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Hamas distances itself from official who urged murder of ‘Jews everywhere’

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Why would a random person make a statement, that would push you to cry crocodile tears, because Israel is an Apartheid Nazi state.
Anybody can read the OP and realize you're not telling the truth. They can point to you and say, "Here! Here is proof @Khafee is a corrupt person!"
Aint nobody is interested in yr people dude! or whoever calls for yr killing or not.....yr just too insignificant in numbers and potential.

World has got better things to worry about....so post things relevant to the World!

Nobody has time for u and yr issues!
Why should other Pakistanis accept your grossness as an opinion that should be followed?
You think Pakistanis on & of this forum, give two hoots about your crocodile tears?

What are you smoking

Anybody can read the OP and realize you're not telling the truth. They can point to you and say, "Here! Here is proof @Khafee is a corrupt person!"
Only if they are as insane as you are.

The rest of the sane world, sees an Apartheid Nazi State cheerleader.
You think Pakistanis on & of this forum, give two hoots about your crocodile tears?
What are you smoking
Depends on whether Pakistanis care about real Justice or phony Justice. Are you willing to speak up - even FIGHT - against genocide or will you take the "easy" path of accepting the propaganda of mass-murderers to permeate your community?

What are you smoking -
What did you learn from the Arabic-language links I posted, at your request?
Depends on whether Pakistanis care about real Justice or phony Justice. Are you willing to speak up - even FIGHT - against genocide or will you take the "easy" path of accepting the propaganda of mass-murderers to permeate your community?
Pakistanis and other sane citizens of this planet, believe in true Justice, and definitely do not accept propaganda from Apartheid Nazi States.

Hence your propaganda is thrown out of the window, and you are regularly spit on, but you cant see that.

What did you learn from the Arabic-language links I posted, at your request?
Goldstien, Silverberg & Finkelstien are representatives of an Apartheid Nazi state, that carries out atrocities day and night.

It's propaganda machine works overtime, anything that comes out is either half truth or pure lies.
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I am not comfortable with the blind hatered towards Jews , yes Israel as a state does wrong things and oppressing the people of Palestine but Jews living outside Israel should not be seen same as the Zionist entity .
I am not comfortable with the blind hatered towards Jews , yes Israel as a state does wrong things and oppressing the people of Palestine but Jews living outside Israel should not be seen same as the Zionist entity .

You dont have to be a jew to be a zionist. Israel is a zio-nazi state who uses jewish idealogies and scriptures to steal land and kill people.
Hey @Solomon2 , how're ya doin?
Any comments about this

IDF's chief rabbi-to-be permits raping women in wartime
Col. Eyal Karim, the IDF's intended next chief rabbi, has previously provided misogynistic interpretations of Jewish law that consider female conscription 'utterly forbidden' and permits raping 'attracting Gentile women' as a way to keep up morale; female MKs and women's rights organizations, incensed, call for his appointment to be cancelled.
Elisha Ben Kimon, Telem Yahav & Kobi Nachshoni|Published: 07.12.16 , 10:24
Facebook and Twitter

The 59-year-old colonel was chosen to replace the outgoing chief rabbi, Brig. Gen. Rafi Peretz, who is stepping down after six years in the position. Karim has been serving as the head of the Rabbinate Department in the Military Rabbinate. He is an alumnus of the Bnei Akiva Nachalim and the Ateret Cohanim yeshivas, and he served previously as a combat paratrooper, eventually commanding their elite reconnaissance unit, before taking a break from the military and eventually returning to its rabbinate.

However, a number of Karim's controversial statements that have come to light have cast a shadow on his impending appointment.

Eyal Karim (Photo: Shaul Golan) " titlecredit="" style="padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-size: 14px; vertical-align: baseline; position: relative;">

Eyal Karim (Photo: Shaul Golan)

For several years, Karim has responded to questions posed to him on the religious website Kipa. One such question was "What are the problems with conscripting girls to the army?"

Karim replied, "In a situation that existed, such as in the War of Independence, that exposed the nation of Israel to an existential threat, and the reality is defined as actually pikuach nefesh (a Jewish concept that requires setting aside most religious restrictions in order to save a life —ed.), then women also participated in defending the people and the country, even though the reality wasn't so modest. But currently, we aren't in a situation of actual pikuach nefesh.

"Because the damage to modesty that is likely to be caused to a girl and to the nation is decisive, the greats of the generation and the chief rabbinate have ruled that girls serving in the IDF is completely forbidden."

The rabbi gave a more shocking answer on the same site when asked if soldiers were permitted to rape women during war. Karim replied that, as part of maintaining fitness for the army and the soldiers' morale during fighting, it is permitted to "breach" the walls of modesty and "satisfy the evil inclination by lying with attractive Gentile women against their will, out of consideration for the difficulties faced by the soldiers and for overall success."

In 2011, the colonel gave an opinion that, according to Jewish law, female singers should not perform at IDF ceremonies. "It's desirable to create a ceremonial post that respects the views of all those present at the ceremony, and, to that end, to bring a male and not a female singer," he wrote. "When this would not be possible, due to various reasons, those whose sensitivities would be offended must be excused from attending the ceremony."

After Karim was announced as the intended new IDF chief rabbi, members of Knesset and women's rights organizations called for the decision to be revoked. The head of the Knesset Committee on the Status of Women and Gender Equality, MK Aida Touma-Sliman (Joint Arab List), said, "Col. Karim's ruling on permitting raping non-Jewish women is similar to the fatwa of a murderous organization that's not so far from Israel's borders. I will contact the attorney general and oppose the appointment, and I call on female and male members of Knesset to join my request."

The chairperson of Na'amat —Movement of Working Women & Volunteers, Galia Wolloch, said that Karim's appointment was unfortunate and that she intended to contact the IDF chief of staff to insist on its revocation. "Anyone who thinks that rape is okay as a morale-booster for soldiers, so long as it's of gentile women, cannot lead the army to good moral and spiritual places."

Meretz Chairperson MK Zehava Galon, announced, "Col. Eyal Karim is not suitable to be the chief rabbinical authority of the IDF, a body in which tens of thousands of women serve, and he isn't suitable to represent Jewish morality in any way whatsoever. His appalling, racist and violent statement makes women fair game."

MK Michael Rozin (Meretz), formerly the executive director of the Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel, said, "I demand that in honor of his new position, Col. Karim go through a training course in preventing sexual assaults."

The IDF Spokesperson's Office issued a reply: "Col. Karim asks to clarify that his statement was issued as the answer to a theoretical question and not in any way whatsoever a question of practical Jewish law. Rabbi Karim has never written, said or even thought that and IDF soldier is permitted to sexually assault a woman in war—anyone who interprets his words otherwise is completely mistaken. Rabbi Karim's moral approach is attested by his years of military service in command, combat, and rabbinical positions in which he displayed complete loyalty to the values and spirit of the IDF, in particular the dignity of the person."

Israeli government doesn't listen to their rabbis and orthodox jews. If they did, women wouldn't be in the IDF, and orthodox jews wouldn't be getting beat on the streets by their police.

You think Pakistanis on & of this forum, give two hoots about your crocodile tears?

What are you smoking

Only if they are as insane as you are.

The rest of the sane world, sees an Apartheid Nazi State cheerleader.

You know you lost it when you start taunting others.

Cry me a river now, how dare he say the word Israel even.

GCC are in bed with Israel meanwhile : )

@Solomon2 aint nobody has time for yr shit oldman, post things relevant to the World issues! not abt those who even after 4000 years are still a minority

tu ye batain chorr Islamabad aa, tujhe pehle mard bannao ga!
Paindo log.
When you think about it, that's nothing less than a confession that you have to murder your opponent to "win" this argument.

If you're in the military this would be grounds for discipline by your superiors: you're obviously too much of a hot-head to be trusted to follow orders.
Yea like Edward Gallagher roaming with his sniper shooting kids and civilians and stabbing wounder teenager and bragging to his friends and then getting Scott free from the justice system of the greatest nation on earth !! just kidding. carry on

It is true that Israel has the responsibility to solve the conflict with Palestinians, for the benefit of both nations.

It is also true , that Hamas views and stands ,as they are today , are a great obstacle to finding a solution .

As is the fact that they represent only half of the Palestinian people and constantly fail to reach an agreement with Fatah so the Palestinians could speak in one voice and have some one authorized to represent them all.

Sort of hard to advance things like that.

I think many of those commented ignored that fact ,

Israeli government doesn't listen to their rabbis and orthodox jews. If they did, women wouldn't be in the IDF, and orthodox jews wouldn't be getting beat on the streets by their police.

You know you lost it when you start taunting others.

Cry me a river now, how dare he say the word Israel even.

GCC are in bed with Israel meanwhile : )

Paindo log.
thats people from punjab!
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