americans they have patriotic leaders (even if corrupt) who think of their country and its people first. And it shows in the last 12 years since 9/11 only one attack has happened. This is when every terrorist in the world wants to attack US.

We are condemned to eternal bombings thanks to the people ruling us for whom power is more important than the lives of their own citizens.

collecting information on people is differernt from bumping people off. If you know how inefficient our agencies are, and the margin of error they operate in, you should oppose anything like that.

Just meet the police constable and inspector of nearby thana and tell me whether you will trust him, if he takes a dislike on you. They already weild too much power.

I just hope you are on wrong side of law once, you will see that you want justice. I know a case when a petty theft(of a laptop) ended in a dead guy in police station (oh, he hanged himself, so convinient)
So what must be done to a suicide bomber who was on a mission to eliminate the chief minister? What if she is a young lady? The bottom line is that she was a terrorist and deserved to be shot.

She was in Police Custody.................. They should have produced her before Court to prove guilty..........and Indian Law doesn't permit elimination................
Assume them to be terrorist....................But that's not license to kill a young lady in a state sponsored cold blooded murder (Fake Encounter).............

Wow! since when did a terrorist and suicide bomber started getting so much respect?

Oh wait! Its you lot Haathwale regime...why am I not surprised.

I can imagine how you would have cried your heart out when Kasab's hanging was announced.


She was in Police Custody.................. They should have produced her before Court to prove guilty..........and Indian Law doesn't permit elimination................

Kasab massacred 100s of Indians in front of everyone's eyes... at that time the law presented him with a free lawyer and 31 crores a year expenditure.

Where the eff were you then? :pissed:

Stop loving terrorists.. it is better for the country. Otherwise if you love them so much, tear your Indian identity and move to an anti-India nation.

This form of cheap treachery is against the dignity of the people who have died over the years in jehad.
then why was pakistan created as a home for all the muslims. why did a small portion of rich muslims go away. why did we let the muslim population double but paksitan shrink its hindu popolation by 80%.
many muslims are anti national, many are quiet but support muslim pakistan against their own hindu countrymen and a small handful (mostly non-sunnis) are good.
And Muslims of India don't need your Certificate for their Patriotism............
collecting information on people is differernt from bumping people off. If you know how inefficient our agencies are, and the margin of error they operate in, you should oppose anything like that.

Just meet the police constable and inspector of nearby thana and tell me whether you will trust him, if he takes a dislike on you. They already weild too much power.

I just hope you are on wrong side of law once, you will see that you want justice. I know a case when a petty theft(of a laptop) ended in a dead guy in police station (oh, he hanged himself, so convinient)

What do you say about the 4 year drama that Congress did with Kasab? They freaking gave him a lawyer after hundreds of witnesses were there including CST CCTV cameras that caught him butchering innocent fellow Indians.

Where was your humanity then?

It is easy to talk when your own are not dead.

At least have some respect for those who have died in terrorist attacks and don't demean them by speaking for such people just because some treacherous politicians are supporting them for an unknown vote bank.

And Muslims of India don't need your Certificate for their Patriotism............

Neither do rest of the Indians need a certificate from suckularists about how to identify a terrorist regardless of their faith.

The armed forces and federal agencies also catch and snuff Naxalites who are mostly Hindu born.

So stop batting for suckularism.

And just before you brand me, FYI I am a Buddhist.
What do you say about the 4 year drama that Congress did with Kasab? They freaking gave him a lawyer after hundreds of witnesses were there including CST CCTV cameras that caught him butchering innocent fellow Indians.

Where was your humanity then?

It is easy to talk when your own are not dead.

At least have some respect for those who have died in terrorist attacks and don't demean them by speaking for such people just because some treacherous politicians are supporting them for an unknown vote bank.

sorry, laws do not run on emotions, you can change the law btw to say police can kill any terrorist they find. No need to go to court. Will you support such a law.
Be careful, you might be bumped off by a policeman because he does not like you. Its easy to brand somebody terrorist, which is why we have courts.

Thats how Judicial system in India works..learn to live with it.

A system developed to pacify terrorists and hang patriots...no wonder most fellow Indians suffer from Stockholm Syndrome.

Funny how this judicial system failed to give the much touted justice to so many who died in countless massacres across the country including the ones as late in Assam and KPs in Kashmir.....

Your judicial system..... :coffee:
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