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Have you forgotten all that Musharraf did for you, Pakistan?

Mushy-lovers should realise that he is fully and squarely responsible for the killing of more than a thousand Pak soldiers and many more maimed, thanks to his disastrous Kargil misadventure. A typical commando who was good in tactics but an utter failure in strategy.

Now go ask the wives and family members of those killed in the needless and badly planned Kargil operation that resulted in enormous casualties, whether they have forgotten Mush? They would probably curse him for the rest of their lives.

kargill wasnt was any missadventure, if it was then there was no fernendis scandle?
so jst shit off?

never asked for a clean chit.....only demanded equal/just prosecution considering his age (he is 70 years old) can you imagine the scale of things that he may have gone through already and now this !!!!

im not asking this equality prosecution for him....im asking this for all those who are above 65 and so on...the law should go easy on them

seriously what sort of power/wrath/disaster do you expect from a 65 year old guy !!! (in this case Musharraf is out of power now)

if you want to prosecute him for what he has done...then go ahead no probs but please consider a persons health and age too !!!!!

he hvnt done anything wrong, if it was ?
then just hang the stupid CJ, & all the dady,s sons brought by all of the uniformers?
kargill wasnt was any missadventure, if it was then there was no fernendis scandle?
so jst shit off?

he hvnt done anything wrong, if it was ?
then just hang the stupid CJ, & all the dady,s sons brought by all of the uniformers?

batman jee remember I told you months back that Mushy won't get a break and public is finally fed up of constant martial laws, you never listened :coffee:

Now Mushy and co is trying too hard to get Army involved (so much so that Mush is indirectly hitting on current COAS) and it will backfire, army unlike civilians is very unforgiving for perceived slights to its prestige (?).
it was a the than PM who was responsible for soldiers death.it was musharaf's strategy when pak soldiers occupied 300 km indian territory pak army could have won the war if politicians didn;t get into..
Really? Are you not aware that the PA ran out of rations completely and whoever were left were starving to death? No water too, just eating ice and snow especially after your logistics base at Mantho Dalo was destroyed completely with scores of casualties.

And you say you were on the verge of victory? :lol: It's amazing how you guys are brainwashed by your propaganda machine to make it look as though Pakistan won the war militarily, blaming the loss to the politicians instead! Jeeez!
It was just another day, on October 12, 1999, in New York City where I was an undergraduate student. Little did I realise then that it was the day that would go down as one of the most controversial days in Pakistan’s history.

It was the day when the Pakistan International Airlines’ (PIA) flight PK 805, was denied landing rights in Pakistan on its return from Sri Lanka. A detour out of Pakistani territory would have meant an imminent crash of the commercial airliner, due to low fuel, with its 198 passengers on board. Amongst the passengers was none other than General Pervez Musharraf – a man who was to become the country’s first-ever Chief Executive and was destined to bring about some positive social changes in the life of the average Pakistani.

In his book Hijacking from the Ground, Mr Aminullah Chaudhry, then director general Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) in Karachi, narrated the incident in the following words:


Hijacking From The Ground. Source: Google Books (Google Books

General Pervez Musharraf was truly a blessing in disguise for all Pakistanis. Whether we dare to admit it or not, Pakistan saw some of its best years in terms of economic progress and social stability under his rule.

I, for one – an average Pakistani – have intermediate needs to worry about which my counterparts in the West often take for granted.

Social security, which forms the hallmark of the democratic and developed governance systems of the West, is absent without a doubt. In the absence of government support, issues such as employment, wages and prices take precedence over treason trials. Although it is critical and vital to get our ‘houses’ of governance in order, usually the systems follow strong social foundations. However, in Pakistan we seem to have it the other way around – a top-down approach – where we aim to develop macro systems of governance without considering the ground realities.

These ground realities are that life and living conditions for an average Pakistani are at an all-time low. Although we saw a moderate rise in living standards during the years of General Musharraf, even those indicators have fallen during the last five years.

Ask any Pakistani and I can bet that they would say that we were more financially sound from the perspective of an average Pakistan then than we are currently.

Over the last five years, the lower-middle class has slipped into further financial decline.

Still don’t believe me?

For a quick comparison, please take a look at the infographic below to put things into perspective. The graph clearly shows that the economic decline only came about after Musharraf vacated the presidential seat. A growth rate of 5.14% is only a consequence of sound economic policies that trickled down to the common Pakistani. Yes, there was probably corruption and most likely, plenty of it. But the living standard of an average Pakistani was also rising.


Source: File

Now compare this with some figures from as recent as 2013 when inflation was at 11.3% in April.


Design: Ali Darab

Moving onto factors other than economic prosperity, I, an average Pakistani, care more about the fact that our literacy rate rose by approximately 11% under Musharraf than about the technical fact that the constitution was held in abeyance by him.

And I can say, without a doubt, that any Pakistani, irrespective of political affiliation, cannot deny the importance of hundreds of kilometres of highways constructed, a decrease in poverty levels by approximately 10% and the establishment of a wide network of universities.

If we look at it from a more macroeconomic perspective, Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves rose to approximately $17 billion, and sectors such as manufacturing and IT saw unprecedented growth. A flourishing manufacturing sector and IT industry translates into jobs and employment opportunities, which in turn, means social security – one of the most fundamental requirements to lower petty crimes and thefts in a society.

Unemployment actually fell during the Musharraf years and rapidly rose during the years termed as ‘democratic’.

As facts tell us, it was nothing but a massive mirage of sorts.


Source: Economic Evaluation of Democracies and Dictatorships (Upload & Share PowerPoint presentations, documents, infographics

Moreover, inflation was tightly controlled as illustrated in the following graph:


Source: Economic Evaluation of Democracies and Dictatorships (Upload & Share PowerPoint presentations, documents, infographics

Still, in case you doubt statistics reported by local bodies, here is what the World Bank reports about the overall economic performance of Pakistan during Musharraf’s reign.


Source: Musharraf’s Economic Legacy (Haq's Musings

Hence, it comes as no surprise that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) declared Pakistan as the fastest growing economy after China and India during his years.

I don’t know about you but I would pick progress of this magnitude over meaningless constitutional violations any day. Yes, building institutions is important. But strong institutions only result from a process of evolution – they cannot be crafted artificially with superficial doses of ‘democratic governance’.

We may not realise it or we may not want to admit it, but the Musharraf years were more ‘democratic’ – at least for the common man.

Why, you ask?

Democracy is a mindset

I believe that democracy is a mind-set where dissent from the status quo is not brutally persecuted and suppressed. Democracy is not ‘the best revenge’ – it is the best, period.

Did we not see the rise of electronic media with an unprecedented freedom-of-expression during the years that some term as ‘undemocratic’. The years under Musharraf were far from being undemocratic and the biggest testament to this is the proliferation of electronic media which even had the liberty to take Musharraf himself to task when the need arose.

Freedom to question the official narrative was officially encouraged

Musharraf also set the precedent for his successors. His years in power set the practise of both, media and people freely questioning those in power without incurring either the wrath of the rulers or censorship. This was a massive achievement in Pakistan’s context and a key pre-requisite for true democratic dispensations. And we must acknowledge General Musharraf for this achievement.

Acknowledgment of mistakes – the good and bad go hand-in-hand

Yes, General Musharraf did make some mistakes – blunders that were too massive to be forgiven or forgotten. And yes, some of those had huge repercussions for the country. But then, who does not err? Is there any human that has never erred?

Other than the divinely appointed prophets and messengers of God, there is no human on earth who is perfect; the good and bad go hand-in-hand. One characteristic trait that I notice in most Pakistanis is that they not only forget their benefactors but they also fail to realise that a system can never be 100% perfect.

However, it is crucial to measure the performance of governments in terms of what they delivered to the people. Most people would agree without a doubt that the most prosperous years of Pakistan were those of Ayub Khan and General Musharraf.

Given all these facts, the question in my opinion is not whether we should indulge in a trial or not. The more pertinent question is whether we can afford it.

It is a classic cost-benefit and Return-On-Investment (ROI) analysis that most business organisations indulge in. After all, a country and its management are not very different from an organisation.

In fact, a country is an organisation by all definitions and practical implementations.

Remember – it was a hijack

The most important thing that we need to remember is that the airliner was officially hijacked without the slightest regard for all the regular Pakistanis who were returning home. This was not a Pakistan Armed Forces aircraft and neither was it a private jet on contract. A diversion of the plane without adequate fuel to sustain the air travel would have caused the plane to crash. Hence, my only question to the people is this,

“Is a treason trial more important than the verdict of death that was officially handed to each one of those Pakistanis on board PK-805?”

Please let us invoke some sensibility and realise that even though General Musharraf did make mistakes, he also made sincere and honest efforts to transform the living standards for an average Pakistani with the little amount of ‘real power’ that he wielded.

The treatment that he is being meted out now makes my head fall in shame and rise in awe simultaneously.

Is this the way to treat a person who actually did something to make my life better?

Is it right to haul him to court under charges that are quite superficial compared to the improvements he brought in the social infrastructure of Pakistan?

What kind of a lesson are we sending to the future leaders of Pakistan – that if you dare to work towards improving the living conditions of Pakistanis, you would not only be prosecuted, but also persecuted and hounded?

While you are in the process of answering these questions, do try and recall that the plane was on the verge of a crash with approximately 198 Pakistani civilians on board.

It may be hard for some to fathom this but rulers never have absolute power. There are millions of interests that have to be accounted for prior to taking decisions that affect nations and their citizens.

Considering the sycophants that surrounded Musharraf, it is not only remarkable that he managed to bring about this little improvement to an average Pakistani’s living standards, it is also evidence that the General’s heart was in the right place.

So, on behalf of all Pakistanis who agree with me and those who will hopefully try to understand my point-of-view, this is what I have to say to General Musharraf,

“Dear Sir,

On behalf of all Pakistanis, I apologise to you. This is the least that I could do considering how you worked to make my life better. Thank you for your efforts.”

Have you forgotten all that Musharraf did for you, Pakistan? – The Express Tribune Blog
Musharraf was able to do this because 9/11 happened and he became loyal pet of USA attacked its own people on their orders and in return they relaxed some of the bans and gave him bones in shape of dollars it was his policies which made sure TTP gets formed and our own people declare war on us he killed our own people for 3 years and they formed TTP to take revenge he didn't do anything about electricity but what he did was promote vulgarity and animal acts this scum was the worst thing every happened to Pakistan
he didn't do anything about electricity
Well in his times Pakistan had a capacity to generate 19000MW whereas its requirement was under 14000MW. Yet he initiated a number of projects for which credits has been and will be taken by his successors. Do you think wind power project was so easy to be achieved within 5 years of corruptest government. I will not defend him on unchecked vulgarity on media, that is his mistake. He let them go overboard. Pakistan had one of the best economic times in his era. It was brought out of the shackles of IMF which were legacy of PPP and PML. In his time Pakistan for the first time crossed 6% growth rate and prosperity had started reaching people.
Well in his times Pakistan had a capacity to generate 19000MW whereas its requirement was under 14000MW. Yet he initiated a number of projects for which credits has been and will be taken by his successors. Do you think wind power project was so easy to be achieved within 5 years of corruptest government. I will not defend him on unchecked vulgarity on media, that is his mistake. He let them go overboard. Pakistan had one of the best economic times in his era. It was brought out of the shackles of IMF which were legacy of PPP and PML. In his time Pakistan for the first time crossed 6% growth rate and prosperity had started reaching people.
Yes he was able to control economy because he was able to get rid of sanctions but attacking its own people to please USA and also destroying Pakistani Peace for ever only to please USA he brought us into civil war that is why he was able to improve economy is short term in long term he destroyed Pakistan and by the way even Zardari returned because of his NRO
he hvnt done anything wrong, if it was ?
then just hang the stupid CJ, & all the dady,s sons brought by all of the uniformers?

for the thousandth time im saying just consider his age and health while prosecution

go ahead prosecute him.........but also prosecute the people who are worse than him ie those massacring people now
batman jee remember I told you months back that Mushy won't get a break and public is finally fed up of constant martial laws, you never listened :coffee:

Now Mushy and co is trying too hard to get Army involved (so much so that Mush is indirectly hitting on current COAS) and it will backfire, army unlike civilians is very unforgiving for perceived slights to its prestige (?).
beta jee?
its not over yet, procecute him & see every dam politician bieng rightly hanged outside his own home?
bet me on tht, if you can?
well marshallaw days, are inching faster then ever?
Pakistanis are at best ignorant of the facts or are at worse ungrateful. They would rather live under Ameerul momineen, Akbar e azam, Janab Bahadur Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif (May God strengthen his hand).
Pakistan is hijacked by few political parties, all of these munafiqeen, needed to be served justice.
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@Albatross P.Musharraf was not flying the plane, this should have known, told or executed by the pilot, bring him to the court.
Actually, not even Nawaz Sharif had the audacity to say this, because he ordered blockade of JIA runway with fire engines!
FYI, It was not an one incidence, it was series of events, incl. appointment of new chief, before landing of plane, so you can't convince with partial pleading.
Nawaz Sharif was trialed in judiciary and convicted.

Economy is not the job of army. Musharraf is a criminal who must be tried in a court of law.

As you mentioned that army... so neither its the job of courts to try army.

While economy is matter of every one, if politicians collect tax than, they shall deliver us a Pakistan equivalent to Japan and Switzerland. If not than they shall be booked for corruption, in-efficiency and their parties should be banned with label inept.
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@Albatross P.Musharraf was not flying the plane, this should have known, told or executed by the pilot, bring him to the court.
Actually, not even Nawaz Sharif had the audacity to say this, because he ordered blockade of JIA runway with fire engines!
FYI, It was not an one incidence, it was series of events, incl. appointment of new chief, before landing of plane, so you can't convince with partial pleading.
Nawaz Sharif was trialed in judiciary and convicted.

As you mentioned that army... so neither its the job of courts to try army.

While economy is matter of every one, if politicians collect tax than, they shall deliver us a Pakistan equivalent to Japan and Switzerland. If not than they shall be booked for corruption, in-efficiency and their parties should be banned with label inept.
Musharaf should have tried NS for treason. For endangering lives of 198 people on board and asking captain of the aircraft to land at Ahmedabad, with sitting COAS on board. MNS was rightly sentenced for 250 years.
Musharaf should have tried NS for treason. For endangering lives of 198 people on board and asking captain of the aircraft to land at Ahmedabad, with sitting COAS on board. MNS was rightly sentenced for 250 years.

This is what i also believe, with Iftikhar ch. gone, Musharraf's lawyers should be on offence rather defence.
beta jee?
its not over yet, procecute him & see every dam politician bieng rightly hanged outside his own home?
bet me on tht, if you can?
well marshallaw days, are inching faster then ever?

Always so angry :D

Martial Law is not going to come again batman jee. Mushy thinks if his touts yell long enough he will get a free chit, he won't. Mushy is currently forcing the courts to open the case from '99 and call every army officer who supported him, if he pesters courts too much they really will consider it (they have nothing to lose) and that is something Army simply can't allow. It is likely that Army will give mushy a shut up call.

As you mentioned that army... so neither its the job of courts to try army.

While economy is matter of every one, if politicians collect tax than, they shall deliver us a Pakistan equivalent to Japan and Switzerland. If not than they shall be booked for corruption, in-efficiency and their parties should be banned with label inept.

Courts didn't go running to Musharraf, its Musharraf who broke every law of the land for power. I can only laugh at your 'Japan and Switzerland' example, you see you don't have the right to make these decisions for 20 million Pakistanis, Pakistanis will decide who they want to lead the country and if you think Pakistanis want to vote Army generals then make a party of retd. officers and ask them to take part in elections.

Musharraf is a bloody dog....take him out of the army hospital...he should be stoned to death

No foul language, I'll report it next time. You do realize no Pakistani really gives two hoots about any Indian's opinion on Mushy, no?
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Yes he was able to control economy because he was able to get rid of sanctions but attacking its own people to please USA and also destroying Pakistani Peace for ever only to please USA he brought us into civil war that is why he was able to improve economy is short term in long term he destroyed Pakistan and by the way even Zardari returned because of his NRO

Did we had sanctions during Zardari era? if not than why he failed to perform like P.Musharraf... ?
What ever you said have no ground and whatever Musharraf did he stand by it.
NRO was termed + conditional and expired with the resignation of Musharraf, Cheap justice validated it by honoring it, and other than long marchers, every one knew, who would be the PPP candidate on vacant post.
Zardari could have been jailed for submitting fake degree and medical certificate, UK should have seeked his extradition for printing fake UK certificates. Politicians of Pakistan should have joined hands with Dr.TuQ for ousting of Zardari on various legal counts.

Stop your BS rhetoric or pass your tips to politicians of Pakistan.
Courts didn't go running to Musharraf, its Musharraf who broke every law of the land for power.
Why than there were no cases in Punjab and center against him, until he returned?
Please, mention the law being broken.. and i remind you again... when you accept Musharraf was a military man than he cannot be trialed in civil courts, even if would kill Nawaz Sharif on 12 October.
While doing so, the govt. is breaking the law it self.
All legal experts are laughing at the kangroo courts of sharif.

I can only laugh at your 'Japan and Switzerland' example,
Why laugh? We have more degree holders and tax payers than both countries, we beat both countries in international school examination. In Pakistan cost of infrastructure development is cheapest, In Pakistan army build most of infrastructure and govt. got to pay only the salaries of chowkidars, In Pakistan people got to pay Zakat and surcharge on top of tax, neither japan or Switzerland charge it, Pakistan earn forex from Saudi Arabia, we have more natural resources than both states than why does both states are able to build better country with their tax and we failed?

you see you don't have the right to make these decisions for 20 million Pakistanis, Pakistanis will decide who they want to lead the country and if you think Pakistanis want to vote Army generals then make a party of retd. officers and ask them to take part in elections.
It is you who is making decisions and Dr. TuQ has exposed all noora politicians, does not qualify article 62 63 and still sitting in assemblies. They legally are disqualified... they only can go to jail for forging and fraud in their nomination papers.ö

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