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Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

No he doesn't. He talks about ongoing freedom struggle in Kashmir.

Which part of ongoing freedom struggle in Kashmir included all this

Jews using altered Bible to mislead Christians into disaster, says Hafiz Saeed

LAHORE, Feb 16 (Online): Ameer, Jama\'t-ud-Da\'wah Pakistan, Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, has said Jews and Christians are promoting religion-based terrorism all over the world. In a statement, he said Israel has the full support of the *Kuffar* (non-Muslims) in its plans to martyr Masjid Al Aqsa. He also said that Basant is a Hindu festivity, not a Muslim one, and Muslims should shun it. He said that promotion of Hindu culture is a conspiracy to break up Pakistan, exactly as had happened at the time of the Bangladesh split, so it must, therefore, be avoided at all costs. He was addressing the Jumuah congregation at Masjid Al Qadsia in Chowburji, Lahore .

Hafiz Saeed said the hopeless and timid attitude of our rulers, combined with the ever increasing religion-based terrorism by the Kuffar continues, Muslims will be forced into taking the defense of their lands,lives, and honor, into their own hands. He expressed his dismay at the wretched and pitiable feebleness of Muslim governments who are unable to defend their religion, their countries, their resources, or their interests .

Hafiz Saeed said the Jews have thoroughly misled the Christians by spreading an altered version of the Bible among them for the sake of furthering their own interests. The Christians are being told by the Jews, he said, that the arrival of *E\'esa*, *alaihissalaam* (Jesus, may Allah\'s peace and blessings be upon him) is imminent, and that they must take over, and that nothing can stop them from taking over the whole world, by hook or by crook, before his arrival. He said the recent events in Jerusalem at the Al Aqsa Masjid are a continuity of the same conspiracy .

He said the need of the hour, and the only way to counter the challenges faced by the Muslim Ummah, is to unite all Muslims under the umbrella of Islam. He said the Kuffar are committing atrocities against Muslims on the one hand, while simultaneously, trying to push them away from their pious culture and imposing Hindu and Western culture among the Muslims through the promotion of lewd and vulgar events like the Valentine Day and Basant. He said a similar strategy was used to break Bangladesh away from Pakistan. Hindu culture was promoted, Islamic curriculum was curtailed, and an Indian curriculum was introduced, and rifts were sown among Punjabis and Bengalis on the basis of language .

He said even though the people of Pakistan have repeatedly expressed their revulsion of the murderous fad of kite-flying, yet our rulers are intent upon promoting it, just to please India. He said our rulers had never cared about Islam in the past either, but now they are showing their utter disdain for their own people for the whole world to see. He said the throats of scores of innocent young children riding on motorbikes with their parents had been slashed by kite-strings, yet our heartless rulers are bent upon promoting the agenda of their foreign masters .
Political manovres and nothing else, however one which is clearly showing US intent to end any relationship with Pakistan.........

Pakistan should respond with detaining CIA agents in Pakistan and claim that they are to be investigated for the murders of innocent Pakistanis due to intelligence provided by these people that led to a drone strike, if the US begins to further up the ante, then Pakistan should claim that they will stand trial for War Crimes committed against the people of Pakistan through illegal drone strikes, and Crimes against Humanity......... thus detaining further Agents

Kill to birds with one stone, (a) send a rocking message back to the US and (b) allow the withdrawal of CIA operatives in Pakistan voluntarily....... abit like when ISI leaked the nameof the CIA director in Pakistan and immediately a lawsuit began in the Supreme Court forcing the Director to leave very quickly........
So, I'm am bit baffled here. We have Pakistanis thinking this some retaliation for supply routes? Would that not be too insignificant really. Stopping all aid is what the US did. Drone attacks are still ongoing.

If I'm a Pakistani I would be happy with such news. I would not want such characters in my country that only seek violent takeovers and disregard my countries law and order and constitution. I would want my country back.

it's crazy to read Pakistanis getting mad over a terrorists being singled out that even their own govt finds risking their citizens lives.
Political manovres and nothing else, however one which is clearly showing US intent to end any relationship with Pakistan.........

Pakistan should respond with detaining CIA agents in Pakistan and claim that they are to be investigated for the murders of innocent Pakistanis due to intelligence provided by these people that led to a drone strike, if the US begins to further up the ante, then Pakistan should claim that they will stand trial for War Crimes committed against the people of Pakistan through illegal drone strikes, and Crimes against Humanity......... thus detaining further Agents

Kill to birds with one stone, (a) send a rocking message back to the US and (b) allow the withdrawal of CIA operatives in Pakistan voluntarily....... abit like when ISI leaked the nameof the CIA director in Pakistan and immediately a lawsuit began in the Supreme Court forcing the Director to leave very quickly........

Keeping the supply routes closed will suffice in my opinion. Taking down drones entering Pakistani airspace illegally could be another option. Also, closing down the border area with Afghanistan will help enormously. There are a plethora of options at disposal. At the same time, rid the country from US/foreign spies and clean up foreign funded militants.
^^^^^^ whose court? because then we can ask you show us one court ruling where your high courts have not let go of every terrorist practically.
Here is the thread which describes the rallies these guys hold -


Some excerpts from the news reports ...

The organisers had invited the parents of men killed fighting in Kashmir and Afghanistan to the conference. A man who had lost three sons and two nephews was called to the dais to speak briefly. From the stage, men on loudspeakers led the crowd in chants of ‘Sabilina sabilina, al jihad al jihad’, ‘India ka aik ilaaj, al jihad al jihad’. ...

Maulana Ahmad Ludhianvi spoke against Ahmedis. He said that US-Pakistani businessman Mansoor Ijaz was an Ahmedi and was conspiring against Pakistan in the form of the memo scandal. He said 4,000 young people he had sent for jihad had died.

Saeed and his backers, who routinely violate the sovereignty of other nations, should not complain if somebody puts a bounty on their heads.

This particular action appears to be a fallout of the Afghan Jihad.
Cute. Instead of the headline "US selflessly rewards those who pursue terror masters" we read "US admits to sponsoring hits in Pakistan". Reminds me of the U.S. presidential candidate who complained that if he walked on water the next day's newspaper headline would be "Jesse can't swim".
when will USA put a bounty on the heads of these gentlemen.
Bal Thackeray
Jagdish Tytler
Shri Jagmohan
Swami Aseemanand
Prasad Shrikant Purohit
.Kamal Chauhan
Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur
Narendra Modi
Just because he is anti-Indian or anti-US does not make him guilty. Present unequivocal, substantiated proof against him in court; just like the LeT has been banned in Pakistan, so will the JuD (& HS jailed).

Given that logic. OBL was not guilty too. that bar for proof seems to be pretty high for your homegrown folks. alternatively, without any proof you guys love saying american and Indians fuel your local terrorist attacks.

| Video | 26/11: Won't defend Hafiz Saeed in US court, says Pakistan | World Videos | - India Today

Maybe the question needs to be asked: Do Pakistanis define a terrorist as one that attacks only internally to Pakistan, all external ones are ______?
when will USA put a bounty on the heads of these gentlemen.
Bal Thackeray
Jagdish Tytler
Shri Jagmohan
Swami Aseemanand
Prasad Shrikant Purohit
.Kamal Chauhan
Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur
Narendra Modi

No chance of the US doing that to any of those guys, not now, not ...........................................:no:
The US just don't care about them enough.
means they are only afraid of muslims power lol:smokin:

and also fact is that ,only muslims defeat the great empires like british russia ,and now america ..no matter which muslims :smokin:
^^^^^^ whose court? because then we can ask you show us one court ruling where your high courts have not let go of every terrorist practically.

Read the context.

And you'll have to wait forever, for as long as he is in Pakistan I doubt they'll so much so as pluck a hair out of his head let alone prosecute and hang him.

No, the claim was that he has already been tried and found guilty in court, presumably Indian court. Pakistan is following due process. If the evidence doesn't stack up, then the accused go free.

Once again, I am waiting to see where ANY court has found him guilty on Mumbai.
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