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Are BDs looking to buy ANZA MKIIs from Pakistan to counter INDIAN choopers and UAVs???


LCH's Service ceiling is 6,500 m (21,300 ft) which Neither the Anza MKII's nor the Anza Mk-IIIs can reach by both range and Altitude. Sorry for waking you up.

In brief, Your Missile has to be at the mercy of the helicopter to even brush past it. No use of having Anza's in the military arsenal especially of those who look to counter a helicopter of LCH's caliber.
LCH's Service ceiling is 6,500 m (21,300 ft) which Neither the Anza MKII's nor the Anza Mk-IIIs can reach by both range and Altitude. Sorry for waking you up.

Lmao, do you think the LCH will be going that high in a combat scenario in thar all of a sudden? Siachen Glacier isn't even that high.

Even though Nishan is kinda trolling, those portable surface-to-air missile are a very serious threat to any attack helicopter....
Lmao, do you think the LCH will be going that high in a combat scenario in thar all of a sudden? Siachen Glacier isn't even that high.

Even though Nishan is kinda trolling, those portable surface-to-air missile are a very serious threat to any attack helicopter....

Why not?? As long as it dosent stall. The Missiles are indeed a threat, but, would the Military thinkers and planners make the helicopter vulnerable to attacks, knowing the range and limitations of the product in the Enemies Military arsenal, especially when the Helicopter is capable of evading it by sheer performance?

War is the birthplace of an Idea and as usual necessity its mother.
Why not?? As long as it dosent stall. The Missiles are indeed a threat, but, would the Military thinkers and planners make the helicopter vulnerable to attacks, knowing the range and limitations of the product in the Enemies Military arsenal, especially when the Helicopter is capable of evading it?

what makes u think that missile is not a threat to this helicopter? it can easily be shot down with it. even a man holding a gun in his hand can be a threat to a helicopter in a combat scnerio
what makes u think that missile is not a threat to this helicopter? it can easily be shot down with it. even a man holding a gun in his hand can be a threat to a helicopter in a combat scnerio

A boy with a stone too is a threat at times if the war is fought in an old fashioned manner of fighting without proper intelligence.. If there is a flaw in intelligence not even the best of machines can save u.
A boy with a stone too is a threat at times if the war is fought in an old fashioned manner of fighting without proper intelligence.. If there is a flaw in intelligence not even the best of machines can save u.

my frind i dont know about the stone, but that freaking missile will the nightmare of any combat plane polit.
my frind i dont know about the stone, but that freaking missile will the nightmare of any combat plane polit.

Indeed if it is in its strike range and anyways I was not questing the authenticity of the Missile's in general but the specific Anzas.
my frind i dont know about the stone, but that freaking missile will the nightmare of any combat plane polit.
That's why attack Helis fly is herd and not alone and modern Helis come with counter measures. Let's hope LCH too get those CM
So encouraging to hear that.

Perhaps we should put you in one of them and shoot MANPADs at you.

That certainly is an amusing idea!

However to bring things into a right perspective, while a MANPAD is certainly an ever-present and credible threat to a Helo; it does'nt follow that a Helo is automatically neutralised by a MANPAD.
That said, a MANPAD (if) successfully launched, has an extremely favorable cost-benefit ratio going for it. While on the other hand, a Helo (lke the LCH) is a huge force-multiplier, till its neutralised (or absent). The reality is both weapons have capabilities and functions alongside vulnerabilities built-in to them. Hence their designed capabilities will be constantly reviewed and refined.

Another thing that came up in this thread: the use of Helos (like LCH) in packs. While they will certainly be used in some numbers ( upwards of 2s and 4s), we are unlikely to see their use in 'hordes' aka the famous scene in "Apocalypse Now". Not in the South Asian context and not for some more time. AFAIK, that kind of tactics have not been perfected yet.

It will be some kind of cross between present-day South Asian AF tactics and Armor Squadron level manuevers. That seems to be the present state of affairs.
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