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Nov 4, 2011
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Dec. 13 2021

The Great Rivalry
The race for tech dominance between China and the US is heating up — but it’s starting to look like Beijing is taking the lead.

A new report published last week by the Harvard Kennedy School, found that China is rapidly gaining steam in the realms of artificial intelligence, quantum computing, 5G, semiconductors, biotechnology, and green energy.

“In some races, [China] has already become No 1,” reads the report. “In others, on current trajectories, it will overtake the US within the next decade.”

Tech Dominance
The report said that China has already “overtaken America” when it comes to quantum computing.

“Unlike prior technological revolutions that took place when China was still a poor country, China’s meteoric rise has provided it with the funds and manpower to potentially lead this field,” the report said.

It offered a similar assessment in the field of AI, where it assessed China as a “full-spectrum peer competitor” to the US. The country is also well on track to dominate 5G technology as well, with China boasting 150 million 5G users to the US’s six million.

Trend or Break
While the report avoided alarmism and offered a clear assessment of the current state of the geopolitical tech race, it still offers some sobering insights that could prove worrying for US officials.

For one, new innovations in technology from China could further cement the Asian nation as the world’s largest economic superpower. Such an act could draw businesses away from the US and toward China instead.

It could also lead to big weapons advancements that could threaten the US’s military might. The report quotes former Google CEO Eric Schmidt’s op-ed in The New York Times last year in which he warned that “the United States now faces an economic and military competitor in China that is aggressively trying to close our lead in emerging technologies.”

There’s no doubt that China is set to become the biggest, baddest superpower in the world in the coming years. While it would behoove the US to remain nimble and on the cutting edge of tech development, the report shows that it may well only be a matter of time before Beijing completely dominates the tech world.

Fear mongerin'. US is the best. Just invade another weak country and decharge the murdering instinct somewhere far away. Then everything will be fine.
It’s exactly what we want the Chinese to think. :lol:

Meanwhile, the US has created over 275+ unicorn companies in 2021 alone. China less than 40…..
Capital flows to private companies with the most innovative products and technological advancements.
I hope it's true and specially in Engine technology. China becoming number one country in producing quality engines for fighter jets and tanks and warships will be the best thing for us. Avionics and Radar systems also.
Yes I believe it is the WS-10 engine Taishan. I have heard about it too.
No need to rely on Russian engines.
I hope it's true and specially in Engine technology. China becoming number one country in producing quality engines for fighter jets and tanks and warships will be the best thing for us. Avionics and Radar systems also.
Yes, the sooner the better. We as Pakistanis need to improve our economy, though.
We need to improve our economy so we can do more things.
I hope it's true and specially in Engine technology. China becoming number one country in producing quality engines for fighter jets and tanks and warships will be the best thing for us. Avionics and Radar systems also.

The US Air Force has already flown a 6th Gen fighter prototype as of 2020 and has moved beyond the tech demonstrator phase. And it’s XA100 and XA101 engines are well into development.

The chances China has surpassed the US in engine technology are next to none.
I am working in Quantum for a while. US still leads in terms of most important building blocks including as RF, FPGA. But US seems not able to bring all their engineers together and make them work.

I guess inside China QC are all Xilinx FPGA.
And that’s great news for the US.

Private industry is where the vast majority of the most cutting edge tech is produced. And the US tech sector is booming.

As long as US tech sector relies on cheap IT coolies from India for basic coding, US tech sector is doomed. Cutting edge won't cut so well, when you have the lowest common denominator screwing up execution for a nice enough design concept.

Witness these coolies nearly sunk Boeing as a company - as the software written for the 737 MAX was by Indian contractors and totally flawed. And that is just ONE example, there are many others.

The US has to place a minimum quality control mechanism for hiring these low grade IT labor, this time the US prerogative - always going for the "cheapest" of everything will turn out to be "too cheap for any good".

The US needs to diversify it's supply of tech labor and not rely on human garbage from India, no matter how cheap they come. You get what you pay for.
The US Air Force has already flown a 6th Gen fighter prototype as of 2020 and has moved beyond the tech demonstrator phase. And it’s XA100 and XA101 engines are well into development.

The chances China has surpassed the US in engine technology are next to none.
Lol... Go look out for Tengyun project and google what engine it likely used. Battle will not restrict to atmospheric. China soon can attack u from space to atmospheric. Best of all, the prototype going at mach 5 can even launch a missile. And US is no where to be seen. :enjoy:
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