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Half of Taliban groups ready for talks: PTI Imran Khan

Talk to those rready to talk

destroy the rest

the ttp are a risk to Pakistan either they give complete obedience to the state an respect the law or they need to be wiped out

what imran khan says however is right some massive milo operation in the middle of Pakistan will cause chaos and deaths and long lasting hatred

talk to those willing to talk then turn the groups willing to support you against the Ttp fund tgem and arm them and use our assets to hit the ttp leadership

cut the snakes head off and the snake will die
I really hope that he wasn't serious about this . Its not even funny anymore seeing the deteriorating security situation in the country , the indecisiveness of the part of political parties and confusion in the people regarding the whole thing . If these politicians have done something , they have divided and confused the nation further instead of uniting against the threat of terrorism . Every other day , an immature statement is being released calling for " not linking terrorists activities with Taliban " , " labeling them as martyr " , " negotiations at all costs " , " holding the Govt and army responsible for the delay and hence the terrorism " , " how Taliban were ready for peace talks " and now this . Why do not these people understand that the Taliban will not spare them just because of their defense lawyer like role for them ? Why do not they leave their compromising nature behind for some time and work for the country ? How enough is enough ?
Good decision by imran khan. Many of them are willing to talk but other groups can taste warth of PA. Imran Khan stands by army's desicion.
Bangladesh liberation part 2 just started some ppl are soo dum they don't learn from their past mistake OMG
get ready partition of pakistan after the break :pop:
There is no such thing as the TTP or the Taliban

there are thousands of different groups who get thrown under the same banner

Taking them all on is neither feesable nor smart

our entire recent problem is this mullah fazalulla bastard, this guy wants war when alternative leaders were willing to talk

it's not one group

separate the leaders and groups willing to talk and take out the rest

our main aim should be to kill fazalulla, take him out and push for a leader who will end this

Bangladesh liberation part 2 just started some ppl are soo dum they don't learn from their past mistake OMG
get ready partition of pakistan after the break :pop:

Dont be retarded

indias hand is involved in this

payback will come to India in a big way
I think he is losing his credibility by making such statements often contradictory and vague
He is not the leader that i imagined, the whole nation needs re orientation, we have to uproot this monstrosity and It's Ideology too
we needed a leader who is clear in his views.
What is this chutiyapa - what actually he wants?

The so called TTP has never been a unified force.

There are elements which are Pro-Pakistan and others that are Anti-Pakistan.

We need to have the Pro-Pakistan elements go after the Anti-Pakistan TTP.

PA should help these Pro-Pakistan groups against the Anti-Pakistan elements of TTP like Mullah Fazlullah.

Imran Khan said no such thing he quoted Federal interior minister Chudary Nisar's previous statements

PTI has shown full support for army and asked government to make a decision


PTI said today in handout that:

In the handout, PTI leaders reiterated their position on dialogue with militants. “One must divide the adversary so that those who are prepared for dialogue should be separated from the hardcore groups.”

“What else PTI detractors want to know that the party leadership unanimously decry attacks by the Taliban, however, the responsibility squarely lies on the federal government for letting all this happen.” If the government had come to the point that use of force was the only option left to deal with the TTP, it should say in so many words, he added.

PTI leadership argued that a military operation was always a last resort and must always have political ownership and guidance so as to give the military national support. “We cannot allow our military, whose soldiers have always laid down their lives for Pakistan, to be left isolated without political ownership. PTI has always recognised the tremendous sacrifices of its soldiers.”



PTI accuses govt, Taliban of damaging peace process - DAWN.COM

Give some credible source other than news tribe

When the Prime Minister asked him and Sami Ul Haq for help of dialogue, they all refused.

Imran Khan refuses to hold talks with Taliban on his own

Maulana Samiul Haq distances himself from Taliban talks - DAWN.COM

Lesson learned, now Nawaz Sharif will do what ever the Army wishes to do.

From ptis handout today:

“Why is the government abdicating its political responsibility by asking various leaders of political parties to ‘dialogue’ with the TTP when it knows only the government has the legal sanction to do the same?”



PTI accuses govt, Taliban of damaging peace process - DAWN.COM
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