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Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

First I would clear that I don’t like Mr Hafiz Saeed as he openly ask for Jihad against India. And we know CIA controlled 26/11 2008, by using Mr Saeed or someone else, it doesn’t make much difference for the people like me who have clear understanding that its CIA and US’s senior politicians who were behind that. But, this bounty has a sense that “if someone can prove Mr Saeed is a terrorist, he may get $10mil.” This simply means government agencies of US and Pakistan can’t do the same by themselves and they challenge the whole world that if someone can prove him a terrorist, he may earn $10mil. Its simply mean that US’s establishments accept that no one in world can prove that Mr Hafiz Saeed is wrong, the man who would be punished for any reason.

And as we see that spoke person of US’s state openly say that Mr Hafiz Saeed is a terrorist and LET is a terrorist organization, and if we mix these two things, then it simply means that the poor education level of US’s foreign ministry is now a shame for the whole world
. So poor educational background on legal/ political issue also clearly state that US’s officials would simply declare US a failed state. Neither they have competent science students / engineering professionals to run their industries, nor they are capable enough to run their foreign ministry also. They simply don’t have enough qualified people who may govern the US. :wave:
The ISI sponsered him and now you are accusing the US for Pakistans mischief. Don't they have balls to stand up and say we made a mistake and we will make sure it does not happen again. If you are a person who has sympathy for Pakistan then it shows one and only one thing, neither Pakistan is potent nor the people who support it are potent.
Enough for the Interpol warrant in 2008 at the very least. Is there a problem with soliciting additional proof?

Under the post-9/11 UNSC Resolutions (especially 1373, binding under Chapter VII of the Charter) Pakistan is obliged to eliminate terrorists and terror-training camps from its territory and to deny terrorists safe harbor - except Pakistan hasn't complied because it hasn't changed its laws to suit, nor do courts like the LHC recognize Pakistan's sovereign international obligations.

no point in debate....it was the US that spear-headed that resolution and now it is the US saying they have no proof of HS involvement in terrorist activity

Why don't you ask why the Pakistani military goes out of its way to show Saeed favors?

what favours?
The ISI sponsered him and now you are accusing the US for Pakistans mischief. Don't they have balls to stand up and say we made a mistake and we will make sure it does not happen again. If you are a person who has sympathy for Pakistan then it shows one and only one thing, neither Pakistan is potent nor the people who support it are potent.

Please read my previous posts, I clearly said, not ‘enough’ efforts were made by the US to ‘arrest’ Mr H Saeed but they straight made $10mil bounty on his head, making too many armed groups running after him, while he is a political person in Pakistan, free to address the rallies, not the person like OBL or Taliban Chief who are on run?

I mean, first make ‘enough’ efforts to ‘arrest’ someone and then the question of bounty also come, if he has run. But, first they ‘clearly’ stated in press conference that Mr H Saeed is a terrorist and LET is a terrorist organization and now they say, they can’t prove it and if someone can prove him terrorist, he may earn this big money from US? Means, they call a political person of a recognized country, a terrorist, and then they offer $10mil to world to prove the same? Why they didn’t make enough efforts with Pakistan to ‘arrest’ Mr H Saeed and if Pakistan might have denied to do so, after it get proved that Mr H Saeed is a terrorist, then the question of bounty also come. While they openly call him terrorist and LET a terrorist organization?

Here, the question is not about Mr H Saeed, its about ‘competency’ of US’s foreign affairs. How did they reach this level that they are simply not in the position to run their country, showing the world that US’s would now be recognized as a failed state which isn’t competent enough to govern their nation?:pop:
Solomon @ You better look into mirror before declaring others terrorist without any proof .Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives. - US Federal Bureau of Investigation

Read the sentence carefully. You didn’t hear it on any corporate media newscast since 9/11. It’s the official US FBI definition of terrorism. In its official definition, the FBI does not limit terrorism to stateless individuals or groups. In its official definition, the FBI does not suggest that terrorism cannot be perpetrated by the leader of a nation state. But even more amazing is that the official FBI definition of terrorism describes exactly what George Bush did in the aftermath of the attacks of 9/11!


George W. Bush, in his unprovoked attack against the sovereign nation of Iraq, openly violated the UN Charter, to which the US is a signatory. The Charter's core principles contained in Article 2(4) and Article 51 prohibit one nation from attacking another except in self-defense or with the authority of the U.N. In effect, George Bush launched an unlawful use of force against persons and property.
The invasion launched by George W. Bush was heralded by the most frightening and powerful use of force and military violence in recent history. His Shock and Awe bombardment of Baghdad was designed to intimidate and coerce the government as well as the civilian population of that nation to change its existing leadership. That, in itself, was a political objective.

The purpose of the invasion and ensuing occupation of Iraq was to replace the existing dictatorship with an American-backed form of democracy that would not permit the emergence of a government headed by the majority Shia religious leadership. These motives were unquestionably political and social.

So, what part of the FBI definition of “terrorism” do the voters of the United States not understand? And what acts of terrorism as defined by the FBI do the voters of the United States not recognize? Is there any doubt at all that the Bush administration committed acts of terrorism when it unlawfully used force and violence against the nation of Iraq to intimidate and coerce its government and the civilian population, in furtherance of the Bush/PNAC political and social objectives.

Therefore, by any definition, if George W. Bush is guilty of terrorism, he can accurately be identified as a TERRORIST. And if he is truly a terrorist, it is only fitting that George W. Bush be scrutinized in terms of his success in that capacity. What is his standing among the other murderous terrorist activity in the world today? Is it possible that George W. Bush actually has claim to being the very BEST at something during his reign in office? Let’s look at the figures.



source : George W. Bush - World's Leading Terrorist
Nobody said anything about him being innocent, but Americans have no right to punish Pakistani's or anyone for that matter, who have not even committed a crime on American soil. This is a mockery of International law and International institutions. If he is guilty of any crime, then he should be dealt with according to the law of the land.

He is an international terrorist and an Indian fugitive just like Dawood ibrahim is, so a bounty on him is the right thing.
He is an international terrorist and an Indian fugitive just like Dawood ibrahim is, so a bounty on him is the right thing.

Not exactly, Dawood Ibrahim had back up from CIA for his survival but Hafiz Saeed doesn’t. Dawood Ibrahim never tried to resist any of the US’s movement on the international platform like how Hafiz Saeed does. Dawood Ibrahim was a CIA asset against India but Hafiz Saeed is by himself. so Im dead sure, Hafiz Saeed is not the man who controlled Mumbai attack. Mumbai Attack was controlled by one of those who obey orders by CIA and if Hafiz Saeed isn’t friendly to CIA/ US then its simply mean he wasn’t behind 26/11 2008 attack. :usflag:

US has made Pakistan what they wanted to, so now Pakistan is now full of many militants/ terrorists groups who are in fact 'freedom fighters' of Pakistan against US/UK and they also hate India at the same time. and Its obvious that any type of terror attack on India would come from Pakistan side only, as they know India more than others, but organizing something big like 26/11 2008 isn’t under their capabilities. google is filled with 100s of references that CIA controlled it through its men based in Pakistan and also in different parts of the world, like Mr David Headley who was supposed to be a double agent of CIA. Therefore, its quite logical to blame a Pakistan based militant group for Mumbai attack 26/11 2008, but you would also check whether he is friendly to CIA or not otherwise he isn't the man you want. :wave:
Over 13,000 views in just over a day! Clearly Saeed-gate is a matter of primary interest to Pakistanis, one so important that Pakistani national identity is wrapped up in it.

That means that while we are arguing the particulars, what really matters are the larger issues of national values.

There isn't any disputing that an international arrest warrant for him has been issued since 2008 that the Pakistani government has refused to execute of its own accord. So what's at stake? Is it not that many Pakistanis expect their nation to serve as the nuclear-armed shield for Islamic terorrists everywhere, so they may strike where they will with impunity, while other Pakistanis and the international community oppose this?

I think the matter is ever more important to the US as they have offered a US$10 million reward just for information, this is money that could have been used in your country's failing medical setup.

And to make matters worse, you are just as ignorant today as you were 3 years ago so let me tell you now, before you make even bigger a fool of yourself (even though you have probably set new records for that), that Hafiz Saeed was arrested and tried in Pakistani courts, he was let go because he was found 'NOT Guilty'! If you want us to hang an innocent man, then that is an entirely different matter altogether.
The ISI masterminded and controlled and executed Mumbai. The ISI is an arm of the Pakistani Army.

You cannot pull off an operation like that and keep it from the top brass.

Its as silly as saying that Osama was hiding in the backyard of your top military training institutes and the top guys of the Army knew nothing.

No one is buying such infantile naivete.

And you know this how? Were you right there in the meeting when the DG ISI gave the green light to execute the massacre in Mumbai?

These are just outright lies that are being propagated by you Indians. There is not an iota of evidence that ISI was behind the attacks in Mumbai. The attacks in Mumbai did not serve any interests of Pakistan. There is not a single benefit to Pakistan from the blood of those innocent souls whom lost their lives. Thus, either provide evidence that ISI was behind these attacks or please 'SHUT UP'.

he will be one of the MOST rabidly anti-India Pakistani leaders to date.

He has said it several times during his interviews that he wants to improve relations with India and wants build trust among both the States. I have no idea how did you make this observation that he is going to be Anti India. Pakistan is facing serious challenges which are internal and external, India is the least of our concerns :).
I see no contradiction. Not all evidence collected is usable or sufficient to convict in a court of law. That doesn't mean one can't solicit and issue rewards for such evidence, or that there could be enough evidence to charge and imprison someone.

After all, if prosecutors waited until they had iron-clad proof of criminality then U.S. courts would only issue convictions.

Not meaningless, but surely it is a snub on Pakistan - a well-deserved one.

So what's left is the Big Question: is the purpose of Pakistan to shield international terrorists? Yes or no?

Purpose of Pakistan is not to shield terrorists and we have sacrificed 40,000 lives and a loss equivalent to US$100 Billion to prove our point. But courts require proof and nobody has any.....The Big Question really is "Is US a rogue terrorist state that promotes terrorism to get her desired results?".

I will be kind on you and relieve you of the burden of answering that question, even more so because we already know the answer.
No, that's not what it means. It means it is felt there is insufficient evidence to proceed with prosecuting Saeed now for everything the U.S. government wants to try him for. The purpose of the bounty is to solicit such evidence.

Clearly the Pakistani military won't provide - Saeed dines with Pakistani generals and yesterday that relationship was reaffirmed when Saeed issued his statements from Rawalpindi. I suppose we can definitely say that the current purpose of the Pakistani state is to defend international terrorists; it's not like the Pakistanis here have argued vigorously against it.

It's up to individual Pakistani citizens now, I suppose. So, are Pakistanis going to come forward and provide information, or not? Or would doing so be considered treason?

For US$10 Million, I can cook up 'proof' implicating Obama and Bush's mother in 9/11 let alone 26/11! You cannot sustain Indian pressure and need a scapegoat of India's choice...you don't care if you hang an innocent man.

Put a reward of US$10 million on all the illegal acts committed by your military & department of foreign affairs and you will go bankrupt by day's end! US$10 million is a lot of money for Pakistani, more then you can imagine yet no proof is forthcoming.....could it be because there exists no such thing?
Solomon @ You better look into mirror before declaring others terrorist without any proof .Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives. - US Federal Bureau of Investigation

Read the sentence carefully. You didn’t hear it on any corporate media newscast since 9/11. It’s the official US FBI definition of terrorism. In its official definition, the FBI does not limit terrorism to stateless individuals or groups. In its official definition, the FBI does not suggest that terrorism cannot be perpetrated by the leader of a nation state. But even more amazing is that the official FBI definition of terrorism describes exactly what George Bush did in the aftermath of the attacks of 9/11!


George W. Bush, in his unprovoked attack against the sovereign nation of Iraq, openly violated the UN Charter, to which the US is a signatory. The Charter's core principles contained in Article 2(4) and Article 51 prohibit one nation from attacking another except in self-defense or with the authority of the U.N. In effect, George Bush launched an unlawful use of force against persons and property.
The invasion launched by George W. Bush was heralded by the most frightening and powerful use of force and military violence in recent history. His Shock and Awe bombardment of Baghdad was designed to intimidate and coerce the government as well as the civilian population of that nation to change its existing leadership. That, in itself, was a political objective.

The purpose of the invasion and ensuing occupation of Iraq was to replace the existing dictatorship with an American-backed form of democracy that would not permit the emergence of a government headed by the majority Shia religious leadership. These motives were unquestionably political and social.

So, what part of the FBI definition of “terrorism” do the voters of the United States not understand? And what acts of terrorism as defined by the FBI do the voters of the United States not recognize? Is there any doubt at all that the Bush administration committed acts of terrorism when it unlawfully used force and violence against the nation of Iraq to intimidate and coerce its government and the civilian population, in furtherance of the Bush/PNAC political and social objectives.

Therefore, by any definition, if George W. Bush is guilty of terrorism, he can accurately be identified as a TERRORIST. And if he is truly a terrorist, it is only fitting that George W. Bush be scrutinized in terms of his success in that capacity. What is his standing among the other murderous terrorist activity in the world today? Is it possible that George W. Bush actually has claim to being the very BEST at something during his reign in office? Let’s look at the figures.



source : George W. Bush - World's Leading Terrorist

Mate, its very logical that a Pakistani member may have hate for India and the same is true for few Indian members also. Calling for open Jihad against India, can’t prove that Hafiz Saeed was the man behind Mumbai attack. If he call for Jihad against India then he represent mindset of a ‘ratio’ of Pakistan’s population, that’s why even if there are many in Pakistan who criticize him then at the same time he has support there also. Till 90s, hate speech against India was one of the best way to gain votes in Pakistan’s election. And as militancy culture has been established in Pakistan/ Afghanistan since 80s by CIA, which was intended to use against SU in Afghan, its success always encouraged the Pakistan side to try the same with India in Indian Kashmir also. Their US’s bosses taught them a lesson of militancy to defeat a super power SU, and Pakistan tried the same against India also, by using the same Taliban which defeated SU in Afghan. So, if the US is right doing this against its enemies like SU then how Pakistan is wrong if they also used the same militia against their enemy number one, India?
(who doesn't know that Indian Kashmir was one of the most peaceful region till 1989, till the time Taliban won over SU in Afghan, and then the most wanted Kashmiri militant like Ilyas Kashmiri then fought with Indian military since 1989, the man who used to be even medaled by Mr Musharraf, and he was also the man who wrote history by defeating SU in Afghan while working with Taliban? who don't know that ilyas Kashmiri like many other most wanted Kashmiri militants are those who first fought with SU in Afghan and then with India in Indian Kashmir since 1989.)

I lived in a time when even if one Pakistani member says good for India, we used to appreciate him/ her otherwise we won’t expect any good statement for India from Pakistan, it was obvious. But, these ‘basic facts’ won’t take our attention out of the main problems. We would be able to identify the ‘problem’, the main reason behind any terrorist attack like Mumbai attack 26/11 2008. Otherwise, whole world knows Pakistan is full of militant groups and if something like Mumbai attack will be organized with Indian cities again in future then we will run after those militants who are enemies of US itself. First US’s government agencies organized so big crime against India and then they ‘directed’ strength of India against those militants of Pakistan who are enemies of US itself. :rofl: This way they are just killing both Indians and Pakistanis, and at the same time US want them continue to fight with each other. :usflag:

Otherwise, wasn't Mr Dawood Ibrahim behind over 1000 deaths in Mumbai itself, including around 260 on just one day in early 90s, but he is well known as an ‘asset’ of CIA? While only 180 were scored on 26/11 2008? Why don’t Indian agencies try to capture the 'handlers' of Dawood Ibrahim who are behind death over 1000 Indian civilians, other than running after enemies of US itself, like Hafiz Saeed? While Indian agencies themselves got enough proof to believe that the main handler of Mumbai attack 26/11 2008, David Headley, might be a double agent of CIA? Read my post ‘668’ and many other 100s of references on google.


Those people who don’t want to get confused won’t read anything from here. i also use this website to give information to media, which I have for them. Thanks.

Few things which people like Mr Musharraf understands quite well and I have also got a ‘direct’ experience of it. That is, “Dawood Ibrahim might be a very big criminal but he isn’t a ‘Terrorist’. Even if he might be behind many crimes in India, he never went against US/ UK. Hence, he is the man who has ‘talent’ which may be of use for the ‘state’ of US/ UK. As, only those are defined as ‘terrorists’ who go against the ‘Rule’ of ‘US/ UK’, against the ‘state’ of US/ UK. Otherwise, CIA keeps a type of appreciation for those who have enough ‘talent’ to commit crimes and CIA and other western government agencies try to learn from them and then use these people. as they are then categorized as the people who could prove that they may think more than the local government agencies, for example Dawood Ibrahim. Only those are defined as ‘Terrorists’ who go against the ‘State/ Rule’ of US/ UK. You would be surprised to know, it was found by the Russian agencies also that tactics used by the terrorists of Mumbai attacks were similar to the militants of Chechnya, who were found to have continuous support from CIA during 90s.”

(at the same time, ask all the senior members of PDF, google was filled with the webpages with claims that CIA was controlling Mumbai attack 26/11 2008. and then US/ NATO organised 26/11 2011 with Pakistan to give a sense that India might be behind taking revenge of 26/11 2008. even if NATO does something with Pakistan, they try to keep thinking of Pakistan towards India only, to keep them within the 'box' they lived in till now. US has a good number of slaves in India who try to prove that US wants to 'help' India against Pakistan and China and in return, India would become US's slave, similar to Japan/ Korea type China's neighbors.)

The terrorists in the Indian city of Mumbai, who killed more than 150 people and injured over 300, used the same tactics that Chechen field militants employed in the Northern Caucasus, says Russian counter terrorism presidential envoy Anatoly Safonov.

In towns of the Northern Cauasus in 1990s, terrorists seized homes and hospitals and took numerous hostages.

"These tactics were used during raids by militant Chechen field commanders Shamil Basayev and Salman Raduyev against the towns of Buddyonnovsk and Pervomaiskoye. For the first time in history the entire towns were terrorized, with homes and hospitals seized. The Mumbai terrorists have learned these tactics well," Safonov told Russian news agency Interfax on Thursday.

Mumbai terrorists used Chechen tactics

(and yes At the same time US/ UK are legally bind to accept that those militants groups who kill civilians in mass are terrorists.)

It was the time when I backed to university in 2009/ 2010 for doing part time MBA and dramas were organized around me there, and lecturers were used to do so. There I found, too many Indian origins having the same type of ‘red stings’ on their hands, showing they are Hindus, like how terrorists of Mumbai attack 26/11 2008 had. And later I guessed many of them were Pakistani Muslims. I myself was surprised, why Indian students would use Hindu type red stings on hands in universities, while those who come overseas think for their career first. I myself never visited any temple in Australia and always tried to think for my career only. why Indian students would give more chance to the Western establishments to do publicity that they do have ‘political problems’ due to Indian Hindus migrants in US/ UK/ Australia, to justify ongoing attacks on Indian origins in these 3 countries in 2009/2010? And so many numbers of them in MBA classes of my university? But when I guessed they might be Pakistani Muslims, I made clear statement in 2010 that, “those who used their minds in 26/11 2008 Mumbai attack are using the same mind in Australian universities also, to show ‘political problems’ due to Indian Hindus in Australia, to justify ongoing attacks on Indian students in 2009/10.” (it was the time when rulers of US/ UK/ Australia were threatened with highly qualified Indian migrants who take white collar jobs and try to gain big in life which finally benefit their home country, they believe. Average salary of Indian highly qualified migrants is over twice to local whites in US/ UK/ Australia and they also try to do business in West also, after having good level of experience. the main 'political problem' there. Then I started visiting Russian embassy in Sydney for any type of political support during early 2010 to mid 2010, but I couldn’t.)

I know this concept of ‘Terrorist’, how terrorists are defined in US/ UK/ Australia, as, I was told by different sources of US/ UK that, “No matter how big criminal I am, I can be defended and allowed to get progress in my life/ career if I may prove Im not a terrorist, who is against ‘Rule’/ ‘state’ of US and UK. Even people like Mr Dawood Ibrahim may also become billionaire, if he understands the ‘Rule’. and whether Im a highly qualified professional or a big criminal, I can go high in my life only if I may prove that Im not against the ‘Rule’/ ‘state’. (few senior member of PDF like Jana, Bull, Asim, ‘NEO’ etc know what Im saying. I came to PDF for few months in mid to late 2008 and for 2-3 months in 2006 also. since then all these started.) or, the other way to ‘protect’ my life was by declaring me a ‘mad’, who doesn’t understands the ‘Rule’, and I was always informed through the different sources that it was people of British Queen who was behind my survival for last 5.5 years. But I clearly told to those Western establishments, “I will prefer to go jail in India but I won’t like to be one among people like Dawood Ibrahim. I will prefer a ‘dog death’ as compare to going on the hands of those, be among them, who score 20-30 just to see how things go and then they plan for a larger war.” (Jana, Asim, Bull, NEO etc also know this. it was the time for few months in 2008 when I came to PDF and also got banned during Mumabi attack. there was a time in 2008 when these people used to think that Im a criminal who was on run from India and I won't ever back to India no matter what :lol:. now I again joined PDF since early november 2011 with a hope of an end all these involvements I got caught with.)

(just to inform from my side, it has been a dream of the people like Mr Bush, Mr Howard, Mr Clinton, Mr Blair etc to make me part of their team. as they used to believe, after a certain level of damage to the 'Rule' of India/ the nation, I will finally accept to come under the 'Rule' of US/ UK. what clear message I was given from the receptionist who sit on "level 4 of building 4/5 of UTS", in mid 2009, (sometimes in August/ September 2009), "You dont understand the 'Rule', understand the Rule." I simply offered many times, “just bring all the Afghan refugees living in the Pakistan’s camp due to the threat to be killed by US’s soldiers/ NATO's drones. Prove that your ‘Rule’ will bring ‘equality’ in world. after all, all those Taliban/ At Qaeda fighters, with whom you are fighting with in Afghan, were made by yourself?” I even proposed, “If you may bring those Afghan refugees to Australia type country who is part of NATO's war in Afghan, Im ready to surrender my Australian passport and leave Australia in 2 days notice.”)

What I told to that Italian girl who was living in my flat in 'Quay St, Sydney' in mid 2011, “My father is on bed and Im not sure why. But even if my all the family member may get killed one by one, I will not let myself go on the hands of those who may do so many things for so long.” She was looking like an Western/ Italian spy, who recently came to our house, and it was also the time when Sonia Gandhi was admitted in a hospital of US for unknown surgery. I don’t know how all are linked with each other, just guessing, but I was always clear from my side and tried to run from all these thing for a long, and still trying. I knew a country like US/ UK/ Australia are very good to earn more and go high while working within my profession but I first had to come out of the eyes of those who continuously watch me. And as they have come after me in India also, I again joined PDF in november 2011 and I hope it is the last time I have come to PDF. Now I have come in the position to understand that I would now forget Australia and think for other places, excluding India, where all those people won’t come after me. I have four countries in my list, Russia/ Kazakhstan/ Belarus and Iran but Im very hopeful with Iran’s rulers as they would stand with their words, if they will commit, and hopefully I may get a ‘safe pass’ to Russia this way.
Rest, as the rulers of West are mainly concerned with ‘Cultural War’ due to rise of India/ China, mainly with other religious groups like highly qualified Hindus, so I have accepted to keep doing prays in Christian religious way, as I was told to, as I want to keep enough reasons for my survival. I always had to accept that going against those Western rulers is a type of suicide attempt and I would leave enough reasons, why they won’t count me on their fingers also, like how they usually count 20-30.
Enough for the Interpol warrant in 2008 at the very least. Is there a problem with soliciting additional proof?

"Wednesday, August 26
Interpol has issued a Red Corner Notice (RCN) against Jamaatud Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed, Times of India reported on Tuesday.

Hafiz Saeed has been charge-sheeted by India for masterminding the attacks in Mumbai on Nov 26 last year.

The notice, according to the newspaper, will make it difficult for Pakistan to let the JuD chief roam freely.

The paper said the CBI, which acts as an agency for all dealings with Interpol, has written to the world police body to get an RCN issued against Saeed, who was ‘let off by the Lahore High Court as Islamabad didn’t press charges against him.’

Interpol issues an RCN against any accused after it receives all information and evidence against him from the country in which the crime has been committed.

An RCN, however, is not an international arrest warrant and Interpol cannot force Pakistan to arrest Saeed."

Not very bright are you? Especially as you are aware of the issues b/w Pakistan & India yet you are adamant that an innocent man be hanged to satisfy India.

Under the post-9/11 UNSC Resolutions (especially 1373, binding under Chapter VII of the Charter) Pakistan is obliged to eliminate terrorists and terror-training camps from its territory and to deny terrorists safe harbor - except Pakistan hasn't complied because it hasn't changed its laws to suit, nor do courts like the LHC recognize Pakistan's sovereign international obligations.

We recognise and respect all international laws. We have taken more action against 'terrorists' then the world combined, most of them were your Soviet-Afgan war allies. Ofcourse you have gone out of your way to 'execute' anyone in this part of the world who has even heard the word 'terrorism' because of your foreign policies and interests, you do recognise international laws and you piss on them whenever they are against your interest, right?

Why don't you ask why the Pakistani military goes out of its way to show Saeed favors?

Favors....such as???
And you know this how? Were you right there in the meeting when the DG ISI gave the green light to execute the massacre in Mumbai?

No sorry I could not attend. Could you?

These are just outright lies that are being propagated by you Indians. There is not an iota of evidence that ISI was behind the attacks in Mumbai. The attacks in Mumbai did not serve any interests of Pakistan. There is not a single benefit to Pakistan from the blood of those innocent souls whom lost their lives. Thus, either provide evidence that ISI was behind these attacks or please 'SHUT UP'.

There is a ton of evidence accepted by the governemnts and courts of countries other than India.

There is a confession of a Pakistani operative in an American court of law.

So either provide evidence to disprove the above or take your own advice.

He has said it several times during his interviews that he wants to improve relations with India and wants build trust among both the States. I have no idea how did you make this observation that he is going to be Anti India. Pakistan is facing serious challenges which are internal and external, India is the least of our concerns :).

Dont joke man. India is always going to be Pakistan's biggest concern. As long as we are around. Or you are. :)

I stand by my impression about the man. What one says is not necessarily what one feels or is.

He is a fanatic with Western veneer who will show his true colors sooner rather than later.
Btw, Notorious, Asim and other Imran fans.

Did I mention that I once shook hands with the man in Jamshedpur when they had come for a match? A fanatic.

A barely out of his teens Wasim Akram as well. A nice man.
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