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Has anyone Got any Nitro/electric RC Vehicles?

yes sir
can go even faster with certain mods and upgrades
so its a toy.but not for kids as these cars also need a permanent table top workshop as they need maintenance.
For different terrains you need different suspendion settings and tires.then engine adjustments etc.

But dude why buy something like that ? :what:

When you could instead buy something nice from Harrods for Bhabi before taking her for dinner to a classy restaurant instead ? :what:
But dude why buy something like that ? :what:

When you could instead buy something nice from Harrods for Bhabi before taking her for dinner to a classy restaurant instead ? :what:

I will ask you this question 15 years after your marriage .
for now you may not understand :lol:

simply put..you do all that you written..but not as frequently as you did in your youth and both of you need time for yourself.

On topic
I had these toys years ago..then I gave up.
recently some of my age mates albeit local goray started coming to a field behind my house to drive their nitro cars and that rekindledmy long forgotten hobby.
Now every weekend if weather is nice...a few men in their 40s are seen drag racing some nitro rc cars.
while having a laugh and a good chat.
all of us come equipped with our little workshop in a box.

Actually if you google...you will find world cups for nitro cars with professional nitrorc ra ing drivers and teams samr as formula one rams representing countries.
I don't have any car or aircraft...but flown quite a few times...a small local club comes every weekend to Fatima Jinnah Park in Islamabad, near the Blue Area end.
These days brush-less electric motor driven electric toy cars outperform older nitro/glow driven...They even outperform real cars in acceleration and cornering.

here is the proof
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I will ask you this question 15 years after your marriage .
for now you may not understand :lol:

simply put..you do all that you written..but not as frequently as you did in your youth and both of you need time for yourself.

On topic
I had these toys years ago..then I gave up.
recently some of my age mates albeit local goray started coming to a field behind my house to drive their nitro cars and that rekindledmy long forgotten hobby.
Now every weekend if weather is nice...a few men in their 40s are seen drag racing some nitro rc cars.
while having a laugh and a good chat.
all of us come equipped with our little workshop in a box.

Actually if you google...you will find world cups for nitro cars with professional nitrorc ra ing drivers and teams samr as formula one rams representing countries.

Any photos of this incredible toy of yours Sir?
worlds fastest radio controlled toy car can do 0-60 in 2.5 seconds and 0-100 in 4.9 seconds.
top speed is 101 mph .
costs 900£ in UK.
has onboard telemetry same as formula cars.
It's the only toy car in the wotkd which is sold with "You may cause death" warning printed on box.
The onboard computer limits the car to 60mph out of the box.
To unlock the car to maximum speed.you must he the proud owner of an iPhone.
you have to go online register with .manufacturer using your iPhone snd basically sign a disclaimer that you agree to drive a 3kg toy at 100mph which can break somebodys leg on impact at those speeds..and you will be responsible not manufactuter.
then you slot in the iPhone in the radio controller and the car gets unlocked for 100mph.
The toy car is traxxas xo-1.

Lol... unlike u guys il be flyin a cessna in a couple of days..
Lol... unlike u guys il be flyin a cessna in a couple of days..

mate if you are into Rc flying machines..
try the new trend..
try a quad hex or octa copter with onboard fpv camera
is great fun.
mate if you are into Rc flying machines..
try the new trend..
try a quad hex or octa copter with onboard fpv camera
is great fun.

Brah im talkin abt the real deal:
how much does it cost?
how much does it cost?

Around 40 lac for CPL...
Around 40 lac for CPL...

time flies....
when I was looking for a CPL....It used to cost two and a half lakh only.
Yes an Arduino based fully autonomous(Autopilot software writen by myself) DIY quadcopter.

Weight 900g (Including battery)
Endurance 20mins
GPS Possition hold.
Waypoint Nav.
Two-way satcom (using Iridium sats). :enjoy:
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