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Hafiz Saeed and Syed Ali Gillani in program with Kashif Abbasi

With some of the cases I have seen personally, trouble I have had myself in Canada with PNA, the toronto 18 plot in which I hold the solid belief all said bombers were innocent and the stuff promoted during the Samjhauta express attacks claiming ISI was responsible only to be proven wrong... sometimes I seriously doubt he was involved.

My article on the case:

The last thing the Indian and Pakistani governments can be blamed for is trusting each other. However these days Pakistan's government can also be blamed for not having the spine to defend National Interest.

Last month 10 terrorists held the city of Mumbai hostage for over 60 hours massacring over 170 people. Immediately after the attack several leaders of Hindu terrorist outfits such as the VHP, Shiv Sena and RSS stated that war with Pakistan is the only solution. The RSS chief even suggested all out nuclear war to cleanse the World of “Evil Pakistan”.

While this warmongering and the usual blame game continued the media in Pakistan too fell to the claims of India and accepted that Pakistan was to blame for the incident. However we seem to be forgetting that Lashkar E Toiba was also blamed for the Samjhauta Express attacks which were later known to have been conducted by Hindu Terrorists.

Now you may call me a conspiracy theorist but the last thing I believe in doing is accepting the blame for something that actually did not happen from our territory. Here I will point out the things that go against the Indian medias version of events. I will not form an opinion because I admit I do not know what happened. But I will point out that there are severe issues with the account of things as it is now.

1 Pakistan and Bangladesh based militants with the support of ISI have been blamed for almost every attack in India. Can it really be true that no attack takes place without Pakistan being blamed even though India makes 1/5th of the World Population and is known for religious violence?

2 The terrorists were talking in Hindi, their speaking style, their interviews with the media proved they were from Hyderabad as was stated by them. Many Hyderabadis themselves confirmed that they really were from the region of Hyderabad seeing their speaking style and interview.

3 Hemant Karkare had implicated Colonel Prasad Purohit and a number of Indian Hindu terrorists for the Samjhauta attacks and stated that some BJP leaders could be responsible for the attacks. He was killed within the first 10 minutes of the attack. Several BJP leaders have said that "he got what he deserved" and some fanatic Hindu websites stated he was a "slave of Muslims."

4 It is speculated that Hemant Karkares widow did not take Modi’s compensation for this very reason and she knew he was trying to capitalize on the anger left after the attacks as a basis to demonize Muslims and blame Pakistan. Several people suggested she might have thought or known he was responsible for the attacks as well. Why did Karkares wife deny the compensation if she did not know that there was definitely something fishy surrounding the murder of her husband?

5 Hemant Karkare received death threats from Hindu fanatics a day before he was killed and he had exposed a group named Abhinav Bharat. He had said it was involved in previous attacks against Muslims. Could this have been the cause of his death and were the members of this shadowy outfit the perpetuators?

6 Indian forces inability to stop only 10 terrorists who caused so much damage casts major doubts about the Indian government description of the events. Several people are wondering how just 10 terrorists could cause such a massive scale of carnage killing over 170 civilians without being stopped.

7 The timing of the attacks could not be any better. Elections were just a few days ahead and this attack was set to give BJP a Right Wing Hindu Nationalist Party a major boost in the elections.

8 Jamaat Ud Dawa is a charity and all of Pakistan rallies in its support and surprisingly even the Hindus and Christians in Pakistan rallied for it claiming it was in no way a terrorist organization as it provided them with education and healthcare. JuD has over 180 schools, 40000 students and thousands who live on their aid and medical supplies daily. Is this really a terrorist organization or a victim of the old blame game. Shweta Mayur has specifically raised this point.

9 Why was Mr Qasab wearing a band that fanatic Hindus wear? The band he was wearing is a band worn by RSS terrorists.

10 Lashker E Toiba and ISI have been blamed before in the Samjhauta Express and Malegaon attacks as well & it was later proven that Purohit was actually involved for both. Over 50 Pakistanis died in the same attack and this was also blamed on the Lashker E Toiba at first. So how credible is India's version of events and what is being hidden this time? I believe this point should not be ignored at all costs.

11 The list of 20 people India gave to Pakistan include names of dead people, people not in Pakistan and people who have been in jail for years. Is this list a joke?

12 Many Indian intellectuals and think-tanks have raised the issue of the falsity of Indian governments claims and their disapproval of finger pointing saying Hindu fanatics in India may have committed the attack. One of these was AR Antulay Minority Affairs Minister whose comments are the biggest blow to the Indian analysis and he said Karkare has been killed by Hindu fanatics and it should be probed.

13 Several Shiv Seniks had been talking about such an attack to "awaken hindus" across India and make them aware of the Islamic plot against them. The RSS chief said such an attack was needed to make Hindus fight against the demon (Islam according to them)

14 A strange group of Islamic terrorists would go to a bar and have several drinks and start their rampage from there. Intellectuals have been wondering what kind of Islamic terrorists come in T-shirts and jeans, completely clean shaven and would start their rampage from a bar.

15 The terrorist that killed Hemant Karkare spoke Marathi according to Maharashtra Times itself. Marathi is only spoken within India. Is he really a Pakistani?

16 Several Police Officers have broken the silence and said that it was standard procedure to blame Pakistan for terrorist attacks. A Muslim Police Officer even stated that he was not sure that Ajmal Amir Qasab was a Pakistani.

17 It is claimed by the media that the attackers came from Karachi via sea. What was the coastguard doing all this time? And over 200 miles were crossed without the Indian coastguard noticing at all. If I know something I know very well India's navy is much more powerful than Pakistan's and ruined ours in the 1971 war. I would not expect negligence of the Indian Navy.

18 No one except Mr Modi the Chief Minister of Gujarat, the same person who is said to be responsible for the massacre of several thousand Muslim civilians in cold blood in Gujarat even thought about compensating the victims. What is this proving? That Hindus should follow terrorists like Modi instead of more secular Hindu parliamentarians because he is the only one who cares about terrorism?

19 The events were changed several times and several conflicting statements were made by different sources. First Mauritius ID cards were found with the terrorists, then they were not. The contradictory statements by different government officials and investigators cast a shadowy image to this situation.

20 Conveniently the same terrorist caught on tape was the one who was captured. Not only that but conveniently this same terrorist seems to be walking casually at the train station with an Ak47 in his hands and does not notice someone with a mobile camera taking pictures of him in what seems to be an empty place.

21 The terrorists definitely knew the city inside out. They were well aware of the locations to strike and were so well acquainted with the city that they knew every corner. Even many Indians themselves did not know about the Jewish community center. Several sources have claimed that they had been living in Mumbai for at least a year to know the city so well. Were they Indian or Pakistani?

22 Why would the terrorists call their alleged leader Hafiz Mohammed Saeed through VOIP in the middle of the fight when Indian commandos were pounding at the hotel? Did the terrorists really want themselves to be traced back to where they actually came from and came with all preparation, passports and documents to prove they were Pakistani?

23 Several Indian media circles even went as far as to claim that the attack was the handiwork of ISI. Now what kind of intelligence agency would launch an attack that could actually be traced right back to itself? It seems that “Pakistan’s Powerful Spy Agency” is more often than not a victim of the failures of others.

24 India brought the controversial Prevention of Terrorism Act back (It had been repealed in 2004 when the Congress came to power) after the attack which allowed any person to be arrested on the charge of fomenting terrorism without adequate proof. It was quite convenient that the act was brought up again. The act gives major powers to the agencies.

25 The Malegaon blasts case was forgotten where Sadhvi Pragya and Colonel Purohit were said to have taken part in the blasts. It pushed both the cases to the sidelines.
Looks like you do not know IWT treaty that was signed by both of us. It gives you three western rivers and India gets three eastern rivers......

You asked a simple question, and you got a simple answer.

So please don't use a lame @rse excuse instead of accepting the bare facts that India did cut off waters.

Now for the IWT, the reality back then was that Indians were going to cut off the water and it was likely that Pakistan and India will go to war on this.

International community stepped in and got the treaty signed.

It is like a a Bhatta Khor (mafioso) shows up on my shop/ buisness and demands I hand over $10,000 cash.

Then the local market association steps in and works out a "deal" between the bhatta khor and I.

Then the Bhatta khor goes around and says"

--- See I got $10,000 from him after signing a "deal"


This is the logic behind IWT, and you are shamelessly parroting it around. ,

Sorry to say!
Haffez Saeed is Indian agent, He is creating terrorists in Pakistan, which today are hurting India. But in long turn they will hurt Pakistani (Just like TTP).

The day when Pakistan will ink deal with India on Kashmir (Making LoC permanent border or evacuating Gilgit-Baltistan for India) either peacefully or after loosing some war. These same ppl will turn there gun against Pakistani and more and more Pakistani will die.

Insahallah keep nurturing snake, the snake will bite Pakistan one day..

ya,he is a long term thinker.
You asked a simple question, and you got a simple answer.

So please don't use a lame @rse excuse instead of accepting the bare facts that India did cut off waters.

Now for the IWT, the reality back then was that Indians were going to cut off the water and it was likely that Pakistan and India will go to war on this.

International community stepped in and got the treaty signed.

Yes, we did cut off water in the case of eastern rivers(they are still flowing and are not totally cut off ). Being upper riparian we have advantage to dictate terms and yet we gave you a very good deal in terms of giving you full resources of 3 western rivers and signed IWT treaty.

And have we not kept our deal until now even though we had three wars?? We know how important this treaty be kept going, because we may not be able to come to terms in future for any settlement.

The Kashmir issue and disputes over the sharing of water resources are intertwined. From independence to the present day, they remain the two biggest challenges when it comes to normalization of relations between our two states.

let me also remind you .....In future all bets are off because of climate change......
With some of the cases I have seen personally, trouble I have had myself in Canada with PNA, the toronto 18 plot in which I hold the solid belief all said bombers were innocent and the stuff promoted during the Samjhauta express attacks claiming ISI was responsible only to be proven wrong... sometimes I seriously doubt he was involved.

My article on the case:

The fact that the people allegedly involved in the Samjhauta express blasts are in jail and are being trialled by Indian Judiciary and if proven guility will be punished, it proves that how India functions and even with India giving proofs of hafeez saeed's involvement in 26/11 Mumbai attacks he still is raoming free in Pakistan.
The fact that the people allegedly involved in the Samjhauta express blasts are in jail and are being trialled by Indian Judiciary and if proven guility will be punished, it proves that how India functions and even with India giving proofs of hafeez saeed's involvement in 26/11 Mumbai attacks he still is raoming free in Pakistan.

Are you forgetting India initially labelled LET and ISI as the conspirators in the Samjhauta Express attacks only to be proven absolutely wrong. I was in Lucknow at the time and remember the intricate details of how ISI was blamed. Post 9-11 in a world of Islamo-phobia Indians successfully transferred their narrative to other nations. Samjhauta express is a dent on India's credibility. Pakistan finds it harder to believe India now.

Hafiz Saeed, if he is guilty should be hanged, but courts did find him innocent. Says we should have thought about it and given him exemplary punishment if we accepted responsibility. I think accepting the attacks took place from Pakistan was a dire mistake.
There is no way in bright day or dark night ,Hafiz saeed will never be trial as india wishes without concrete evidence

india could only cry over n over again but she just doesn't have the heart to do anything.!!

India will keep committing killing against their own people as they did on 26/11 to divert the main issues between the 2 sides ,!!
If i agree with you atleast the alleged perpetrators where caught in the end. no one is perfect and we are not in denial mode for everything like Pakistan is. Hafiz Saeed is just doing things to satisfy his thirst for revenge against Indians for alleged atrocities on his family at the time of partiton.
Hafiz Saeed and JuD types are nincompoop Mullahs who have created a state within Pakistani state in the name of Islamo-Fascism.

They think they can take on India and thus they do not need Pak army anymore.

Poor beardos do not know that Indians will make a quick minced meat out of all these just like Americans did to Talib-bozos of Afghanistan.

These Mullahto-es can only run insurgencies. They are not men enough to face an army in the open.

Bunch of Eunuchs.

just bunch of Eunuchs.

Dont be stupid..Can Pakistan face America in all out war? i bet you be sleeping with Americans If they ever come to Pakistan..guerilla warfare is necessary to fight off big powers..Russia Afghan war..US vietnam war..and you call them cowards? you are one hell of a big mouth American B!..people like you will be known as Mir Jafar...He mustve thought like you too...how can we defeat British?..they are super power and now he is known as a traitor..History k har dor main Musalmanon ko tum jese logon ne nuksan pohchaya..Infact it is you who got a coward mentality.
I was in Pakistan when TTP started attacking. India is blamed for TTP and BLA and turns out it is terrorist with rogue PA and ISI officers to compromise Peace process and not allowing Democratic govt. to make change and reduce tensions with India.

How the hell they get into Airforce base and Naval Base and destroy the aircrafts that will cast doubt on India.

It was a marster stroke. :azn:

I am good in fiction. @haviZsultan Can I become journalist in Pakistan.
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........guerilla warfare is necessary to fight off big powers
..Russia Afghan war
..US vietnam war..and you call them cowards?...

This is the problem with Jih@di sympathizers, and the likes of these beardo mullahs like saeed.

you all do not study the war history. Just look at the 5th grade chalta maal tv talk show words and then come over here and spew ignorance in such an arrogant way.

Russia Afghan war was only carried out when another super power aka America was providing everything from nails to bullets to guns to stingers. If this support was not there, the Muj would have been minced meat long long time ago and Afgahanistanis would be living under Commie boots by now.

Same thing with vietnam. The guerrillas took huge amount of funding, weapons, and protection from the anti-US super powers.

If the important support and infrastructure is not in place, guerilla war becomes pathetic, and useless.

Having said that, if this beardo is man enough, then he should go and live and fight in Kashmir.

Living in Muridkay and f@rting at India and America is no bravery. This is a cowardice of nth degree that does nothing but destroys our beautiful and INDEPENDENT country.

But you won't understand. Beardo propaganda had taken out important cells from you. Now you are parroting idiocies, that will result in the death and destruction in Pakistan until one of the three shameful things happen.

1. Pakistan army gets destroyed and these Mullahs live under Indian army boots
2. Or worse, we become bombed out, shell of a country like Islamist jannat of Somalia under Talib-bozo chappals
3. Or even worse, beardos commit a mass nukie suicide turning the fertile fields of Sindh valley into a nuclear wasteland.

This is what madmen like fazlu and saeedu the beardos do to a nice looking countries like Pakistan.

and you Sir are a mad supporter of these Eunuchs. Sorry to say.

So sorry to say.
I was in Pakistan when TTP started attacking..

Wow. You visited Pakistan in the 90s? or more recently. Awesome!

Which cities did you go to?

How the hell they get into Airforce base and Naval Base and destroy the aircrafts .

Just like bodyguards of Indian PM were able to assassinate her with ease.

When some of your most trusted people aka soldiers go nutz in the name of religion, bad things happen. Very very bad things happen.

Pakistan has been cleaning up the rank and file from beardos and nut cases since 2005 when COAS Musharraf's convoy was bombed twice within a time span of few weeks.

But it will take time. long long time.

Beardo propaganda is really really strong. And if you don't have ultimate faith in your country, you will go nutz if you belong to a particular group.

Hope this helps you understand this and so many constipated conspiracy theories being spread by the beardos against our army and our government.

Thank you
@FaujHistorian I was giving conspiracy theory because of another Jnr. TT making stuffs up. :D
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