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Hazaras Demand Army: hold off mass burial as a protest

i am not wrong. i am talking about 5 decades ago. these events are later events in 60s and 70s. while saud involved in 50s.

First time force used against civilians where in 50s, First Marshal Law was in 50s, First arm resistance in Baluchistan was in 50s, rise of provinces against state imposed marshal law was in 50s and pray tell me who strengthened relations with KSA first. As far as i know Pakistan had relations with both KSA & Iran until revolution in Iran.
Tau phir ja kar ghar baithain - Why should the majority of the national budget be spent on a bunch who instead of being the first to rise to defend, say they are too good for the job?

They won't ever say that, they seem too eager to get new roles. I'm saying they are probably too bad at the job.

Army can at best scare everyone into calming down for a bit. But they won't go around gathering evidence, recording statements made by LeJ type members. They are only good for chithrol and dandocracy, which is fine, but not really a long term solution.

In the long term, you need to JAIL law breakers, not execute military operations against them.

Army should be defending the borders and at home, perhaps be doing some counter espionage and perhaps some relief work when needed. Maintaining law n order is something they have never been good with. From Bangladesh, to Karachi, to Balochistan, Swat and even tribal areas... All average performances towards maintaining law n order.

Our problem is that police is worse.

But the solution is to bring up the police, not give them a holiday each time they start sucking.
Is it that Sunni, Shias, Hazras, Ahmediyas, etc. are already polarized within society and therefore stick together and move together in large groups, making it even more easy to target them without fear of collateral friendly killings? It is a little difficult for us to understand because here the only time it would be easy to get people of one religion together in one place is during festive celebrations on the roads, and that also would be tough for the more cosmopolitan festivals like Diwali or Holi or Ganesh Puja or Durga Puja or Christmas where the really big crowds are, and are made up of Indians of most faiths.
No Peace in Pakistan till there is a Change or Revolution in Saudi Arabia.
You can blame everyone for your problems, Saudi Arabia, India, USA; but you do not realize that the biggest sponsor of everything happening in Pakistan are Pakistanis (or ex-Pakistanis). For personal gains, these people do not care about anything. Where does sectarian terrorism come from? Why does it arise? Who is behind this? What are the political gains? These things only point towards one answer. Sympathy for power. These incidents would happen to bring people together and support the leaders of certain parties that will now come in power.

Over a year ago, I had given my statement on this forum that as the time for elections closes us, the situation especially in Balochistan will worsen for political motives. Look at the situation this way, the Army is already being blamed for the activities in Balochistan by the world AND our dear PPP. What does PPP fear? Army. The killings would be used by PPP (and others sharing similar interests) against the Army during the time of elections, which will make people favor PPP against Army and gain votes. You need to realize that FC has been on target operations since December but these do not get the coverage because of the reason I mentioned above. The Army you demand has already been working for you before your call yet do not get the spotlight. 2 days back, 20 suspects for this incident were arrested who turned out to be Uzbeks and Afghans. I don't see any media reporting this.

You need to think outside the box which you have been made to live in. The killings would not stop, would not reduce till the elections. It is you who decides if it stops after elections or not. The decisions is in your hands, you have one just one vote. I hope you now realize the value of your vote. Last time, all of you voted for PPP and you got what you deserve. Don't fall the the same trap PPP used last time, again this year - sympathy votes.
First time force used against civilians where in 50s, First Marshal Law was in 50s, First arm resistance in Baluchistan was in 50s rise of provinces against state imposed marshal law was in 50s and pray tell me who strengthened relations with KSA first. As far as i know Pakistan had relations with both KSA & Iran until revolution in Iran.

you are still insisting. while it had never been like the situation of today where state is silent spectator. you mentioned it acted against trouble makers in 50s and enforced the writ of the state. But it cannot do now as it is not allowed to act despite full capabilities. Pakistan had been a peaceful country in the past and things do not turn up in one day. It all started when pak was sold to saud with Ayub Khan appointed the country's first native commander-in-chief in 1951 in a controversial promotion over several senior officers. This was the beginning of the trouble and continues to till todate. The games to suppress people were started instead of solving the issues. It was in 60s when wahabi King announced to built a major iconic mosque in Islamabad in order to spread wahabism. while Iran just had normal relations with Pakistan.


Hazare are demanding army and you are saying the opposite of their demand. clearly you are mis aligned and you totally ignored my last post. maybe it is because of your just hate for saud. but whatever it is don't let personal hate get in the way of justice and support of shias please.

I am not against the Demands of the people, It is a Just demand of the people to call in Army to protect them.
You can blame everyone for your problems, Saudi Arabia, India, USA; but you do not realize that the biggest sponsor of everything happening in Pakistan are Pakistanis (or ex-Pakistanis). For personal gains, these people do not care about anything. Where does sectarian terrorism come from? Why does it arise? Who is behind this? What are the political gains? These things only point towards one answer. Sympathy for power. These incidents would happen to bring people together and support the leaders of certain parties that will now come in power.

Over a year ago, I had given my statement on this forum that as the time for elections closes us, the situation especially in Balochistan will worsen for political motives. Look at the situation this way, the Army is already being blamed for the activities in Balochistan by the world AND our dear PPP. What does PPP fear? Army. The killings would be used by PPP (and others sharing similar interests) against the Army during the time of elections, which will make people favor PPP against Army and gain votes. You need to realize that FC has been on target operations since December but these do not get the coverage because of the reason I mentioned above. The Army you demand has already been working for you before your call yet do not get the spotlight. 2 days back, 20 suspects for this incident were arrested who turned out to be Uzbeks and Afghans. I don't see any media reporting this.

You need to think outside the box which you have been made to live in. The killings would not stop, would not reduce till the elections. It is you who decides if it stops after elections or not. The decisions is in your hands, you have one just one vote. I hope you now realize the value of your vote. Last time, all of you voted for PPP and you got what you deserve. Don't fall the the same trap PPP used last time, again this year - sympathy votes.

yes the major cause is the flooded money of the kings that is deceiving and hiring the ignorants. Till there is a change in Arabia and Pious people take over there is no chance of peace in Pakistan. Shia killings will continue in times to come along with killings of moderate sunnis.

Why LeT Beast Hafiz saeed met with Bugtis in current year???? this all is state sponsored terrorism. PPP, PTI, PML, Jamaat, MQM all are part of Terrorism. None talked about shias dying like lambs in pakistan, It is only after the Saudi King announced of dialogue, and the same week we started hearing cries of PPP, PTI, PML, MQM, JI etc. etc.

It is not at all difficult for the state to stop this terrorism. There is a continuous chain of terrorists attacks and killings and all know that inside elements are doing this thru their pet dogs LeT, LeJ, Jamat dawa etc. etc.
you are still insisting. while it had never been like the situation of today where state is silent spectator. you mentioned it acted against trouble makers in 50s and enforced the writ of the state. But it cannot do now as it is not allowed to act despite full capabilities. Pakistan had been a peaceful country in the past and things do not turn up in one day. It all started when pak was sold to saud with Ayub Khan appointed the country's first native commander-in-chief in 1951 in a controversial promotion over several senior officers. This was the beginning of the trouble and continues to till todate. The games to suppress people were started instead of solving the issues. It was in 60s when wahabi King announced to built a major iconic mosque in Islamabad in order to spread wahabism. while Iran just had normal relations with Pakistan.

I am not against the Demands of the people, It is a Just demand of the people to call in Army to protect them.

I think you are still not getting my point - Let me state it clear, when we want to look into history to take lesson than it should be impartial. You always point out mistakes of sunni of past but deliberately overlook mistakes of shias. I hope it's clear now. And by the way Bhuto as foreign minister formed closer relations with Saudis and made pro-west policies. And after 71 he further strengthened the relation with Saudi. Anyway that doesn't matter because you will never look in history to learn lesson but only to find out mistakes of Sunnis.
the military is no solution to every problem and the military is for safeguarding the country

but for the internal matters the POLICE is what is responsible............

an army is not made to raid its own country

and what if during the involvement(operation or whatever may it be called) the army suffers from heavy loss of lives and money !!!

but at such times i believe that the army can play its role by setting up a police force to raid places, homes and also help in keeping Balochistan safe and away from foreign involvement :china:(CHINA is no issue as they are loved all over the COUNTRY):pakistan: , and I feel that the local themselves are concerned about their safety too so a hotline should be established for complaints and alerts to be lodged, then the POLICE FORCE would take control

the police force established should not be biased...
when you pay these terrorists to threat/torture/kidnap/kill your targets and turn a blind eye on their other activities because they do some dirty work for you, this definitely is patronage of such terrorists...

You got any solid proof to back up this claim?
I think you are still not getting my point - Let me state it clear, when we want to look into history to take lesson than it should be impartial. You always point out mistakes of sunni of past but deliberately overlook mistakes of shias. I hope it's clear now. And by the way Bhuto as foreign minister formed closer relations with Saudis and made pro-west policies. And after 71 he further strengthened the relation with Saudi. Anyway that doesn't matter because you will never look in history to learn lesson but only to find out mistakes of Sunnis.

it is not the Issue of Sunni or Shias. Terrorism has killed more Sunnis than Shias. Sunnis leadership is already sold out to saudis. No one cry when sunni brothers are target of terrorist attacks.

the terrorists are LeT, LeJ, Jamat dawa, JI, Taliban, Alqaida etc. etc. They all work together and all have blessings of military and even LeT is called as second defense line of Pakistan by the Wahabi element. All of these are flooded with the money of kings. The Kings gave PPP, PTI, PML, MQM to shia and sunnis to make them corrupt.

yes I agree that it is the fault of Shias and Sunnis that they do not have their own structure. they are dependent on government for their survival and security. Kings cannot allow Sunni or Shia to have their own structure that could endanger domination of the wahabi elements.
yes the major cause is the flooded money of the kings that is deceiving and hiring the ignorants. Till there is a change in Arabia and Pious people take over there is no chance of peace in Pakistan. Shia killings will continue in times to come along with killings of moderate sunnis.

Why do you keep saying that? KSA doesn't run Pakistan, the Bhutto family does. Unless there is a change in them, there is going to be no change in Pakistan even if the world changes.
Why do you keep saying that? KSA doesn't run Pakistan, the Bhutto family does. Unless there is a change in them, there is going to be no change in Pakistan even if the world changes.
Why does Bhutto family does ? Why think of change in them. Change the govt. You have similar curse like we have in form of Congress. We will change in 2014, hope you get change in 2013.
Why does Bhutto family does ? Why think of change in them. Change the govt. You have similar curse like we have in form of Congress. We will change in 2014, hope you get change in 2013.

Bhutto family has been running Pakistan from ZA Bhutto, then Benazir Bhutto, now Zardari and I'm sure Bilawal will come in equation too some day. This isn't democracy, this is monarchy. With change in Bhutto family I meant change in government.
Why do you keep saying that? KSA doesn't run Pakistan, the Bhutto family does. Unless there is a change in them, there is going to be no change in Pakistan even if the world changes.

Bhutto family is just s smoke screen. they cannot run LeT, LeJ, Jamaat Dawa, HT, JI, Taliban, Alqaida etc. Those who runs these terrorists Controls Pakistan.
Why does Bhutto family does ? Why think of change in them. Change the govt. You have similar curse like we have in form of Congress. We will change in 2014, hope you get change in 2013.

Unless the bastard govt doesnt drag the elections for another 2 year.
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