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Hamas now has 100km range rockets confirmed by IDF

I just hope no one dies on either side. Although that is wishful thinking. Seems a lot of discussions end with nothing more than chest beating.

They are engaged in Syria and fighting sectarian war in Lebanon
I know but not all of them are engaged.
How can 100km missiles be effective if unguided, I assume its unguided
Hamas won't strike unless it's necessary to defend Palestinian people from any aggressive Israeli actions.

And yes, they will and will continue to prevent people who put all Palestinians at danger. These are little groups with small arsenals, most of the time they publicly state doing so to complicate things for Hamas. Such people shouldn't be tolerated. There's a national position on the resistance and a coalition of leaders who discuss military positions and make these decisions.

In September, they stopped the PFLP from firing a rocket. You know, Iran is supporting the PFLP with money now and they plan to give them significant military support in the future because they side with the Syrian regime.

You if this the thing Iran is about, the hell with them. Hamas will always put God before politics and they don't side with secular murderers who's destroying his country at the expense of what....these stupid atheist brigades claimed they will attack Israel if the US attacked Syria. What a joke, their whole group will end up in prison in one night and any weapons coming their way will not end in their hands.

Now this is wise , you have the right to fight but at the right time , good to see sense is reaching your side .

Iran will slowly withdraw its support from all these groups when sanctions are fully removed , after all Iran is attempting to move closer to the west . This will not happen over a night but it will take place over the next few years .

How can 100km missiles be effective if unguided, I assume its unguided

it would be difficult for them to obtain such weapons , I mean even when such weapons were close to be sent to Hezbollah Israel striked the convoy in the heart of Damascus .

There are to many informants within Syrian Regime and Gaza giving info on game changing weapons that are being smuggled to either Hezbollah or hamas .
Now this is wise , you have the right to fight but at the right time , good to see sense is reaching your side .

Iran will slowly withdraw its support from all these groups when sanctions are fully removed , after all Iran is attempting to move closer to the west . This will not happen over a night but it will take place over the next few years .

it would be difficult for them to obtain such weapons , I mean even when such weapons were close to be sent to Hezbollah Israel striked the convoy in the heart of Damascus .

There are to many informants within Syrian Regime and Gaza giving info on game changing weapons that are being smuggled to either Hezbollah or hamas .

Exactly, and the Israelis go on and off about this although they would attack unprovoked against military bases, installations, guided weapons.

Hezbollah does have some though.
Exactly, and the Israelis go on and off about this although they would attack unprovoked against military bases, installations, guided weapons.

Hezbollah does have some though.

Hezbollah has long borders with Syria so it is not that easy to monitor , he can pass few toys .

They striked Syria 8 times in less than a year, these are the announced strikes apart from strikes that did not go public .

Netenyahu will be looking for war after Syrian civil war ends , you know they wage war every 3-4 years so I expect in 2014-2015 but it wount be gaza this time
Netenyahu will be looking for war after Syrian civil war ends , you know they wage war every 3-4 years so I expect in 2014-2015 but it wount be gaza this time

you are Malaysian and yet you wish death and destruction upon Arabs and Israelis. And you should know that military history shows Arabs will suffer 100 times more than Israel.

So whose friend are you and whose enemy?

Or you just in it to see drama?

you are Malaysian and yet you wish death and destruction upon Arabs and Israelis. And you should know that military history shows Arabs will suffer 100 times more than Israel.

So whose friend are you and whose enemy?

Or you just in it to see drama?


this is what their leader is saying and what they are currently training for .
Whose leaders?

what are they training for?

Thank you

Netenyahu and IDF commanders have been carrying out large exercises in Israel northern front in preparation for future war with hezbollah after Syrian civil war ends .

Look at Israel history , you will find they wage war every 3-4 years
Netenyahu and IDF commanders have been carrying out large exercises in Israel northern front in preparation for future war with hezbollah after Syrian civil war ends .

Look at Israel history , you will find they wage war every 3-4 years

I don't think Israel will attack Lebanon as long Hizbullahs don't throw firecrackers in the direction of Israel.

Read some history please.
I don't think Israel will attack Lebanon as long Hizbullahs don't throw firecrackers in the direction of Israel.

Read some history please.

Israel war Industrial complex is what pushes politicians into war , it has nothing to do with whether hizbullah fires or not.

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