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Hamid Mir going to do something big against Mubashr Luqman.read mirs tweets


Oct 28, 2012
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Hamid Mir going to do "something big" against Mubasher Luqman​


i would like to see that court ruling



mubashir never said anything against the girl and wating for your reply and strategy of lies .




right mr mir you are. but how did it nullify things against you.read supreme court media commission report .dordarsan funding and ngos funding to Geo.(again trying to create smoke screen)



And foreign agencies funds you

you only laugh? what .you,asma jahanger,marvi sermend and others are known for bad mouthing and abusive language.and your tweets does not show you are chilling/laughing .


I woud like to quote Hamid Mirs laugh and ha ha ha reaction to Zaid Hamid petition on media in supreme court

HamidMir said: " esay log case kar rahay hayn jin kay bapon ka b nae pata"

on Kashif Abbasis program i will surley upload it if i found it .it was during the time when hamid mir stop doing capital talk program on geo administration not supporting him .
In an observation which is critical of the editorial independence of TV content, the Commission noted that advertisers influenced the prime time content in Pakistani media.


By Arshad Sharif

Islamabad, July 13: The sensitive task of informing the public about important news and current affairs is in the hands of media persons who lack adequate and comprehensive training in print and broadcast journalism, said the final report of the two member Media Commission appointed by the Supreme Court.

“Lack of adequate, comprehensive training in print journalism and in broadcast journalism before persons are given the opportunity to become reporters, anchors, news readers, content controllers etc,” the Commission said while identifying the negative aspects of the media in Part-II of its report submitted before the Supreme Court on May 31st, 2013.

The Supreme Court appointed a two member Media Commission comprising Senator (R) Javed Jabbar and Justice (R) Nasir Aslam Zahid on 15th January, 2013 and submitted the first part of its report on 21st March.

Part-II of the Media Commission report contains 17 annexures including versions of Pakistan Broadcasters Association (PBA), Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) and other stakeholders.

The observations of the Commission were also echoed by PFUJ which admitted the absence of professional skills in journalists who had entered the field of electronic media.

“Unlike the print media where the journalists undergo training whether in the field of reporting or editing, in the electronic media freshmen were recruited into senior position without any aptitude or experience resulting in utter chaos,” PFUJ said in its official stance before the Media Commission.

In an observation which is critical of the editorial independence of TV content, the Commission noted that advertisers influenced the prime time content in Pakistani media.

“Advertisers virtually dictate prime time content preferences by using a narrow, relatively non-representative, heavily urban and consumption oriented rating system to pressurise channels into cut throat competition and to a lowering of standards of content,” the Commission said in its findings.

PBA in its version before the Commission accepted the need for content regulation.

“The absence of parallel sources of revenue such as the subscription revenue had made the media dependent upon advertising revenue and as a natural corollary there was competition for ratings within the industry. Assured revenue would provide opportunity to the channels to devote more time to content regulation instead of trying to be one up to the competitor, “ PBA said in its statement before the Commission.

PBA informed the Commission that TV channels were facing cash flow problems and therefore at times the disbursement of salary to the staff got delayed.

PBA said that 90 per cent of the news TV channels were “in the red” and the cost of news gathering had gone up phenomenally.

Pakistan Advertisers Society (PAS) informed the Commission, “the ad-spend in Pakistan is approximately Rs40 billion and the share of the print media is about 30 per cent.”

PAS expressed its regrets before the Commission that views and news had lost the distinction as certain anchors openly forced their views upon the public and in this context cited the role of anchors in Malik Riaz case and the assassination of Governor Salman Taseer.

The Commission took a scathing view of the “breaking news” culture and blamed it for promoting hysteria, hype and trivialization of issues. Moreover, the media is blamed for promoting acrimony, conflict and grievances in the society by the Commission.

In what is perhaps the most secretive aspect of most business enterprises in Pakistan, the Commission identified lack of financial transparency in the media.

“Non-transparency in financial aspects of media, e.g. advertising rates charged, grants or support received from overseas sources, fees and salaries paid to staff, assets and income of media owners etc, “ the Commission observed.

The observation of the Commission about foreign sources of funding was based on PEMRA’s allegation.

In its version before the Commission, PEMRA claimed: “A couple of media houses are reported to have received large grants in the form of advertising contracts from overseas sources. It is said that one such grant is 20 million British pounds. Some part of this amount may be for paid advertising or sponsorship of a programme. The actual facts are not conveyed to the public or to PEMRA. It is also said that all, or part of this amount is received by an entity which is part of the media group and is used to sponsor non-advertising campaigns. Any attempt by PEMRA to probe such matters immediately leads to claims that there is an attempt to curb freedom of the media and there is always the recourse to obtaining a stay order if an inquiry is held.” (Click to see Para (t), Page 103 of Media Commission Report, Part-II).

Specifically identifying the programmes which received funds from foreign sources, the official statement of Chairman PEMRA Chaudhry Rashid Ahmed, Executive member Dr Abdul Jabbar and other officials before the Media Commission alleged that “Zara Socheeya” had received sponsorship to the tune of Pounds 20 Million.

Citing another instance of ‘Aman ki Asha” the PEMRA officials alleged the programme was being funded by Norwegian NGO named Friends without Borders.

“Going into the background of the funding to this programme, it was found that the footprints lead to Indian sponsors including the Indian state television, the Doordarshan,” PEMRA officials alleged. (Click to see Page 204 of Media Commission Report, Part-II).

Reportedly the spokesman of Jang and Geo denied all these charges and warned that a defamation case would be filed against all those who made these baseless allegations against the Group infront of the Media Commission members.

Mir Shakeel-ur-Rehman, the owner of Jang/Geo Group, flew in especially from Dubai to appear before the Commission and narrated how the group had been victimized by successive governments from Zia-ul-Haq to the present time.

“The Group had suffered a loss of Rs140 Billion during Musharraf regime when GEO was put off air for such a long stretch of time,” Mir Shakeel-ur-Rehman told the Commission, adding, the figure could be verified from the documents about the quantum of advertisements just it was put off air and the quantum of advertisements after being allowed to go back on air. (Click to see MSR version, Page 240, Media Commission Report, Part-II).

In an interesting disclosure before the Commission about an entertainment channel Urdu 1, PBA said the channel was owned by Rupert Murdoch and two Afghan brothers (Mohsini brothers) who were based in Dubai.

“This channel (Urdu 1) was granted landing right much before it went on air anywhere in the world,” PBA told the Commission, arguing, that channels which came to Pakistan under landing right license should not be allowed to compete with local channels by dubbing programmes in Urdu language.

Interesting, PBA told the Commission that the trail of how the license was granted pointed towards Musa Gillani, son of former Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gillani and Faryal Talpur, sister of President Asif Ali Zardari. (Click to see Page 230, Media Commission Report Part-II).

The Commission believed some sections of the media compromised national security at a time when the country faces varied threats by linking it to criticism of civilian and military institutions.

The Commission observed: “Tendency on the part of some sections of media to conduct criticism of civil and military institutions in terms that are remarkably similar to criticism of the same institutions by sections of overseas media including Indian media, thereby adversely impacting internal national cohesion and solidarity during a time when the country faces harsh internal as well as external threats.”

Interestingly, the Commission failed to identify the important watchdog role of the media which has highlighted corruption and abuse of authority in the civilian and military institutions while discussing the positive aspects of the media.

In its observations on the positive aspect of the Pakistani media, the Commission highlighted the professionalism of working journalists to risk life, especially in covering conflict, and that too without any protection.

“Willingness of working journalists to render the ultimate sacrifice: over 20 Pakistani journalists have been killed between 2001 and 2013 in the line of duty, mostly in conflict areas where they have worked without protection,” the commission observed without giving any recommendations as to how the families of these journalists could be taken care of.

The Commission gives credit to the media industry for covering wide range of topics despite preoccupation with politics and development of new talent and skills by substantial capital investment and creation of new employment opportunities.



POSTED ON PDF BY USER "Saifullah Sani"

I really pray that agencies really take out this Indians boot licker once for all. He has played his betraying game for too long and these people are destroying Nation from inside out.

I request Pakistani members to stop watching all GEO channels right now this is the only way to send message to these phockers that we dont listen to you and dont follow your mindset. Phocking paid agents.

Spread the word and make decision this time that you are not going to support them. Time is upon us to make a decision. Its been too long that these people are dividing the Nation. Support Patriotic Journalists who are fighting the really hard battle and we have to lend our support to these patriotic elements by using our weapon The Mighty Facebook. These paid agents really are afraid of the Social Networking sites, and we have seen the proof that Geo has sent Legal Notice to Zaid hamid for rising against these Media Suited booted Terrorists . And they know well now people have all the means to make a decision using Social Networking.

Dont let them fool you Divide you. Long Live Pakistan

Hunter out
We seriously need to regularize our Media,These journos are like for sale and anyone can hire them to spread Their Propaganda among Pakistani masses....These journos need to be saddled or they will pursue their course of spreading hopelessness and hatred and chaos...
Hamid Mir Jaffar and his Jew News has been exposed badly in Media Commission report and in recent Mumbai Attacks issue. People are giving strong reaction against them on social media and are now demanding answers from them. I highly doubt that they can do anything else to Mubashir Lucman instead of filing a case against him.
the sad part is that Geo is most watched channel in Pk
the sad part is that Geo is most watched channel in Pk

they are only 28% of 100% viewership in Pakistan as reported in geo program "Lakin"

roughly 1 year ago

they were discussing in the program : what is the percentage of viewership of each channel in Pakistan and the percentage of adds they get from government

i am 100% sure they are now far below from 28% as they has been exposed in election coverage and anti Pakistan and pro India stance and now the media commission report.

and now the bombany and indian parliament truth and their blaming of Pakistan in it.
Many people are on this band wagon without realizing the implications - So commissions are important as they can offer many corrective suggestion and help give direction --- but every SOLUTION, ends up creating a NEW PROBLEM, that's just the way things work - now consider some of the solutions offered in this light:

“The absence of parallel sources of revenue such as the subscription revenue had made the media dependent upon advertising revenue and as a natural corollary there was competition for ratings within the industry. Assured revenue would provide opportunity to the channels to devote more time to content regulation instead of trying to be one up to the competitor, “ PBA said in its statement before the Commission.

Please note the ideological struggle --- Whoever came up with this solution, recalls the days of just one PTV channel with great nostalgia and appeal --- consider, what are the views about competition? Good or bad or right or wrong? And notice that what is being offered is to rob media of it's business value "ASSURED REVENUES" -- how does one assure revenues?? If revenues are not generated by advertising, which then means competition for ratings (which means people freely choosing to watch what THEY WANT to), how then are they to be "ASSURED"???

Now you and I know one sure way that revenues can be assured -- it's called govt
We seriously need to regularize our Media,These journos are like for sale and anyone can hire them to spread Their Propaganda among Pakistani masses....These journos need to be saddled or they will pursue their course of spreading hopelessness and hatred and chaos...

well said,these types of media representatives are way poisonous and dangerous as their so-called one-sided analysis blurs the actual truth,they are propaganda machines of opponent forces,I wish that May Allah show their true faces to innocent public.
Hamid Mir Jaffar and his Jew News has been exposed badly in Media Commission report and in recent Mumbai Attacks issue. People are giving strong reaction against them on social media and are now demanding answers from them. I highly doubt that they can do anything else to Mubashir Lucman instead of filing a case against him.

We all know that they are payed in millions,you are also ignoring Kamran Khan,Javed chaudhry even Dr.Shahid Masood,all of them are reported that they took money in millions for specific purposes about which we all are well aware of.
We all know that they are payed in millions,you are also ignoring Kamran Khan,Javed chaudhry even Dr.Shahid Masood,all of them are reported that they took money in millions for specific purposes about which we all are well aware of.

Look, exactly what is it that some are so ticked off by? It's media, it's a business - you want your point to be sent across any media, you gots to pay for it - what the big deal?

try PTV if you don't like what free media is selling, stop buying - why force them to change a profitable business model
I really pray that agencies really take out this Indians boot licker once for all. He has played his betraying game for too long and these people are destroying Nation from inside out.

I request Pakistani members to stop watching all GEO channels right now this is the only way to send message to these phockers that we dont listen to you and dont follow your mindset. Phocking paid agents.

Spread the word and make decision this time that you are not going to support them. Time is upon us to make a decision. Its been too long that these people are dividing the Nation. Support Patriotic Journalists who are fighting the really hard battle and we have to lend our support to these patriotic elements by using our weapon The Mighty Facebook. These paid agents really are afraid of the Social Networking sites, and we have seen the proof that Geo has sent Legal Notice to Zaid hamid for rising against these Media Suited booted Terrorists . And they know well now people have all the means to make a decision using Social Networking.

Dont let them fool you Divide you. Long Live Pakistan

Hunter out

about to cancel my subscription today inshallah
Look, exactly what is it that some are so ticked off by? It's media, it's a business - you want your point to be sent across any media, you gots to pay for it - what the big deal?

try PTV if you don't like what free media is selling, stop buying - why force them to change a profitable business model

Mr.Muse,I am not speaking of changing of business,what I am emphasizing is that our common public is not realizing this fact,that media is just a god damn business,it has no relation to truth,sincerity,dedication etc.

Look, exactly what is it that some are so ticked off by? It's media, it's a business - you want your point to be sent across any media, you gots to pay for it - what the big deal?

Exactly,send your point across in such a manner that it some how changes the mentality of public about specific issue:How media helped in Mr.Musharraf's downfall we all are evident for it.
It is no longer just a business,it is more then that..it is a vector now,to change,to brainwash weak minds,and it's closure is not the solution either.
What I suggest,that we should also inject pro-army and pro-Pakistan analysts and must keep working on exposing such media persons like Hamid Mir etc,you can say this as tit for tat.
As long as it is just a business,we damn care,but if it is used as another strategy of offense then we can also answer back in same tone.

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