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Has Nawaz Sharif survived the Panama Leaks?

The same old chooran of election rigging. Yeh choiran nai bikkay ga dude.

And by the way who is talking about 62 and 63. If this article is implemented in its true sense IK will be the first one to be disqualified on seeta white issue.

Then better ask IK to stop standing behind khursheed shah and stop following PPP on panama issue.

Ik said that i was pushed back by khursheed shah.secondly I don't care who qualifies or not but article 62 and 63 should be implemented in its true sense even IK is disqualified. once it is implemented so we will get rid of all these current so called democratic champions thrived in the lap of dictators.
Keep on crying dear.
Panama leaks was a drama that's finally approaching its pathetic end.

Panama leaks have been a flopped show, the big cast failed to make this film a box office hit.

Better luck next time IK.
A drama that effected over a dozen governments across the world?
Imran sure is a super power in that case then having such global influence. :P

AS for the original question, surely NS have survived (i am glad he did as Pakistan can not afford another set back right now). The reasons as mentioned in other threads as well is because he had a genuine justification for all those accusations. Something that cannot be challenged anywhere right? The best justification of ones crimes is to blame others of similar crimes, simple!! THIS IS PAKISTANI POLITICS SIR!

So as many other blunders, this one will also pass by while we will sit back and relax or at best, keep fighting among our self for Imran or Nawaz or Zardari!
Fake charges.........you must have been living under a rock all this time
Don't waste time , go and prove it.
Mushi also tried to prove them for 10 years and ended up in Dubai whereas NS is still PM.

A drama that effected over a dozen governments across the world?
Imran sure is a super power in that case then having such global influence. :P

AS for the original question, surely NS have survived (i am glad he did as Pakistan can not afford another set back right now). The reasons as mentioned in other threads as well is because he had a genuine justification for all those accusations. Something that cannot be challenged anywhere right? The best justification of ones crimes is to blame others of similar crimes, simple!! THIS IS PAKISTANI POLITICS SIR!

So as many other blunders, this one will also pass by while we will sit back and relax or at best, keep fighting among our self for Imran or Nawaz or Zardari!
Chill kar Bhai, tension nai lainay ka.

survive? abhi to party shoro hoe hai :lol::lol:
Its already over dude.
Panama paper is yet another flop show in Pakistan.
Can't you see the phuss phussa show in NA.
The same old chooran of election rigging. Yeh choiran nai bikkay ga dude.

And by the way who is talking about 62 and 63. If this article is implemented in its true sense IK will be the first one to be disqualified on seeta white issue.

Then better ask IK to stop standing behind khursheed shah and stop following PPP on panama issue.

LOL, the patwari logic at its best!

Son, do you know that to prove adultery, in Islam you need have 4 witness. Even in the times of prophet (PBUH) , there was I believe one case when a woman was stoned to death when she herself came to Prophet to be stoned to death and insisted upon the punishment. It is next to impossible to prove adultery if you have to follow the conditions that must be meet in Islam. So good luck!

And lets suppose for the argument sake, IK has been fuc*** around in his youth. That was not a crime, but his own "personal" misdeeds to which he is answerable to the lord. He didnt looted anyone, murdered anyone.

Nawaz Shareef and his gang have committed crimes which effected the nation as a whole. They looted, plunder national treasury, the tax payer money.
I must say he has shown quite a bit of resilience.
Destiny of Nawaz Shareef is yet to be written and it will not be what he or India desires it to be. An individual petition in the election commission rate shall have him disqualified as he never disclosed his abroad investments, which he and his dependent got and Maryam Nawaz is his announced dependent who is the owner of two just offshore companies + flats. Presently Nawaz is dodging the answers and hasn't acquired himself cleared. If this is your explanation of "survival".. good you.
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