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'He never left me:' Pakistani man in Dubai devoted to care of blind Indian neighbor.

CIA Mole

May 1, 2019
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United States

In foreign countries, South Asians have no trouble getting along.
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One of the best threads in this forum!

I think that is what God wants us to do.

Like a war.

When our heart is burning, we fight so hard like it's a matter of life and death... just to help all humanity.

But sadly, today, many people do the opposite.
Will Indian media mainstream/out stream media show this story there...a big No!!!

They won't do anything to lessen the hatred for Pakistan and Muslims which is destroying their own society and country. Hate devours the people who harbors it.

Pakistan is full of love and compassion...to quite an extent, doesn't show the blind hatred.
Not true...only Pakistani show love and compassion... Indians always have hatred in their hearts .. including in foreign countries.

This story just confirms that.

Quite true.

But we learned to love their hate for Pakistan, made us stronger.
In the UK, all I have experienced is hatred from chicken #### Indian Hindus, well not to my face but behind my back. The amount of times I caught them out, has confirmed to me, even all the friendship in the world will not remove 1000 years of hatred in their hearts. When they feel safe to, they will spew their hatred against Muslims and Pakistanis into every conversation with each other.

On one such occasion, I over heard an Indian Hindu friend of 10 years, abusing Pakistanis. I decided to confront him and see what he would say.

The look on his face was priceless. I asked him to repeat it out again, all I witnessed was a room full of Indian Hindus looking at the floor and pin drop silence.

I then beat the crap out the him who was mouthing off whilst saying to him, you hate pakis so much, why have you been hiding this from me for 10 years? Not one of his Indian Hindu friends stood up for him or even said a word. They all watched me beat him good. I made sure I looked the others in the eyes occasionally, so they could share the pain the idiot was feeling. I walked out, with one of the Hindu chicks who I was joy riding at the time.

Since then, I do not mix with Indians at a personal level unless it's a chick.
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  • Was about to write something nice about me and my best buddy here (A Sialkot Punjabi)...
  • Saw post #7, #8 & #9....
  • Realized how much (non) value is there for the ones blowing their own trumpets...
  • Decided to shut the ef up...
  • Was about to write something nice about me and my best buddy here (A Sialkot Punjabi)...
  • Saw post #7, #8 & #9....
  • Realized how much (non) value is there for the ones blowing their own trumpets...
  • Decided to shut the ef up...

I wouldn't say they are blowing their own trumpet, they are sharing their experiences, and the hurt, it is a public forum.

Most of my friends are Indians, and I can tell many stories of hate, that truly make me sick. But, I also have positive stories, that is why they are still close friends. But it needs to be recognised that there is a lot more hate among Indians, then there is among Pakistanis.

But, if you have positive stories, please share, isn't that the point, it wont cost you anything to share, but may help others see a different perspective.
Rest is up to you.
Not true...only Pakistani show love and compassion... Indians always have hatred in their hearts .. including in foreign countries.

This story just confirms that.
the love care and fatherly brotherly affection I received from multiple Hindu and Sikh people on repeated and prolonged times from India is my great asset and fills my heart with gratitude.
for every compassionate loving respecting and caring Pakistani muslim there are multiple numbers of Hindus who care love and respect muslims in india and abroad
it is inconceivable that such a big land mass is without pure heart hindus who have heart of gold.
their love their philanthropy and care for all is a living proof in the shape of hospitals still in their name in Pakistan.

Allah is Great
His Blessings are infinite
and not limited to muslims. everyone is Hos creation and His Love and Care exists in the hearts of those who dont believe in Him or know Him with different names.
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