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Hassan Rohani | The New Iranian President.

dear if you say you have 86000 salary.say something about the prices there.as I see in this web site the rent amount in your area is also very High.
Canada Apartments and Houses For Rent | Rent Board of Canada

No we dont have that problems except house rental in teharan because of its population.but house rental in other cities is low.
a house with two bedrooms just 100 dollars a month.and school education is very cheap too.this year I just pay 8 dollar for all my school and I pay that money for books and Insurance.(While I am studing in a Semi-Advanced school)
I already gave the GDP PPP per capita, which considers how much an individual can get or buy for the amount of money he earns in his country!
A canadian individual earns 3 times more than an Iranian inside Iran..
Now even maybe 4,5 times more
از چه لحاظ خوب نیست !؟

کارنامه !؟ بابا !؟

نه بابا . دیگه هرچی میخونم هیچی یاد نمی گیرم .

انگار خنگ شدم .

این انتخابات ریده به درس و امتحانات ما . تمام دس ها رو تو 6 - 7 جلسه چپوندن تو ما الانم که دارن پوستمونو میکنن با امتحاناشون

این ترم 5 تا درس 3 واحدی دارم تا الان 2 تاش رو افتادم
I already gave the GDP PPP, which considers how much you can get or buy for the amount of money in your country!
A canadian individual earns 3 times more than an Iranian inside Iran..
I know Mr.I say that we are not very poor.I know that the canadian can buy more things but he say we are the poorest.If you divid ppp to population it also says that they are 3 times richer than us but as you know if they are very rich it doesnt mean that we are poor.
the ppp that I gave you was about 6-7 months ago that dollar goes up to 3900 toman but now it is 3600 toman.If people in iran are poor then the chines must be poor but they arent.
take a look to china,turkey and iran and campare:
I know Mr.I say that we are not very poor.I know that the canadian can buy more things but he say we are the poorest.If you divid ppp to population it also says that they are 3 times richer than us but as you know if they are very rich it doesnt mean that we are poor.
the ppp that I gave you was about 6-7 months ago that dollar goes up to 3900 toman but now it is 3600 toman.If people in iran are poor then the chines must be poor but they arent.
take a look to china,turkey and iran and campare:
I never said we are poor. If we look at GDP PPP per capita, BRICS countries are more poor than Iran. Our GDP PPP per capita is above world average and our HDI is not bad.

However should we be proud? no, we are 72th in the GDP PPP per capita ranks. Should we compare ourselves to countries which I don't want to name so that we feel our situation is not that bad?

Believe me Iran and Iranians are capable of being in top 30. We have the brains, oil, natural gas, young population and big country. And we have our scientists also, inside and outside of Iran.
However we have a incompetent system which wastes chances and resources and can't combine these elements. Mismanagement. As long as they rule Iran, as long as they dont accept any change we will stay like this like a sick man getting older without being cured.
It's evident and good that Iran is progressing on every front. Just curious to know about what has happened to Iran (Islamic) once country with lot's of freedom to all religions has become more less hardline Muslim country.

I met few Bhai Families migrated from Iran to various part of world in Shanghai. They told me that they dare not return to Iran as they might be prosecuted and get death penalty for not being Muslim.

I couldn't believe that. Is it true ?
Bahais are living in Iran too, no jail, no execution, these are the lies they have told you. Bahai is a fake religious created by U.K and they are as radical as wahhabis, for your info the founder of bahai claimed to be the messiah of Muslim (and of course this fake messiah died hundreds years ago). today they are hated by the all Muslims who know them specially Iranian and that's why those who migrate from Iran spread these lies. their main base is in Israel so you can imagine the idea behind them.
Bahais are living in Iran too, no jail, no execution, these are the lies they have told you. Bahai is a fake religious created by U.K and they are as radical as wahhabis, for your info the founder of bahai claimed to be the messiah of Muslim (and of course this fake messiah died hundreds years ago). today they are hated by the all Muslims who know them specially Iranian and that's why those who migrate from Iran spread these lies. their main base is in Israel so you can imagine the idea behind them.

And Bahaei believes that marrying between brother and sister is allowed .... some month ago police arrested some bahaei who married his sister .... but Iran Media cover it and didn't report it ....

and you are wrong about Bahaeais ...

SIR Baha al ding ( you know what SIR mean , right !? ) first claimed he is messiah , then he claimed that he is prophet and Hazrarat Mohammad is lair , then he went to Israel and claimed that he is God !!!!

UK and Zionist are their biggest supporters ....
However should we be proud? no, we are 72th in the GDP PPP per capita ranks. Should we compare ourselves to countries which I don't want to name so that we feel our situation is not that bad?

Believe me Iran and Iranians are capable of being in top 30. We have the brains, oil, natural gas, young population and big country. And we have our scientists also, inside and outside of Iran.
However we have a incompetent system which wastes chances and resources and can't combine these elements. Mismanagement. As long as they rule Iran, as long as they dont accept any change we will stay like this like a sick man getting older without being cured.
I dont say that you say we are poor mr canadian say we are poor.and I know we can be in 10 best countries but it will not happend If we make a friendly relation with israel and expunge our Peaceful Nuclear Energy.
.ما میتونیم پیشرفت کنیم با یه مدیریتی که بتونه سرمایه رو با عدالت بین مردم تقسیم کنهو جلوی رانت و ... بگیره که این برمیگرده به مدیریت رئیس جمهور
یکی دیگه هم این که چهره و روابط بین المللی ایران رو بهتر کنه
نه بابا . دیگه هرچی میخونم هیچی یاد نمی گیرم .

انگار خنگ شدم .

این انتخابات ریده به درس و امتحانات ما . تمام دس ها رو تو 6 - 7 جلسه چپوندن تو ما الانم که دارن پوستمونو میکنن با امتحاناشون

این ترم 5 تا درس 3 واحدی دارم تا الان 2 تاش رو افتادم

امروز یه امتحان دادم


شما بخون


البته از لحاظ لغوی تستیس معادل انگلیسی تخم هست

البته با لهجه اصفهانی هم سازگار هست

سی تا سوال ... سی دقیقه

سی تا سوال تخمی

گزینه ها تخمی

کولر هم دقیقا داشت می زد تو سرم مغزم منجمد شده بود

از استرس تخمام رو حس نمی کردم

یه دختره از ردیف کناری تقلب می خواست

رفته بود روی نرو من

مراقب ها هم مثل مگس داشتن پچ پچ می کردم

یه لحظه نزدیک بود کنترل خودم رو از دست بدم بلند شم ترتیب همه رو بدم

آخرش هم 3 تاش رو شانسی زدم

الانم تصمیم دارم برم بخوابم

some friends started to talk about shah times and how much it was bad and how much we are advanced now, I'm not in mood to talk about it , because it's kind of Worthless.
every regime and government has some strength and weakness points. but the result of comparing two regimes shows us the dictatorship of shah was much better than now with all problems and weakness it had.

First of all, that's true safavie saved iran, but qajar destroyed it and it was reza shah who again saved iran. please read story of end of qajar and what reza khan did.

at the end of qajar how was iran? no sign of modernity, no facilities.
they changed whole the iran, shape of all cities, rail roads,other roads, fill ditchs around cities, making modern structure for army and all other things. there was no way between north of iran with other parts. he made a road that today is people still using it and current regime still cant build a new way, Tehran-shomal highway.should i explain more about that?
they built Air ports and were producing Air planes. all our airports and facilities of Aviation Industry WERE BUILT that time. and today we are just using them, car industry and others. the base of everything belongs that time, our oil industry was more capable than now, they built some big ports in coast lines,
how many big and modern project current regime done? they built milad tower in capital of iran during 13 years and called national celeberat for it.

have they built a new cinema?? how many?

have they built a new Sport Complex like azadi in tehran?

a new Amusement Park?

a new zoo?

a new Airport?

all they did was completing or building only a part of the old projects of shah after many years.

some says, there was poverty, of course there was poverty, what did you expect? during a night whole the iran gonna be like Germany in 2013? Abii is right, whole the asia except japan liked us and known us as a advanced country in Asia and other part of the world except west of Europe and north america.
we are in a international forum, you can ask asians,indians,turks and... what they think about our past.
shah was dictator with many weakness, today we have a dictatorship worst than before.
both regimes did something good but we should compare the rate of progress in both times. that's the point.

There is also poverty today and it's more than before. I'm surprised how some people are trying to compare situation of iran with west and say it's better!
even today all candidates are talking about economy problems and say our situation is a disaster in our history, they say we need years to fix it and back to 1384.

If you want to be tough, and claim resistance, don't be mad if you are being sanctioned. I can understand abii. This regime is tolerated by the people, so no pity if they are suffering at the hand of them. As it says: people deserve their leaders. Don't agree with it? Raise your voice. Iranians have been paralyzed.

dear surena, It's easy to say, but you should be in iran to understand it.
first we have a regime that has no credit in the world and doesn't care about it. they kill protesters too easy. did you forgot about sattar beheshti who was only a blogger with only 25 visitors evey day? did you forgot about what they did in 2009? how they killed and tortured people?

second, our people are disappointed. our people are fighting for freedom and democracy over 150 years!

our people are not like people in 1357 and they are not Idealist, they dont like sacrifice their lifes for a ideology, they are fighting to live, to have a comfy,calm and happy life.
some friends started to talk about shah times and how much it was bad and how much we are advanced now, I'm not in mood to talk about it , because it's kind of Worthless.
every regime and government has some strength and weakness points. but the result of comparing two regimes shows us the dictatorship of shah was much better than now with all problems and weakness it had.

First of all, that's true safavie saved iran, but qajar destroyed it and it was reza shah who again saved iran. please read story of end of qajar and what reza khan did.

at the end of qajar how was iran? no sign of modernity, no facilities.
they changed whole the iran, shape of all cities, rail roads,other roads, fill ditchs around cities, making modern structure for army and all other things. there was no way between north of iran with other parts. he made a road that today is people still using it and current regime still cant build a new way, Tehran-shomal highway.should i explain more about that?
they built Air ports and were producing Air planes. all our airports and facilities of Aviation Industry WERE BUILT that time. and today we are just using them, car industry and others. the base of everything is belongs that time, our oil industry was more capable than now, they built some big ports in coast lines,
how many big and modern project current regime done? they built milad tower in capital of iran during 13 years and called national celeberat for it.

have they built a new cinema?? how many?

have they built a new Sport Complex like azadi in tehran?

a new Amusement Park?

a new zoo?

a new Airport?

all they did was completing or building only a part of the old projects of shah after many years.

some says, there was poverty, of course there was poverty, what did you expected? during a night whole the iran gonna be like Germany in 2013? Abii is right, whole the asia except japan liked us and known us as a advanced country in Asia and other part of the world except west of Europe and north america.
we are in a international forum, you can ask asians,indians,turks and... what they think about our past.
shah was dictator with many weakness, today we have a dictatorship worst than before.
both regimes did something good but we should compare the rate of progress in both times. that's the point.

There is also poverty today and it's more than before. I'm surprised how some people are trying to compare iran situation with west and say it's better!
even today all candidates are talking about economy problems and say our situation is a disaster in our history, they say we need years to fix it and back to 1384.
I haven't seen so much BS in one place, ignoring all of Iranian advancements and giving credits to ex-dictators. so reza shah saved our people, ha? 11 million dead Iranian may have a little problem with your definition of saving. rail road? you mean the one (raid road) which U.K built to accelerate transferring of his supplies to the north? airport? since when building an airport is considered advancement, probably in you dictionary. yes, they built an stadium in Tehran while our people in baluchestan were hunting ... for their food, did you know that? building a sick car industry that it's only goal was wasting currencies for importing the same sh!t they import today. if it's called industry I prefer to never have such a f~cking industry.
the value of dollar multiplied, and so the value of pistachio, do we import it? no we are biggest exporter, but some thief you dear so much, wanted to put pressure on government and they are cooperating with Americans to force people give up the government, it was one example and I can bring a long list of it.
yes, all the candidates agree on the economic problems, but it's only the same reformist sh!ts (the source of economic problems) that say our economy was better in 84, statistics say different thing.
Iran’s exports to 160 countries grow 5 times during 8 years of sanctions
صادرات غیرنفتی از واردات پیشی گرفت/ ۶ میلیارد دلار تا پایان اردیبهشت
I haven't seen so much BS in one place, ignoring all of Iranian advancements and giving credits to ex-dictators. so reza shah saved our people, ha? 11 million dead Iranian may have a little problem with your definition of saving. rail road? you mean the one (raid road) which U.K built to accelerate transferring of his supplies to the north? airport? since when building an airport is considered advancement, probably in you dictionary. yes, they built an stadium in Tehran while our people in baluchestan were hunting ... for their food, did you know that? building a sick car industry that it's only goal was wasting currencies for importing the same sh!t they import today. if it's called industry I prefer to never have such a f~cking industry.
the value of dollar multiplied, and so the value of pistachio, do we import it? no we are biggest exporter, but some thief you dear so much, wanted to put pressure on government and they are cooperating with Americans to force people give up the government, it was one example and I can bring a long list of it.
yes, all the candidates agree on the economic problems, but it's only the same reformist sh!ts (the source of economic problems) that say our economy was better in 84, statistics say different thing.
Iran’s exports to 160 countries grow 5 times during 8 years of sanctions
صادرات غیرنفتی از واردات پیشی گرفت/ ۶ میلیارد دلار تا پایان اردیبهشت

Actually I dont except from you guys to know the system and history of reza khan time when you dont know how current regime Structure is and how it works.
who killed 11 milion? reza khan?

reza khan Re-united iran. he fought with some sepertists like sheikh khazal in khuzestan and ...

In attention to your lack of knowledge about history, please read this link, it's a paper that explain why iran failed in ww2, it included of 12 parts and considering iranian army since safavie til ww2.

parts 8, 11 and 12 is kind of your answer.

part 8: http://wars-and-history.com/post/110

part 11: http://wars-and-history.com/post/116

part 12: http://wars-and-history.com/post/118

I suggest you to read other parts too.

whatever sistan va baluchestan was, it was more secure than now, today their situation didn't get better while they lost their security and many drug dealers are working there.
please explain about khuzestan,kordestan,ilam,kermanshah, hormozgan,Islands in persian gulf, kerman, yazd,and ...

about our automotive industry, it supposed to be a breath time(10 years) for iranian car industries to stay on their feets. although the quality of the car before revolution was better than now!
now you should explain about automotive industry, shahs gone 35 years ago, what current regime did about this industry?

about importing stuff, it's ridiculous, that's what your government did, not mine.
when you loudly cry in the world and insulting them and they sanctioned you, for preventing sanction, government start to import everything with all humility from china or others. It's stupidity of regime, just look at our trades with china, they dont pay back our money to dollar and gonna pay it by their currency, It's not all the story, they dont pay back our money directly, we should buy chinese products with that money, and they say which products we can buy from them. It's the only way we can take back our money of selling oil. congratulations!

non-oil exports = gas !

in future: non-gas exports = Oil !


funny way for fooling people. they think the problem is "oil' word! the problem is selling our resources without any process on them and our budget be dependent to them, wanna be oil,gas or minerals.

so, it was all you have got? the only thing you can say about progress in this field is" increasing gas exports instead of oil exports? "

Look at these links please:

میزان خط فقر اعلام شد

the news belongs 10 tir 1391. it means before our currency fall down. what is the statistic nowadays?

in 1384 our Economic Growth was +8%. and in 1391 it was -3%.

آمارها از رشد اقتصادی منفی و کوچک شدن اقتصاد ایران خبر می*دهد
Actually I dont except from you guys to know the system and history of reza khan time when you dont know how current regime Structure is and how it works.
who killed 11 milion? reza khan?

reza khan Re-united iran. he fought with some sepertists like sheikh khazal in khuzestan and ...

In attention to your lack of knowledge about history, please read this link, it's a paper that explain why iran failed in ww2, it included of 12 parts and considering iranian army since safavie til ww2.

parts 8, 11 and 12 is kind of your answer.

part 8: ????? ? ????? - ??? ???? ???? ????? ?? ??????20????? ????

part 11: ????? ? ????? - ??? ???? ???? ????? ?? ??????20????? ??????

part 12: ????? ? ????? - ??? ???? ???? ????? ?? ??????20????? ??????? ? ??????

I suggest you to read other parts too.

whatever sistan va baluchestan was, it was more secure than now, today their situation didn't get better while they lost their security and many drug dealers are working there.
please explain about khuzestan,kordestan,ilam,kermanshah, hormozgan,Islands in persian gulf, kerman, yazd,and ...

about our automotive industry, it supposed to be a breath time(10 years) for iranian car industries to stay on their feets. although the quality of the car before revolution was better than now!
now you should explain about automotive industry, shahs gone 35 years ago, what current regime did about this industry?

about importing stuff, it's ridiculous, that's what your government did, not mine.
when you loudly cry in the world and insulting them and they sanctioned you, for preventing sanction, government start to import everything with all humility from china or others. It's stupidity of regime, just look at our trades with china, they dont pay back our money to dollar and gonna pay it by their currency, It's not all the story, they dont pay back our money directly, we should buy chinese products with that money, and they say which products we can buy from them. It's the only way we can take back our money of selling oil. congratulations!

non-oil exports = gas !

in future: non-gas exports = Oil !


funny way for fooling people. they think the problem is "oil' word! the problem is selling our resources without any process on them and our budget be dependent to them, wanna be oil,gas or minerals.

so, it was all you have got? the only thing you can say about progress in this field is" increasing gas exports instead of oil exports? "

Look at these links please:

میزان خط فقر اعلام شد

the news belongs 10 tir 1391. it means before our currency fall down. what is the statistic nowadays?

in 1384 our Economic Growth was +8%. and in 1391 it was -3%.

آمارها از رشد اقتصادی منفی و کوچک شدن اقتصاد ایران خبر می*دهد
starting from last line you talked about +8% economy growth, and you had to refer to last year to show your negative view, it's best proof for my words.
how many percent of that reports belongs to gas? first read it then claim for non-oil=gas.
so poppet of U.K reunited Iran? what a joke:laughcry: no wonder you are so eager to defend him, sheikh khazal was another U.K poppet, and fatwas of our mullahs weakened him, the fact is that after these fatwas people started to disobey him and that's why U.K plan failed in khuzestan. it was people of khuzestan who vanished him by disobeying him.
a U.K poppet as our king, another poppet as a separatist.
you asked if Reza shah killed those 11 million Iranian, your answer is yes, a U.K poppet let U.K do whatever they want in Iran.

and our car industry is nothing but a montage facility, and it will continue to be the same sh!t cause from the beginning, it has been it's goal and liberals like hashemi and khatami just multiplied this role.
increased relations with west= increased importing sh!ts= increased dependency= weakened currency
and we saw result of all of that during last year.
mohsen, numbers don't lie

you can lose your **** and start screaming about "uk puppets" all you want, but numbers don't lie.

I'll give you a scenario: what happens if the next decade turns out to be the same as the past couple of years? What happens if for the next decade Iran is in recession while the whole region is growing? This is actually not too far from reality.

Iraq will soon beat our nominal GDP
Turkey will crush us even harder than they are now
the wahabis will continue their advance

soon we'll be competing with Afghanistan.

This is Iran under mullah leadership.

Now continue screaming about nonsense.
attacking people's belief and the values they respect is not a good intention dude .

By the way , I'm happy to see Iranians advancing everywhere :cheers:

This coming from a person that supports one of the world's harshest and most brutal dictatorships. It's like a fascist European nazi telling people that they should respect his beliefs!!!

You got some nerve
امروز یه امتحان دادم


شما بخون


البته از لحاظ لغوی تستیس معادل انگلیسی تخم هست

البته با لهجه اصفهانی هم سازگار هست

سی تا سوال ... سی دقیقه

سی تا سوال تخمی

گزینه ها تخمی

کولر هم دقیقا داشت می زد تو سرم مغزم منجمد شده بود

از استرس تخمام رو حس نمی کردم

یه دختره از ردیف کناری تقلب می خواست

رفته بود روی نرو من

مراقب ها هم مثل مگس داشتن پچ پچ می کردم

یه لحظه نزدیک بود کنترل خودم رو از دست بدم بلند شم ترتیب همه رو بدم

آخرش هم 3 تاش رو شانسی زدم

الانم تصمیم دارم برم بخوابم


شما رو باید ببرند توی پیام نور ما و بگذارندتون تویک یک اتاق که فاصله ت با جفتیت 2 متره و بعد چهارتا دوربین هم از بالای سرت تماشات کنه ( که رئیس دانشگاه ناظرش هست ) و دو تا مراقب هم برات بزارند از اون طرف هم امتحان رو به صورت رایانه ای و اینترنتی برگزار کنند و وقتت هم محدود باشه تا بفهمی تستی یعنی چی ....

تازه منبع امتحان هم یک کتاب گردن کلفت بدون حذفیات باشه که همه ش شبیه به هم باشه و هر چه بخونیدش نفهمین چی به چی شده !!!

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