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Have you ever faced near death experience?


Nov 29, 2017
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Any major accident? Did it change your psyche? How did you deal with PTSD?
Any major accident? Did it change your psyche? How did you deal with PTSD?
I Was fired upon 6 bullets straight into the car window while resisting robber. Thank God i was safe but for long time i was having severe PTSD. I changed country now fully recovered. But that incident made me very very vigilant person now.
Had a gun put to my head in Lahore, got chased by bloodthirsty fascist goons in Moscow and also had an car accident which luckily I received only some minor abrasions though the vehicle was a complete right off.
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Yes, I’ve had a near death experience though I don’t remember it much because I was a child. But I died for a few minutes and then of course resurrected back to life
Near death experience technically means a person had died or declared clinically dead and then he got resurrected due to scientifically unexplained reasons. It happens in this world. Doctors meet such patients.

I had heard the narration of a lady who had gone thru this ,she met a terrible accident and passed out, she said she found herself floating inside a bubble of peace and then she heard a voice telling her something like your time has not come yet and then she woke out of unconscious state.
Dodged death 8 times

+ Was travelling with parents as child, car hit part of Truck and went 360 survived car did not flip, was not wearing seat belt. My little arms were locked betwee two front seats acted so I clinged on like a cat to the two front seat. Since I was sitting middle of car the rotation did not threw me to either side of winshield and smashed my head


+ Death at Ocean was saved was dumb *** went all way to deep blue areas of sea
+ Death at Road car was totalled stuck with large bill, 2 second quick thinking saved me the other dumb *** was trying to get to meeting so he broke the light
+ Chicken Pox (Have Immunity now :enjoy:)
+ Jaundice
+ From Air (Self inflicted challenge)
+ Lost Power steering in highway doing 120km, the neilarmstrong in me kicked in brought
the vehicle to nice safe stop with no power streeting , at running Traffic carring full load
of passengers very pleased how acted while smoke was coming out of front hood as well
luckily it was light. Evacuated passengers safely out of car to safe area away from
smokey car

8th time was close encounter
Once , death came looking for me and place where I ate had a gas /earth quake related explosion the whole shop was destroyed. I was shocked as I ate at that sandwhich place almost daily, Next day or so I was walking pass that same place as my bank was right behind that place and wondering boy that was close. I used to go to this place in 7pm and it exploded some time in day time when I was at work phew close one. Hope the folks who served sandwhich were safe were quite nice folks who made my sandwhich.

This one made me think undergrond gas pipeline + earthquake zone = chaos
Steak and Cheese never felt same afterwords

But at end of day all glory to Allah Alhamdulilah, for giving me chance to serve my parents in their old age
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Had a gun put to my head in Lahore, got chased by bloodthirsty fascist goons in Moscow and also had an car accident which luckily I received only some minor abrasions though the vehicle was a complete right off.
Damn. You sound like you’re an ISI agent/protagonist of a spy movie. :triniti:
Yeah ,
I've demons nd devil's runing after me ..

But death is such an arrogant beauty that doesn't wanna accept me . For it , I ain't even worth of her attention .
I Was fired upon 6 bullets straight into the car window while resisting robber. Thank God i was safe but for long time i was having severe PTSD. I changed country now fully recovered. But that incident made me very very vigilant person now.

How did you deal with flashbacks? How long they lasted?
Any major accident? Did it change your psyche? How did you deal with PTSD?

Right after my marriage me and my wife are returning to my home along with my relatives, Which is when we met with an accident. A bike suddenly came in front of our car in opposite direction, the car we are travelling tried to change the lane and somersaulted. I bled a lot from my ear, neck and my palms. I could not do anything with my hands for almost a month because of injuries and splinters of car glass windows in my palms and body. My mother, Wife and my relatives also got scratches.

The bike driver got head injuries and the pillion was spot dead.

Next day this incident is is all over the news and news papers. This is one near death incident for me and there are couple more.

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