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Has the poor performance of Russian Aircraft in Ukraine impacted Pak-India airforce balance?

Yeah, i think the talk of contested airspace is bluster for propaganda purposes - although the drone strikes against equipment suggest there is some limited resistance. We'll have to wait and see i guess.

The amount of disinformation when US hegemony is challenged in a region (before this, it was Pakistan apparently directly bombing/infiltrating/etc Panjshir). It was the same tidal wave of manufactured propaganda, from doctored images to fake claims. It was amazing how well it did, as pretty much every sheep (especially in the West) started believing that Pakistan was the villain.
The amount of disinformation when US hegemony is challenged in a region (before this, it was Pakistan apparently directly bombing/infiltrating/etc Panjshir). It was the same tidal wave of manufactured propaganda, from doctored images to fake claims. It was amazing how well it did, as pretty much every sheep (especially in the West) started believing that Pakistan was the villain.
Media is the modern soft nuke
As for E.U, U.S, U.K sanctions on the Russian Federation is concerned .... they may have started this encirclement, sanctions and wardrums against Russia, but they have no chance of ever winning against Russia.
Agreed, there is zero chance for the west to win, The west as usual will play down using their media BS and life will carry on as usual... More power to Putin.
The Russian airforce has a huge numerical advantage over the Ukrainians, however they have yet to establish air superiority over Ukraine and their airforce is notably under utilised in the conflict so far. A few reasons are discussed here.

Other people have also mentioned their lack of spare parts.

Do you think this will be taken into account by PAF wrt it's views on the capability of IAF?

Whatever news you are watching is absolutely fake news. Ukrainian ghost is a myth. Ukraine shooting down videos are actually DCS - simulator game clips. They are all fake. I don't think there has been any significant air loss on the Russian side, a few helis downed from ground fire? Maybe. Ukraine has no capability and capacity to fight Russia. Russia can flatten whole of Ukraine to the ground if they'd like. Russia is actually engaging in a very limited conflict. Focused on some key areas, and they are attacking military installations only. I would think & argue that even the videos of Russians bombing civilian houses and hospitals are fake. US propaganda machine is very capable of producing such high level realistic fakes. Remember this is era of deep fake and AI. It is absolutely in favour of USA that the world think of Russia as the bad guy. Whereas it is no advantage of Russia to hit civilians, as they ultimately want to either include Ukraine in Russia(unlikely) install a friendly government in Ukraine (likely) with high percentage of Russian population living in Ukraine already, Russian does not need to spoil things. It can get it easily.

Any other view that you come across is bullshit and propaganda. So change the channel and tune in to a more neutral source.
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India should replace every possible Russian systems in Su30MKI before it gets too late... or buy more western jets along with Tejas for SEAD and air dominance roles... Su30MKI can be used for air to ground missions once air defenses are out.
Another EMERGENCY purchase.

A War breaks out in another block of the World, and you guys are first to react & insist on having your diapers changed.

Relax. Chill, man.

You have 36 Mighty Rafales. PAF has half of that with ONLY 18 Block 52's & you wanna go buy everything Western.
... If Ukraine continues on the path of joining NATO, ... The alliance is a direct and deadliest threat to the sovereignty of the Russian Federation. .... No ifs, no buts, as when a state actively pursues to join a military alliance who poses a direct threat to Russia, there is no question, such a state will be checked and neutralized forthwith. ...
Five NATO countries already border Russia.

... As for E.U, U.S, U.K sanctions on the Russian Federation is concerned .... they may have started this encirclement, sanctions and wardrums against Russia, but they have no chance of ever winning against Russia.
This is how the USSR was dissolved:
  1. 10-years of occupation of Afghanistan resisted by 120 countries directly and indirectly.
  2. 10-years of sustained Western economic sanctions on the USSR.
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I think Russia has totally annulled the Ukrainian airforce. Russian convoys stretching 17 miles is outside the capital and no one is challenging them. No Ukrainian aircraft are taking off because the airforce has been nutalised
Apparently the convoy is 40 miles big now.
I think Russia has totally annulled the Ukrainian airforce. Russian convoys stretching 17 miles is outside the capital and no one is challenging them. No Ukrainian aircraft are taking off because the airforce has been nutalised
The last number was 40 miles.:D
I don’t think Russian aircraft themselves are poor. Russia’s reluctance to use their air supremacy to its full potential has led to many losses. They keep sending in small units without air support. There is no combined arms power. If anything, this war shows how aircraft should be used much more in a large scale conflict.
The Russian airforce has a huge numerical advantage over the Ukrainians, however they have yet to establish air superiority over Ukraine and their airforce is notably under utilised in the conflict so far. A few reasons are discussed here.

Other people have also mentioned their lack of spare parts.

Do you think this will be taken into account by PAF wrt it's views on the capability of IAF?

Indian military strength (or lack there of) was exposed on 27th Feb, 2019.

I think Russia has totally annulled the Ukrainian airforce. Russian convoys stretching 17 miles is outside the capital and no one is challenging them. No Ukrainian aircraft are taking off because the airforce has been nutalised

But Russian land forces are losing

Ukraine-Russia War News Updates: 4,300 Russian troops killed, 146 tanks destroyed​

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I don't think Russian AF has been used yet. And Ukrainian AF doesn't really exist anymore.

But legend has it the Ghost of Kiev has destroyed 12000 SU35s and 6000 SU57s
Wait...What... SU30 MKI the viper of the east, the conqueror of the skies, the air dominance king of Mahan IAF.........

Big bulky USSR era aircrafts have no chance in modern warfare... however, if you have full air dominance through other means then they can flatten basically everything below them... they are bomb trucks.
Whom do you think was instigating wars for the last 30 years, unchecked? It has been the West.

Five NATO countries already border Russia.

I suggest you take a look at the map again. Two of three Baltic States who NATO members have a total border with Russia of 508 km. Lithuania has no border with Russia. Total length of border between Russia and Ukraine is 2295 km.

Please do some real research before posting remarks. It's not the way to have a proper discussion on the subject.
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