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HAL loyal wingman project to go airborne by 2024

So sad they accidenly made hypersonic and supersonic lol correct your info source the babur which your country made was a live tomahawk revese engineered
Hypersonic? Super sonic? Direct copy of yakhont mijjile ? You failed to make subsonic cruise mijjile and you are dreaming hypersonic and super sonic :lol:
Seems too much targets in 2024-25
2. HAL Tejas mk1a and mk2
3. Shivalik frigates from both shipyards
5. New indian submarines SsBN
6. A nuclear submarine lease from Russia.
7. New indian made destroyers

And so many other in under develop indian made arms..... To many are in pipelines.

Only developing a arjun tank, I would count a failure

Actually Tapas or Rustam what ever you may call it is from DRDO and GOI is paying for it, on the other hand Loyal Wingman is a HAL project and HAL is paying for it from its own budget...
Seems too much targets in 2024-25
2. HAL Tejas mk1a and mk2
3. Shivalik frigates from both shipyards
5. New indian submarines SsBN
6. A nuclear submarine lease from Russia.
7. New indian made destroyers

And so many other in under develop indian made arms..... To many are in pipelines.

Only developing a arjun tank, I would count a failure
Each lab has a different function and allocation. Submarines take time, especially now when we are relatively new.

What ticks me off is the delay in UAV projects and why the top leadership not demanding heads for this consistent delay.
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