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Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

Read the context.

No, the claim was that he has already been tried and found guilty in court, presumably Indian court. Pakistan is following due process. If the evidence doesn't stack up, then the accused go free.

Once again, I am waiting to see where ANY court has found him guilty on Mumbai.
Right now you have got 3 parties - India, USA, UNSC which think that they have enough evidence to put Hafiz Saeed to the gallows. I don't know what sort of tampering goes on in Pakistan but I am willing to bet that he will be found guilty in any national court of any country[ democratic].
Read the context.

No, the claim was that he has already been tried and found guilty in court, presumably Indian court. Pakistan is following due process. If the evidence doesn't stack up, then the accused go free.

Once again, I am waiting to see where ANY court has found him guilty on Mumbai.

Indian courts did.
Right now you have got 3 parties - India, USA, UNSC which think that they have enough evidence to put Hafiz Saeed to the gallows. I don't know what sort of tampering goes on in Pakistan but I am willing to bet that he will be found guilty in any national court of any country[ democratic].

This has already been covered in this thread.

The UNSC says nothing about putting anyone to the gallows -- it has nothing to do with Mumbai -- only talks about restricting movement and freezing assets.
The Indian claim we all know, still without any court conviction though.
And the US bounty simply calls for his arrest -- again, nothing about a trial and conviction.

Indian courts did.

Post a link of his Indian court conviction on Mumbai.
Can you post a court ruling declaring HS guilt of Mumbai?


What are you going to do?

Arrest him and send him to me?

Or are you going to question the bias of the court?

Or its due process?

Or the quality and authenticity of the evidence?

Or the credibility of the deposition and the deposer?

Or the national identity of the deposer?

Or the fact that such evidence was collected under narcotics or duress?

Is my giving you a link worth the effort of typing out this response even?

Not if you are like another 250+ million Pakistanis.

Now go ahead and type expected or thought so.


What are you going to do?

Arrest him and send him to me?

Or are you going to question the bias of the court?

Or its due process?

Or the quality and authenticity of the evidence?

Or the credibility of the deposition and the deposer?

Or the national identity of the deposer?

Or the fact that such evidence was collected under narcotics or duress?

Is my giving you a link worth the effort of typing out this response even?

Not if you are like another 250+ million Pakistanis.

Does that mean that, despite your earlier claim, there is no court conviction even in India?
Nice give Saeed more importance on world media, ramp up the hoo haa over him and turn a non entity into a important figure.

I would say tomorrow India and US should double the bounty on his head..

Why don’t you just bring his case to world court? Doesn’t even matter cuz every government is making sure that they keep public bogged down on non issues, while banking sector, trade and every meaningful aspect of human life that matters is at taters. World over ...

Just wait on Saeed he will die a natural death, if you still want to whinge and whine then do whatever you like, and make him more relevant than he really is.
This has already been covered in this thread.

The UNSC says nothing about putting anyone to the gallows -- it has nothing to do with Mumbai -- only talks about restricting movement and freezing assets.
The Indian claim we all know, still without any court conviction though.
And the US bounty simply calls for his arrest -- again, nothing about a trial and conviction.

Post a link of his Indian court conviction on Mumbai.
No one's gonna convict Hafiz Saeed. There is a due process going on [ or was] in your country and we have provided "enough" evidence" as the politicos put it. And they aren't fools to believe that 'enough evidence' wouldn't be enough in Pakistani courts. They are well aware of your laws as such and only then do they claim that the evidence provided is enough. But I along with most Indians have given up any hope of HS being convicted there and just as another Indian member put it 'when was the last time a terrorist convicted in Pakistan?'.
Nice give Saeed more importance on world media, ramp up the hoo haa over him and turn a non entity into a important figure.

I would say tomorrow India and US should double the bounty on his head..

Why don’t you just bring his case to world court? Doesn’t even matter cuz every government is making sure that they keep public bogged down on non issues, while banking sector, trade and every meaningful aspect of human life that matters is at taters. World over ...

Just wait on Saeed he will die a natural death, if you still want to whinge and whine then do whatever you like, and make him more relevant than he really is.

You really don't understand that the more relevant people like Saeed and their activities become, the less relevant Pakistan's so-called Kashmir 'cause' become, do you?
Does that mean that, despite your earlier claim, there is no court conviction even in India?

There is an non bailable arrest warrant issued by Indian courts against him. The conviction can happen only when he is arrested and presented in the courts for trial. Basis that arrest warrant there is a red corner interpol notice in his name..
What are you going to do if there is?

I am a busy doctor. I do not do courtroom consults and net searches for free.

Wanted to establish if you can back up your words with objective evidence.

No one's gonna convict Hafiz Saeed. There is a due process going on [ or was] in your country and we have provided "enough" evidence" as the politicos put it. And they aren't fools to believe that 'enough evidence' wouldn't be enough in Pakistani courts. They are well aware of your laws as such and only then do they claim that the evidence provided is enough. But I along with most Indians have given up any hope of HS being convicted there and just as another Indian member put it 'when was the last time a terrorist convicted in Pakistan?'.

But you claim to have all the evidence needed. Why not convict him in absentia, at least to put pressure on Pakistan?

Could it be that, despite public pronouncements, the Indian government knows its evidence is not enough for a conviction? Is the Indian government just playing media games?
There is an non bailable arrest warrant issued by Indian courts against him. The conviction can happen only when he is arrested and presented in the courts for trial. Basis that arrest warrant there is a red corner interpol notice in his name..

See above. If the evidence is there and he refuses to show up in court, he can still be convicted in absentia. Happens all the time with fugitives.

That, of course, is only possible if the evidence stacks up.

P.S. The interpol notice only proves there is enough cause for arrest (Kasab's testimony). It says nothing about a conviction.
But you claim to have all the evidence needed. Why not convict him in absentia, at least to put pressure on Pakistan?

Because Indian law does not allow trial in absentia in criminal cases..

See above. If the evidence is there and he refuses to show up in court, he can still be convicted in absentia. Happens all the time with fugitives.

example please...
You really don't understand that the more relevant people like Saeed and their activities become, the less relevant Pakistan's so-called Kashmir 'cause' become, do you?
Thanks to your holy thickness, you yourself have proved that India doesn’t give a damn about his own made-up claims of terrorists working from Pakistan and Killing your beloved Injians.

I know it all along what you wrote you dobo. Just tell your thickheaded countrymen that Saeed is to be kept alive and he needs to Kill more Injians so you can make Kashmir less relevant.

Lolz at your thickness..

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