I understand where you are coming from, but I don't think you quite understand the Orthodox Christian mind. They have been screaming for revenge for the Islamic conquest on Constantinople for centuries. This has led them to behave violently and brutally with Muslim populations which have fallen under their grip (Caucasus, Balkans, Greece, Russia, Azeris.)
With Communism gone and Orthodox religiosity returning to Russia and the Balkans, we are not heading towards an alliance but a confrontation. Putin may be a sensible man when it comes to Muslim nations, but he is just one man, how will he be able to stem the Orthodox fervor and racial re-awakening of Russia.
I respect Imran N. Hosein as an Islamic scholar and for his great depth of knowledge about Dajjal, Riba, and Akhir uz Zaman. In fact, I knew him personally for many years. I disagree with his current analysis and I find it dangerous.
We Muslims can never abandon our Turkish brothers and Sisters in favor of peace with the Orthodox world. Ottomans ruled the Orthodox nations with peace and justice, yet Russia and the West sought to destroy that.
You cannot appease these kuffar, and you cannot sell-out your fellow Muslims. You will be left all alone without any supporters.