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Half a Million Jobs Lost as Textile Crisis Hits Pakistan's Economy

A neglected waiting area, empty reception and dim lights greet visitors at what used to be the biggest textile factory in the northern industrial area of Pakistan’s economic hub.

At its peak Al-Abid Silk Mills Ltd. employed 7,600 employees in Karachi, now only a handful can be seen in the near-abandoned garment workshop. It’s one of hundreds that have shut down over the past few years, contributing to Pakistan’s exports falling to their lowest in six years.

Exporters from South Asia’s second-largest economy, including textile manufacturers who account for more than half of all overseas shipments, say buyers have shifted to countries including Bangladesh and Vietnam as continual power outages impede their ability to meet order deadlines, while complaining that the government has provided scant support.

“The government has never planned how we need to go forward with the textile industry,” Naseem Sattar, the 80-year-old chief executive officer of Al-Abid, said as he smoked in his office in the derelict plant. “Such a factory is considered a national asset and we got no help.”

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Despite a pick up in economic growth after the government submitted to an International Monetary Fund program in 2013 to avert a balance of payment crisis, Pakistan’s exports have fallen as global demand slows and the nation tries to overcome an energy shortage. Overseas shipments for the year through June fell to $21 billion, the lowest level since 2010, according to Pakistan Bureau of Statistics.

“Internally you have constraints on energy and then manufacturing keeping exports down,” said Turab Hussain, head of the economics department at the Lahore University of Management Sciences. “If oil prices go up and exports don’t pick up there will be pressure on your balance of payments and currency.”

About 100 member factories have shut down and at least 500,000 people have lost jobs in the past two years, according to Saleem Saleh, acting secretary general of All Pakistan Textile Mills Association, the biggest contributor to the nation’s textile exports. About two-thirds of the members of the Pakistan Bedwear Exporters Association have stopped working in the past five years, according to its head Shabir Ahmed.

Most factories shutting down are small or mid-sized plants unable to bear the extra cost of prolonged power outages. Meanwhile, larger factories have invested in their own power, including diesel generators, to cope with the nation’s electricity deficit of about 3,000 megawatts.

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The IMF, which is set to conclude its three-year, $6.6 billion loan program with Pakistan at the end of this month, is pointing to a number of causes, including the local currency it says isovervalued by as much as 20 percent.

“The continued decline in exports is a cause for concern, to a good extent that’s due to a fall in international prices for cotton and other commodities,” Harald Finger, the IMF’s mission chief for Pakistan, said in a July interview. Domestically “there are security issues, there are continued power outages, even though they are declining now, that’s still a factor. There are issues around the business climate, and so on, and also one of these factors is also the real effective exchange rate.”
bout half of the Pakistan’s exports are shipped to six countries, while 40 percent of total textile exports are primary commodities, including cotton yarn sent to China, Minister of Commerce Khurram Dastgir Khan told lawmakers in Islamabad’s parliament on Sept. 5. Pakistan’s apparel exports grew less than half the pace of Bangladesh and Vietnam before the recent fall during 2005 to 2012, according to World Bank data.

For buyers, Pakistan’s competitors are also more alluring due to the country’s tarnished security image after years of insurgency, bombings and violence.

If you can get the same price in Vietnam or India or Bangladesh, I think it’s still the case that most purchasers will still choose the other countries because their purchasing managers dare to go there,” said Mattias Martinsson, the Stockholm-based chief investment officer at Tundra Founder AB, which holds about $160 million in Pakistani stocks. “They can go freely around and don’t have to be afraid” which isn’t their perception of Pakistan, he said.

Even so, the country’s security situation has improved with an army push against insurgents after more than 100 students were killed by the Pakistani Taliban at a military school in 2014 in the northern city of Peshawar. About 449 people died in terrorist-related violence last year, the lowest in 10 years, according to theSouth Asia Terrorism Portal.

The government recognizes the industry’s malaise and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on a visit to Karachi on Sept. 8 said boosting exports is a top priority and his administration will soon announce relief measures.

‘Cannot Ignore’
Sharif is also pegging his 2018 re-election prospects on ending the daily power blackouts, relying on a surge of Chinese investment and projects worth $46 billion that were announced last year.

“Economic growth and exports are interlinked,” Sharif said. “We cannot afford to ignore our exports.”


A worker operates a sewing machine at a textile manufacturer in Karachi.
Photographer: Asim Hafeez/Bloomberg
Pakistan already announced in June a zero-rated sales tax regime for five export industries, including textiles. Borrowing has become more attractive with the discount rate at its lowest in more than four decades. Sharif this month asked the ministry of commerce to arrange a duty-free import of five million bales of cotton to plug a domestic shortage this year.

Despite these measures, State Bank of Pakistan Governor Ashraf Mahmood Wathra says the nation needs to diversify products and exports markets away from those on a declining trend. However, he expects improved electricity and gas supplies this year to stem some of the drop in exports.

‘Very Happy’
“When I speak to industrialists, I see them more comfortable than two-to-three years ago,” Wathra said. Textile exporters complain about tax refunds being delayed by the authorities, but otherwise “they are very happy with the interest rate and refinance rate,” he said.

Sattar, whose factory used to make $100 million annual revenue at its peak, doesn’t agree. He wants to get his plant running again, but is unable to repay loans taken to purchase the milling machines. Sattar is now being hounded by banks and the country’s anti-graft agency, he said.

“If you are drowning, they push you further down,” he said. “Textiles are going away from Pakistan.”
It's not new it's started after 9/11 and pervez musharaf came to power but no serious actions were taken against power, industries and other resources were intentionally put to gutter and till now no serious actions were taken
Much industries were shifted to Bangladesh ,some in India
These lunatics made the manpower unemployed
Sad but true. Biggest hindrance to Pakistan's economy and potential is the Pakistan government. Nothing else.

So I was watching TV and there was a news about some village where Wapda left the transformer in an open field on the ground and said they will come back and install it on the poles, year later Wapda has not come back, village people complained to TV that its so dangerous lying on the ground and our kids are in danger what happens if kids touch the naked wire....a year of transformer lying on the ground, people are scared their kids might die....yet these lazy *** people did not move from their asses and put at least a fence around it, no one even bother to put a sign around it....no one helps those who dont help them self.

now to Govt not helping textiles, well Mr. sattar used to make $100 in revenues, did he pay taxes? why did he not use the portion of that $100 million to invest in his business, buy modern machinery, install generators in his factory...or did he use that money to buy houses in Dubai.

day in and day out you watch these kind of news on TV, gutters blocked and street are floodded with sewage water, no one from govt shows up, we complained and only complained, Namaz bhi ne perh saktey kaprey napak ho jatey hain....but these bhensss dont think of collecting 100 Rs from every house and pay someone to fix it...pathetic people, pathetic govt.
So I was watching TV and there was a news about some village where Wapda left the transformer in an open field on the ground and said they will come back and install it on the poles, year later Wapda has not come back, village people complained to TV that its so dangerous lying on the ground and our kids are in danger what happens if kids touch the naked wire....a year of transformer lying on the ground, people are scared their kids might die....yet these lazy *** people did not move from their asses and put at least a fence around it, no one even bother to put a sign around it....no one helps those who dont help them self.

now to Govt not helping textiles, well Mr. sattar used to make $100 in revenues, did he pay taxes? why did he not use the portion of that $100 million to invest in his business, buy modern machinery, install generators in his factory...or did he use that money to buy houses in Dubai.

day in and day out you watch these kind of news on TV, gutters blocked and street are floodded with sewage water, no one from govt shows up, we complained and only complained, Namaz bhi ne perh saktey kaprey napak ho jatey hain....but these bhensss dont think of collecting 100 Rs from every house and pay someone to fix it...pathetic people, pathetic govt.

Precisely. The problem is the Pakistani government. When they start doing even half their duties properly then Pakistan could become a 2nd tier nation. Till then we need to struggle get the Pakistan Army to get things done as they always do.
This brings up an interesting question regarding CPEC: Given what is written above, is Pakistan in a position to take full advantage of CPEC? It seems the biggest hindrance to CPEC is the Pakistan government, its corruption, its incompetence, and its apathy.
i know it feels so good to bash Pakistan but at least make some effort to stay on topic while doing so.

Thank you for bringing in CPEC as well. You people are as obsessed with it as you were with DSI :lol: Dont worry, non of these would eat you alive.

True that our Textile business is almost down to gutter . Even Mauritius has called our textile investors to go there and invest there .
The only game changer can be if China invest in Pakistani Textile cause our labor is far cheaper than china . China is thinking of shifting from Steal dumping which it has done to europe to other ventures and Textile is one Venture China has yet to take it seriously
I am from textile business, working in capacity of manufacturer and exporters and sir you have NO idea of the situation. MANY of those "textile investors" did went to other countries thinking they were in gutter but it took less then an year for all of them to run back.

Textile has always been behaving as a nascent industry in Pakistan. The industry has been flooded with traditional "Mian" owners and lack of business integration. About 60-80% of industry completely lacks any sort of forward or backward integration and hence not able to capture the value chain. Coupled with this, the entrepreneurial abilities at best are average. In addition, being low value add, the industry earnings are a function of related commodity prices, bringing in high volatility and thus non-attractive to strategic investors like Chinese.


Policymakers have also been very blindsided as well. There are other promising sectors, which if promoted with the same vigor as textile. could have delivered material results as opposed to continuous disappointment. For example, Pharmaceutical sector can potentially earn a lot of exchange if government help good local pharmaceutical companies (HINOON,SEARL,FEROZSONS,GETZ,AGP etc) to obtain FDA complaint products. India earns about 6 Billion $ from exports of FDA approved drugs. Pakistan doesn't even have a single FDA approved Pharma despite having a robust and thriving domestic pharma industry. IT and Offshore Call Centers have been fairly neglected. Pakistan could also easily capture hallal product market in ME,Europe and East Asia, the work has started tough but its little too late to make an impact.Its more Ironic that India and Thailand are bigger exporters of Halal meat and products than Pakistan.
Pakistan's exclusive focus on Textiles as export product has led to only more subsidies making their way to "Mians" than anything significant for the country.
True indeed but with some corrections required if i may?

whats your say on this?
Some truth, some exaggeration!
The business is slow but the buying market is responsible for that as much as the supplier market. UK took a serious hit with BRExit and the business is slow. USA have been slow due to economic pressure for an year or so. Italy is gradually reviving back from what was sort of a total shutdown an year or so ago. The other MAJOR hot we took was from Russian market stagnation! There was NOTHING coming from there and it used to be a HUGE market for us for textiles. Most of the mills that you hear about as being closed now are the ones who were dealing with the Russians and suffered a blow like orders being canceled, payments delayed etc when Russian market crashed.

For future prediction, there are inquiries in the market now and the yarn prices have stabilized as well. The Christmas business wont be as huge as it used to be but post Christmas i see the market getting back to normal and good business activity.

From what i read somewhere, India Bangladesh and Vietnam has been having it good in the textile Industry. Lack of any proper tech and machinery investment in Pak textile industry has lead to, these 3 countries replacing Pak exports...
A limited number of products sir.
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I am from textile business, working in capacity of manufacturer and exporters and sir you have NO idea of the situation. MANY of those "textile investors" did went to other countries thinking they were in gutter but it took less then an year for all of them to run back.

Sir thanks for clarifying , what could be the reason for them returning back i guess its the labour laws here which can be bent with hiring cheap labor , or any other reason
Sir thanks for clarifying , what could be the reason for them returning back i guess its the labour laws here which can be bent with hiring cheap labor , or any other reason
No, labour laws are not a problem at all. In fact, it is much worst in Bangladesh for labours and so it is cheaper as well. The main reason was that the labour did not had the required skill set. Our people are much better at those particular qualities of fabric and goods and the others were not able to compete on that quality of work. Technical skills and abilities are the main reason those mills had to return back.
i know it feels so good to bash Pakistan but at least make some effort to stay on topic while doing so.

Thank you for bringing in CPEC as well. You people are as obsessed with it as you were with DSI :lol: Dont worry, non of these would eat you alive.

My comments were neither meant to bash anyone nor is it off topic. This has been a common complaint by Pakistani businessmen for a very longtime, and not just in the textile industry. The article posted in this thread quotes Pakistanis, not Indians. The laments are the same: no electricity and no support from the government. Which is interesting given that the current government is considered pro-business!

Contrast Pakistan’s economy with those of China and India, which gets all sorts of government support, and you can see why there are doubts that Pakistan can fully take advantage of CPEC. No doubt CPEC is a net benefit for Pakistan, but the question is how much?
i know it feels so good to bash Pakistan but at least make some effort to stay on topic while doing so.

Thank you for bringing in CPEC as well. You people are as obsessed with it as you were with DSI :lol: Dont worry, non of these would eat you alive.

I am from textile business, working in capacity of manufacturer and exporters and sir you have NO idea of the situation. MANY of those "textile investors" did went to other countries thinking they were in gutter but it took less then an year for all of them to run back.

True indeed but with some corrections required if i may?

Some truth, some exaggeration!
The business is slow but the buying market is responsible for that as much as the supplier market. UK took a serious hit with BRExit and the business is slow. USA have been slow due to economic pressure for an year or so. Italy is gradually reviving back from what was sort of a total shutdown an year or so ago. The other MAJOR hot we took was from Russian market stagnation! There was NOTHING coming from there and it used to be a HUGE market for us for textiles. Most of the mills that you hear about as being closed now are the ones who were dealing with the Russians and suffered a blow like orders being canceled, payments delayed etc when Russian market crashed.

For future prediction, there are inquiries in the market now and the yarn prices have stabilized as well. The Christmas business wont be as huge as it used to be but post Christmas i see the market getting back to normal and good business activity.

A limited number of products sir.
thanks, so when the article said the 500k jobs are gone so thats a lie. and the dead factories are getting orders.
i have a few questions.
since nawaz was pm has the rate of blackouts decreased?
whats the tax rate there? has it increased/ decreased?
what the average cost to make a pair of jeans?

hows business for you?
i know it feels so good to bash Pakistan but at least make some effort to stay on topic while doing so.

Thank you for bringing in CPEC as well. You people are as obsessed with it as you were with DSI :lol: Dont worry, non of these would eat you alive.

I am from textile business, working in capacity of manufacturer and exporters and sir you have NO idea of the situation. MANY of those "textile investors" did went to other countries thinking they were in gutter but it took less then an year for all of them to run back.

True indeed but with some corrections required if i may?

Some truth, some exaggeration!
The business is slow but the buying market is responsible for that as much as the supplier market. UK took a serious hit with BRExit and the business is slow. USA have been slow due to economic pressure for an year or so. Italy is gradually reviving back from what was sort of a total shutdown an year or so ago. The other MAJOR hot we took was from Russian market stagnation! There was NOTHING coming from there and it used to be a HUGE market for us for textiles. Most of the mills that you hear about as being closed now are the ones who were dealing with the Russians and suffered a blow like orders being canceled, payments delayed etc when Russian market crashed.

For future prediction, there are inquiries in the market now and the yarn prices have stabilized as well. The Christmas business wont be as huge as it used to be but post Christmas i see the market getting back to normal and good business activity.

A limited number of products sir.

Does pakistan caters the gulf market too? Is that a big enough market for pakistan or just a side show?
And if our industry is better than Bangladesh then how come they are exporting 20 billions and we are only exporting 10% of that?
Does pakistan caters the gulf market too? Is that a big enough market for pakistan or just a side show?
And if our industry is better than Bangladesh then how come they are exporting 20 billions and we are only exporting 10% of that?
We are in gulf market but that is not as big as the European or American market for our textiles.
So you can say that it is sorts of a side show however more and more people have started to take an interest in that side as well. Let’s see how it progresses.

As for Bangladesh exports, firstly I doubt the comparison. Secondly, their the larger numbers are mainly because of the product type they are dealing in. Because of cheap labor, they are doing good in labor intensive lines like high end garments and fashion articles. They pay you more and are an important reason of higher numbers. Pakistan on the other hand is more into home textiles, fabrics and in clothing we are big, HUGE in denim! The high end fashion garments are not our forte, YET! I say yet as the garments, specially knitwear have seen some growth in past few years, though it have been slow for 2-3 years now but it is likely to bounce back anytime now!
No, labour laws are not a problem at all. In fact, it is much worst in Bangladesh for labours and so it is cheaper as well. The main reason was that the labour did not had the required skill set. Our people are much better at those particular qualities of fabric and goods and the others were not able to compete on that quality of work. Technical skills and abilities are the main reason those mills had to return back.

Sir can you tell me if any incentives are given by Pakistan govt for replacement of capital goods for textile sector...or any plans to do so? This is a big problem I have heard from my sources in the Pakistan textile industry....they are spending a lot keeping old machines in operation and also there are costs from breakdowns happening regularly etc.

Can't some of the loans from CPEC be used for this (i.e import of newer capital goods from China since they are having overcapacity issues anyway)?
My comments were neither meant to bash anyone nor is it off topic. This has been a common complaint by Pakistani businessmen for a very longtime, and not just in the textile industry. The article posted in this thread quotes Pakistanis, not Indians. The laments are the same: no electricity and no support from the government. Which is interesting given that the current government is considered pro-business!

Contrast Pakistan’s economy with those of China and India, which gets all sorts of government support, and you can see why there are doubts that Pakistan can fully take advantage of CPEC. No doubt CPEC is a net benefit for Pakistan, but the question is how much?
Perhaps it was the tone of the question or may be the events of last few weeks playing on my mind. Sorry for being aggressive. Now that you explained your point i understand it completely and do agree that the government will need to create a business friendly environment to take full advantage of CPEC.

thanks, so when the article said the 500k jobs are gone so thats a lie. and the dead factories are getting orders.
i have a few questions.
since nawaz was pm has the rate of blackouts decreased?
whats the tax rate there? has it increased/ decreased?
what the average cost to make a pair of jeans?

hows business for you?
The 500k jobs lost is a lie!
The units being dead is somewhat exaggeration! A few units, as a mentioned, mainly the ones that were dealing primarily with Russian market have suffered a lot and some of them have closed a well but it is not like the whole industry is dyeing.

As for the other questions, Nawaz government have traditional been good news for business and industrialists with PPP being better for agriculture and government employees and people on jobs! However this time PMLN have not lived up to that tradition and the industry, specially the textile industry have suffered and gone down compared to the previous 5 years! However that is not ONLY due to government policies as i already mentioned, the international market stagnation is the main culprit and that have played the major role in our textile industry suffering. The blackouts have decreased significantly as they are down from 8-10 hours a day in PPP regime in summers to 4-5 hours in industrial areas now.
The taxes i am not so aware of as i am usually not dealing with them myself directly but as far as i know they have been increased but only slightly. So that is not what is effecting the industry too much.
A good Levis standard jeans will cost 9-10US$ a pair. In US it will then be sold for around 50$

For us, it is good. I am not part of any HUGE organization, it is a relatively small family business/job sort of venture i am doing so we are not effected by the recent troubles. In fact, it is pretty well for us and we are improving/growing every year :)
No, labour laws are not a problem at all. In fact, it is much worst in Bangladesh for labours and so it is cheaper as well. The main reason was that the labour did not had the required skill set. Our people are much better at those particular qualities of fabric and goods and the others were not able to compete on that quality of work. Technical skills and abilities are the main reason those mills had to return back.

Pakistani investors should go a step forward, like Technical Textiles. I know they have capital for that, but they are not willing to get their feet wet. Upper you go in technology, lesser the headache and higher the profit. That's what I have learned.
Here comes duty of govt to attract the people for something they are not willing for, by showing positive sides of new fields.
I remember how German govt vigorously helped in 2008 crisis, when industry, specially auto industry was scrambling.
Pakistan's economic collapse was engineered.
Zardari is the man behind the execution and his doing were kept hidden by popular media was also engineered.
It was criminal to watch him destroying Pakistan in the name of democracy and not going to streets.

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