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Hakeemullah Mehsud gives rare interview to BBC

Don't preach to the blind and deaf. They need to be immobilized only. One way or the other! :D

Zarvan, sir niaz, is your elder, please address him as so. Remove the 'sir' from me if you want.

Read history, Zavi, the conservatives and religioists did not want Pakistan. They even called Quiad-e-Azam, Kafar-e-Azam, the same man whose quotes you were posting.
Sir because people know why Army entered Tribal areas in first place and on whose orders and Air Force was used on our own people to please a country Air Force is not even used by India in Kashmir Sir

Mr Jamat e Islami was the one who fought for Pakistan in 71 and they are paying the price for that in Bangladesh their leaders were killed during 71 because they refused to say Pakistan Murda.... Sir and Wahabis also supported creation of Pakistan only one section of deoband opposed but many Ulemas of Deoband like allama Shabbir Ahmed Usmani and Mufti Muhammad Shafi and finally Moalana Ashraf Ali Thanvi supported creation of Pakistan Sir

Hon sir,

First and foremost I am not debating whether JI founder Maulana Maududi or the Principle of Dar ul Uloom Deodand Mualana Hussein Ahmad Madani were in the right or in the wrong from Islamic point of view. My assertion is that both these gentlemen were staunchly anti- Pakistani. My view point is based on the following:

Jamiat Ulema Hind.

No doubt some of the Deobandi Ulema sides with the Quaid and supported Pakistan movement such as Maulana Shabbir Usmani & Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi, but these were few and far between. Majority sided with the Sheikhul Hind Maulana Hussein Ahmad Madani and supported a secular united India.

Sheikhul Hind, Maulana Hussein Ahmad Madani had debates with Allama Iqbal in the late 1930’s on two nation theory. Madani’s position throughout was to insist on the Islamic legitimacy of embracing a culturally plural, secular democracy as the best and the only realistic future for India’s Muslims. The cleric sided with the Indian Nationalist Congress; the Cambridge- and Munich-educated lawyer Iqbal insisted on a religiously defined, homogeneous Muslim society. Madani insisted that his vision of a religiously plural society not only strategically best served Muslim interests, but that it also had clear Quranic sanction. In December 1937, at a political meeting in Delhi, Maulana Madani made a straightforward statement, “in the current age, nations (qaumain) are based on territory (autaan), not religion (mazhab). Iqbal answered with a versified attack that suggested that Maulana Madani, who held the highest training in the classical Arabic disciplines, was principle of the most respected seminary in India and a scholar with fluent spoken Arabic, did not know Arabic and was ‘singing’ out heresy from a ‘pulpit’.

All of this appears in

Islamic Legitimacy in a Plural Asia - Google Books

Maulana Mufti Mahmoud father of Maulvi Fazlur Rahman was also an active member on Indian National Congress and against the creation of Pakistan.


What we have in the form of Jamiat-e-Ulema-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) is the ideological successor to the Jamiat-e-Ulema Hind. It is not, as some assert, a successor to Shabbir Ahmed Usmani’s breakway Jamiat-e-Ulema-Islam (JUI) that had endorsed the Pakistan Movement in the closing stages of the Raj. Rehman’s father Maulana Mufti Mahmood was a stalwart of the Jamiat-e-Ulema Hind, who opposed the partition till the very end. In 1971, after the fall of Dacca, Mahmood famously said about Pakistan: “Thank God we were not part of the making of this sin.” As for the party, Mahmood’s Jamiat-e-Ulema Hind faction, left behind in Pakistan, merged with Usmani’s JUI in 1948, and then took it over in 1956. The JUI-F has on numerous occasions declared that the founding fathers, in particular Jinnah, were British agents. Rehman in his time as the opposition leader in the National Assembly from 2002 to 2007 made it a point to remove the father of the nation’s portrait from his office.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan


Therefore I am justified that Deobandi parties are in essence against the idea of Pakistan per say.


On the other side of the spectrum, JI ideology calls for establishment of a theocratic Islamic state.

The fundamental argument was that their concept of a universal or global Islamic empire did not fit into a territory-bound country of Pakistan. Maulana Maududi depicted Pakistan an un-Islamic state and the Quaid-e-Azam as the biggest infidel.

The Jamaat-e-Islami believed that a democratic state can never be Islamic because the power is in the hands of the people and not God. Maulana Maududi did not want Pakistan to come into being because it collided with his concept of a universal Islamic empire with sovereignty resting in God.

You can see JI ideas are the same as that of Taliban. That is why Munawwar Hassan loves TTP butchers.

Here is an article by Yasser Latif Hamadani.

Maulana Maududi's Role Against Jinnah's Pakistan | Pak Tea House

Here is what leaders of JI thought about funeral of the Quaid.

Funeral of Quaid-e-Azam was not necessary to be prayed: Jamaat-e-Islami - 'X' Reports

Blog from Chagataikhan.

Chagatai Khan: Mawdudi, Jamat-e-Islami & Deobandis had Opposed Pakistan's Creation.

There are always a few exceptions such as JI of former East Pakistan; in my opinion JI remains in essence an anti- Pakistani party.

I therefore stand by my often repeated assertions about the loyalty of JI & Deobandi parties to the Pakistan State.
To know what I said in that post, I don't need to be almighty - any informed person who reads the news and current affairs will know that. And I certainly don't need to know everything since the beginning of time, unless time to you began in 2008. Yes, Baitullah was killed by a US drone strike. If you are suggesting that I am wrong, how about refuting me with a link or two, instead of a sarcastic remark that adds no value? From the PDF rule book:

If that's the case any normal person using less than 1% of his brain can deduce what's the reality, behind this drama :)
ps: this time this is not a sarcastic remark
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