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Handwara Encounter: CRPF inspector, policeman killed, five forces personnel injured

Why is pakistan so gay we just reportedly lost 2 soldiers and we are still talking about peace man I don't give a **** anymore **** economy whats the use off economy if our soldiers are martyred for **** all.We can't even provide our soldiers with a good fucking vest penchodo dubh kay marjo
1) So when my Prophet sacrificed alot for peace was that also for no avail?
2) You do know most Muslims are Muslims because of the attitude of the Arabs who came and showed them Islam?
3) Pushing peace when you have the upper hand [a POW] is a show of strength which every analyst true to himself would know!
4) If indians cant see that why should we waste our anger on that?
5) Can death ever come early or late even by 1ms? No right..what is the best way to die except in uniform on the battle field? If it was their time and they died in the best way, I think that is a win for them too! - I am not endorsing death I am just saying if those 2 died on the road instead of on duty, I doubt that would have been good!
6) You do know MARTYRED is a level you never get martyred for [swear word] ...
7) india never needed a reason to violate LOC. They have been doing it for 7 decades....
1) So when my Prophet sacrificed alot for peace was that also for no avail?
2) You do know most Muslims are Muslims because of the attitude of the Arabs who came and showed them Islam?
3) Pushing peace when you have the upper hand [a POW] is a show of strength which every analyst true to himself would know!
4) If indians cant see that why should we waste our anger on that?
5) Can death ever come early or late even by 1ms? No right..what is the best way to die except in uniform on the battle field? If it was their time and they died in the best way, I think that is a win for them too! - I am not endorsing death I am just saying if those 2 died on the road instead of on duty, I doubt that would have been good!
6) You do know MARTYRED is a level you never get martyred for [swear word] ...
7) india never needed a reason to violate LOC. They have been doing it for 7 decades....
You seems to be a good man

There's nothing to "see". You've tried sitting quietly, and that hasn't worked. You've tried political means, and that hasn't worked. Now you've finally tried military means, and that hasn't worked since we replied even harder and the attacks are continuing (rebels just killed 4 more of your soldiers).

Now you will just need to live with our aggression. Buckle up, because this won't end until you are under our control.
He is busy laughing on your imran khan.
We want peace peace god have mercy.
And this everyone is the people Pakistanis have to deal with.
God put them besides us since he knew that a lesser people would crack under the pressure of such stupidity.

Hindutva has had it's pride broken in the last week, they are just lashing out like any wounded animal would have.
There's nothing to "see". You've tried sitting quietly, and that hasn't worked. You've tried political means, and that hasn't worked. Now you've finally tried military means, and that hasn't worked since we replied even harder and the attacks are continuing (rebels just killed 4 more of your soldiers).

Now you will just need to live with our aggression. Buckle up, because this won't end until you are under our control.
As i said losses r bound to happen longer it goes poorer you get.
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