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Have arabs gone stupid or what?

I was in syria in 2001. It was a functional country.I didnt see pelple dropping dead out of hunger.I didnt see people shooting each other on streets,and it was the so called Asad regime back then.
I was never in Libya,but same story.A prosperous functional country under Qazafi regime.
I was in Egypt around same time. The country was very prosperous.Food was cheap. I could see peace and rule of law,their currency was strong and it was Husni Mubarak on the throne.
I was in tunisia many times. Same story.A prosperous functional country,and a liberal one.
In all the three countries i memtioned i saw women with burqa and i saw women in tight jeans with cleavages hanging out.
That means nobody was imposing their religion or idiology on the other.

So why in the world the people of these countries chose to listen to foreign propoganda and throw their countries into utter and total anarchy?
What they had was peace and prosperity,what they have now is civil war,chaos and people killing each other.
There is a saying 'if its not broke,dont fix it'.
What ever system of government was there in these countries,it was fumctional and was keeping their people together.

Why people of these countries went into self destruction and what will they gain from it,if ever?

Things are not what they seem on the surface. Beneath the calm serenity of Syria, a lava has been spewing for some time on account of the anti islamic acts of the Hafiz al Asad regime. With the Arab spring the Syriansthought it would be the right time to act to press the Bashar Al Asad admnistration to give some leniencies. I think soemwhere along the line the protest got hijacked on account of the interference of some outside forces. Now it seems like a free for all with no end in sight.
What is "Arab Democracy"? When was there ever a "Arab Democracy" that such a term has been coined?

Forget about the Arab world, when has Democracy worked in any Muslim country, bar Turkey (which went under forced secularization under Ataturk)?

Our democracy is Khalifa...:yay:

Of course not everything was perfect then either.
wtf with arab hatred. You realize it is racism, right?
You seem to be very overwhelmed with their contribution to humananity.:lol:

My problem with them is the shyte they have invented and propagated worldwide, malsi the elephant, is nothing but Arab cultural nationalism in disguise that is root of all the ills that humanity faces.
You seem to be very overwhelmed with their contribution to humananity.:lol:

My problem with them is the shyte they have invented and propagated worldwide, malsi the elephant, is nothing but Arab cultural nationalism in disguise that is root of all the ills that humanity faces.
we have also propagated our ideas (buddism, brahminism).
Have you talked to any arabs here, not even a single one will wish on us what you wish on them.
Things are not what they seem on the surface. Beneath the calm serenity of Syria, a lava has been spewing for some time on account of the anti islamic acts of the Hafiz al Asad regime. With the Arab spring the Syriansthought it would be the right time to act to press the Bashar Al Asad admnistration to give some leniencies. I think soemwhere along the line the protest got hijacked on account of the interference of some outside forces. Now it seems like a free for all with no end in sight.


With these references in front of us--pakistanis need to give more credit to Musharraf.
Sir I dont have time and intention to respond to your equal equal philiosophy.

omg....some of you need to go out more.
Talk to some arabs, may be you will repent one day what you say and believe.

With these references in front of us--pakistanis need to give more credit to Musharraf.

please elaborate as I do not understand what you are saying.
What in the world is "malsi the elephant"???

Its mentioned in a satire piece (posted here as well)which has an elephant as character.. named 'malsi'....
many of us did not get it till somebody pointed out its 'islam' spelt backward.
Rest of thread is just people trying to do the same with other words.:lol:
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